940 research outputs found

    Radiation Hardness tests with neutron flux on different Silicon photomultiplier devices

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    Radiation hardness is an important requirement for solid state readout devices operating in high radiation environments common in particle physics experiments. The MEGII experiment, at PSI, Switzerland, investigates the forbidden decay μ+e+γ\mu^+ \to \mathrm{e}^+ \gamma. Exploiting the most intense muon beam of the world. A significant flux of non-thermal neutrons (kinetic energy Ek0.5 MeVE_k\geq 0.5 ~MeV) is present in the experimental hall produced along the beamline and in the hall itself. We present the effects of neutron fluxes comparable to the MEGII expected doses on several Silicon PhotoMulitpliers (SiPMs). The tested models are: AdvanSiD ASD-NUV3S-P50 (used in MEGII experiment), AdvanSiD ASD-NUV3S-P40, AdvanSiD ASD-RGB3S-P40, Hamamatsu and Excelitas C30742-33-050-X. The neutron source is the thermal Sub-critical Multiplication complex (SM1) moderated with water, located at the University of Pavia (Italy). We report the change of SiPMs most important electric parameters: dark current, dark pulse frequency, gain, direct bias resistance, as a function of the integrated neutron fluency.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings from Instrumentation for colliding Beam Physics (INSTR-17) 27-02-2017/03-03-2017 Novosibirsk (R

    Modeling the HFC 134a Flow Through Capillary Tubes Using a Two-Fluid Model

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    Turbulent Flow Through Valves of Reciprocating Compressors

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    Anak Krakatau triggers volcanic freezer in the upper troposphere

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    Volcanic activity occurring in tropical moist atmospheres can promote deep convection and trigger volcanic thunderstorms. These phenomena, however, are rarely observed to last continuously for more than a day and so insights into the dynamics, microphysics and electrification processes are limited. Here we present a multidisciplinary study on an extreme case, where volcanically-triggered deep convection lasted for six days. We show that this unprecedented event was caused and sustained by phreatomagmatic activity at Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia during 22-28 December 2018. Our modelling suggests an ice mass flow rate of similar to 5x10(6)kg/s for the initial explosive eruption associated with a flank collapse. Following the flank collapse, a deep convective cloud column formed over the volcano and acted as a 'volcanic freezer' containing similar to 3x10(9)kg of ice on average with maxima reaching similar to 10(10)kg. Our satellite analyses reveal that the convective anvil cloud, reaching 16-18km above sea level, was ice-rich and ash-poor. Cloud-top temperatures hovered around -80 degrees C and ice particles produced in the anvil were notably small (effective radii similar to 20 mu m). Our analyses indicate that vigorous updrafts (>50m/s) and prodigious ice production explain the impressive number of lightning flashes (similar to 100,000) recorded near the volcano from 22 to 28 December 2018. Our results, together with the unique dataset we have compiled, show that lightning flash rates were strongly correlated (R=0.77) with satellite-derived plume heights for this event

    Entropic Gravity, Phase-Space Noncommutativity and the Equivalence Principle

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    We generalize E. Verlinde's entropic gravity reasoning to a phase-space noncommutativity set-up. This allow us to impose a bound on the product of the noncommutative parameters based on the Equivalence Principle. The key feature of our analysis is an effective Planck's constant that naturally arises when accounting for the noncommutative features of the phase-space.Comment: 12 pages. Version to appear at the Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Time dependent transformations in deformation quantization

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    We study the action of time dependent canonical and coordinate transformations in phase space quantum mechanics. We extend the covariant formulation of the theory by providing a formalism that is fully invariant under both standard and time dependent coordinate transformations. This result considerably enlarges the set of possible phase space representations of quantum mechanics and makes it possible to construct a causal representation for the distributional sector of Wigner quantum mechanics.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in the J. Math. Phy