12 research outputs found

    Indonesian Experience in Dealing with Trademark Law: Case Study of Batik SMEs

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    This research aims to observe whether the Trademark Law can contribute to protect Indonesia's batik business, particularly for the small-medium enterprises who produce and sell batik products (ā€œBatik SMEsā€). The individual trademark system has not been successful to support the batik SMEs' business. However, the fact that those SMEs gather in a community, organization, or kinships bring potentials for the development of collective trademarks, which can address the problems that individual trademark cannot anticipate. This research finds that, in order to anticipate the free-trade ā€˜attack,' i.e. imported textiles with batik patterns/motifs; Indonesian batik SMEs need to be nurtured and encouraged to register their own collective trademarks, and to build their branding infrastructure, through local batik community's standardization, and collective batik labeling. This recommendation is also proposed considering the government's ineffective policy on Batikmark. This research will take samples of Batik SMEs in several areas, namely Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Solo, and Jakarta. Those areas have been recalled as some of the centers for Batik production and trading activities. This research is conducted through combining the quantitative and qualitative-empirical methods. Data are collected through literature studies, interviews, as well as questionnaires, including site visits and discussions with the SMEs in those areas

    The Effectiveness of National Collective Management Organization Regulation

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    Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright in Article 89 provides for two National Collective Management Organizations (briefly referred to as LMKN), both of which represent the interests of Authors and the Owners of Related Rights. Both of the said organizations possess the authority to impose, collect, and distribute royalty obtained from commercial users. The Minister of Law and Human Rights inaugurated commissioners assigned to the said Authors\u27 LMKN and Related Rights LMKN. The LMKN is bound to have an operational effect on previously existing LMKs in Indonesia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess whether the existing LMKs feel that their needs are accommodated by the introduction of the LMKN. This research also aims to reveal the causing factors of the conflict which has been occurring between LMK and Authors/ Musicians/Singers, between LMKs, and between LMK and Commercial Users of Songs/Music. This research also aims to elaborate on the existing regulation patterns concerning LMKs worldwide. The research will be conducted by using the normative and empirical legal research method. Normative research will be conducted to examine the normative aspects of LMK and LMKN. On the other hand, empirical research will be aimed at understanding and analyzing the outlook of actors, particularly LMKs existing prior to the 2014 Copyright Law coming into effect. This research is expected to come up with recommendations concerning the regulation of music/song LMKs in Indonesia in the future


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    Setiap orang pasti menginginkan untuk hidup sehat, pemenuhan kesehatan dapat dipenuhi oleh seorang dokter maupun bantuan dari bidan praktik mandiri.Berdasarkan Pasal 9 PERMENKES Nomor 1464/MENKES/PER/X/2010 tentang Izin dan Penyelenggaraan Praktik Bidan, bidan praktik mandiri diberikan kewenangan melakukan pengobatan dalam hal pelayanan kesehatan ibu, kesehatan anak, serta pelayanan reproduksi perempuan dan keluarga berencana. Penulis tertarik melihat pelaksanaannya di lapangan, sebab bisa saja bidan praktik mandiri melakukan pelayanan kesehatan di luar apa yang menjadi kewenangannya dalam melakukan pengobatan terhadap masyarakat. Pengobatan tersebut di khawatirkan akan menimbulkan kerugian-kerugian yang harus dirasakan oleh pasien akibat dari kelalaian maupun kesalahan oleh bidan praktik mandiri. Seiring dengan diberlakukannya Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen, maka pasien sebagai konsumen jasa pelayanan kesehatan praktik bidan akan lebih terjamin hak dan kewajibannya dalam melakukan transaksi terapeutik dengan bidan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah bidan praktik mandiri di Kota Argamakmur telah menjalankan PERMENKES Nomor 1464/MENKES/PER/X/2010 mengenai kewenangannya dalam melakukan pengobatan dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tanggungjawab bidan praktik mandiri terhadap pasien diluar kewenangannya jika terjadi kerugian terhadap pasien dalam upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien sebagai konsumen. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode pendekatan sosiologis/empiristerhadap pelaku bidan praktik mandiri dan pasien sebagai konsumen.Untuk mendapatkan data digunakan melalui wawancara langsung terhadap responden dan melalui studi pustaka.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PERMENKES Nomor 1464/MENKES/ PER/X/2010 di Kota Argamakmur belum dijalankan secara optimaloleh bidan praktik mandiri.Kemudian tanggungjawab yang diberikan oleh bidan praktik mandiri adalah berupa rujukan terhadap pasien kepada dokter atau fasilitas pelayanan umum seperti rumah sakit atau puskesmas. Kata kunci : Perlindungan, Pasien, Bidan Prakti

    Development of Collective Trademark for Batik Industry in Kampung Batik Laweyan (Laweyan Batik's Village), Solo

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    In the previous research, it was found that the individual trademark system has not been effectively utilized to support the business of batik SMEs, particularly in several Batik industry centers in Java, namely Bantul in Yogyakarta province, Kauman in Pekalongan, and Laweyan in Solo. However, the fact that those SMEs gather in a community, organization, or kinships bring potentials for development of collective trademarks, which can address the problems that individual trademark cannot anticipate. This can also be a strategy to anticipate the free-trade ā€˜attack,' i.e. imported textiles with batik patterns/motifs; yet not the original Indonesian Batik. Therefore, Indonesian batik SMEs need to be nurtured and encouraged to register their own collective trademarks, and to build their branding infrastructure, through local batik community's standardization, and collective batik labeling. This present research focuses on the development of collective trademark utilization by one long-known Batik community in Solo province, Kampung Batik Laweyan

    Model Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dalam Mewujudan Good Governance

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    This research is a research that aims to identify and examine the application of authority related to environmental management in Way Kanan Regency and to find a model of good environmental supervision and management in the district by the Environment Agency in realizing good governance. The method used in this study is a normative-empirical research method using a statute approach and in-depth interviews. The findings of this study are that the implementation of the authority of the environmental services in the regions is not optimal so that environmental damage occurs and the model of environmental protection and management, waste and waste that uses the principles of good governance is optimal. It is hoped that future regulations related to the authority of the environmental services in the regions must have broad powers, covering aspects of planning, implementation, supervision and law enforcement. Its duties and functions must integrate the coordination and operational functions, and there is a clear arrangement of relations between institutions related to environmental management

    Analysis of changes in public behavior regarding 3M health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has occurred in Indonesia since March 2020. The pandemic period required adjustments in all sectors of life, including changes in people's behavior, namely spending more time at home. Changes in peopleā€™s behavior are needed to break the chain of Covid-19 transmissions, one of which is the implementation of Health protocols. Research on the behavior of the Indonesian people in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic includes public knowledge and understanding, compliance in implementing the 3M health protocols, and the important factors that influence changes in people's behavior to comply with the health protocol. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires, surveys to crowd locations and FGDs. National online and offline surveys are divided into 3 regions, namely Java, West Indonesia and East Indonesia. The analysis was carried out using statistical methods, namely dependency analysis, factor analysis, and multinomial regression. The conclusion is that people who have implemented the 3M protocol and have confidence in the effectiveness of 3M tend to believe that the 3M protocol is important to continue to be implemented. In addition, it is known that social media, TV, and online media almost always ranked in the top three of the most media respondents to get information about the importance of implementing health protocols.