9 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Operator

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    The Neutrosophic Bonferroni operator is a novel operator that we provide in this paper. Then the arithmetic operations for Neutrosophic Bonferroni operator is developed which tells the existence of Neutrosophic Bonferroni operator. Then its properties were discussed with special cases. To group decision-making issues with several attributes, arithmetic ranking operations and the Neutrosophic approach are used. The result is compared with the existing methodology. The suggested approach will more accurately give the decision maker the ideal attribute than the existing system does. Neutrophic multicriteria is a method of decision-making that makes use of ambiguity to integrate various criteria or factors—often with imprecise or ambiguous data—to reach a result. The neutrosophic multicriteria analysis enables the assessment of subjective and qualitative factors, which can assist in resolving conflicting goals and preferences. In Neutrosophic Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making (NMAGDM) problems, all the data supplied by the decision makers (DMs) is expressed in single-value Neutrosophic triangular and trapezoidal numbers, which are studied in this work and can improve the flexibility and precision of capturing uncertainty and aggregating preferences


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    ABSTRAKAdanya kewajiban dosen (Perguruan Tinggi) untuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat, KKN mahasiswa  , serta Program pemerintah kota  Surabaya untuk pengentasan Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR), merupakan tantangan bagi Perguruan Tinggi untuk berpartisiasi.  Di sisi lain, salah satu kerajinan yang sedang booming adalah ecoprint.  Beberapa alasannya adalah : (i) proses produksi tidak terlalu sulit, tidak sesulit membatik, serta (ii) di wilayah Kelurahan Keputih kaya akan tanaman yang daunnya dapat digunakan untuk produksi ecoprint. Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat  ITS menggandeng UMKM Sinawa Ecoprint dan Any’s Art & Craft untuk memberdayakan ibu-ibu rumah tangga (pemberdayaan Wanita) warga Kelurahan Keputih, khususnya Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah.  Kegiatan ini meliputi pelatihan produksi ecoprint, dilanjutkan  dengan mengadopsi konsep sistem intiplasma, UMKM Sinawa Ecoprint dan Any’s Art & Craft sebagai inti yang akan menyediakan sarana produksi, menampung dan memasarkan hasil kerajinan ecoprint  ibu-ibu rumah tangga warga Keputih, secara berkelanjutan. Setelah  ibu-ibu rumah tangga terampil menghasilkan  ecoprint, mereka  dapat mejual hasil ecoprint,  sehingga mendapatkan  tambahan penghasilan bagi keluarga. Selain itu, dampak kegiatan ini diharapkan turut serta berperan dalam upaya PEMKOT Surabaya untuk pengentasan kemiskinan melalui pemberdayaan wanita. Kata Kunci : pemberdayaan wanita; ecoprint; inti-plasma; berkelanjutan; MBR ABSTRACTThe existence of the obligation of lecturers (Universities) for community service, student community service activities (KKN), and the Surabaya city government program for alleviating Low-Income Communities (MBR), is a challenge for universities to participate. On the other hand, one of the booming crafts is ecoprint. Some of the reasons are: (i) the production process is not too difficult, not as difficult as batik, and (ii) the Keputih Village area is rich in plants whose leaves can be used for ecoprint production. The ITS Community Service Team collaborates with the Sinawa Ecoprint and Any's Art & Craft SMEs to empower housewives (Women Empowerment) residents of Keputih Village, especially Low-Income Community. This activity includes training on ecoprint production, followed by adopting the concept of the nucleus plasma system, the MSME Sinawa Ecoprint and Any's Art & Craft as the core which will provide production facilities, accommodate and market the ecoprint handicrafts of Keputih housewives, in a sustainable manner. After skilled housewives produce ecoprints, they can sell the ecoprints, thereby earning additional income for the family. In addition, the impact of this activity is expected to play a role in the Surabaya City Government's efforts to alleviate poverty through empowering women. Keywords: women empowerment; ecoprints; nucleus-plasma system; sustainable; low-income communit

    The Performance of Ramsey Test, White Test and Terasvirta Test in Detecting Nonlinearity

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    The objective of this research is to compare Ramsey test, White test and Terasvirta test in the identification of nonlinearity. Ramsey test is a test based on the regression specification error test. While White test and Terasvirta test are based on neural network models. The difference between White test and Terasvirta test is in determining its weight, White test based on random sampling, while Terasvirta test based on Taylor expansion. Simulation studies are carried out with various scenarios in each test by generating linear models, linear models with outliers and nonlinear models. The results of the simulation study showed that Terasvirta test had better power than Ramsey test and White test in detecting nonlinearity. Terasvirta test is also more sensitive to the presence of outliers in linear models

    Modelling causality between agricultural and meteorological drought indices in the Corong River basin, East Java Indonesia

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    The Lamongan Regency is an area in East Java, Indonesia, which often experiences drought, especially in the south. The Corong River basin is located in the southern part of Lamongan, which supplies the irrigation area of the Gondang Reservoir. Drought monitoring in the Corong River basin is very important to ensure the sustainability of the agricultural regions. This study aims to analyse the causal relationship between meteorological and agricultural drought indices represented by standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and standard normalisation difference vegetation index (NDVI), using time series regression. The correlation between NDVI and SPEI lag 4 has the largest correlation test results between NDVI and SPEI lag, which is 0.41. This suggests that the previous four months of meteorological drought impacted the current agricultural drought. A time series regression model strengthens the results, which show a causal relationship between NDVI and SPEI lag. According to the NDVI-SPEI-1 lag 4 time series model, NDVI was influenced by NDVI in the previous 12 periods, and SPEI-1 in the last four periods had a determinant coefficient value of 0.4. This shows that the causal model between SPEI-1 and NDVI shows a fairly strong relationship for drought management in agricultural areas (irrigated areas) and is considered a reliable and effective tool in determining the severity and duration of drought in the study area