59 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Bantu Fiksasi Pemeriksaan Radiografi Lumbal Oblik

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    Background: The oblique lumbar examination has been carried out. The position of object isn't object angle at 45° to the image receptor, but only estimate it. It caused not optimal image of scottie dog sign and spondylolysis (pressure in pars interarticularis). Therefore, an examination aid is needed to make it easier to obtain the position of the oblique lumbar object.Methods: This research design is a RnD study with the ADDIE model which is carried out with five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data is carried out by observing, designing, testing, and analyzing whether there are artifacts.Results: An oblique lumbar radiographic examination fixation aid was produced from acrylic material with a thickness of 5 mm. Acrylic is shaped like a right-angled triangular prism building which has a longer base measuring 50 cm, width 42 cm, and height 25 cm. A rectangular base with a length of 50 cm is pressed against the patient's body so that the supporting part of the angled triangle that supports the patient's lumbar region or the patient's body does not shift during an oblique lumbar radiography examination. This tool has a mass dimension of 2.5kg.Conclusion: The design of the oblique lumbar radiographic examination fixation tool resembles a right-angled triangular prism with one side tilted at a 45 degree angle to adjust the position of the object so that it can obtain a good view of the Scottie dog sign to show part of the pars interarticularis

    Informasi Diagnostik Pemeriksaan Appendikografi Oral dan USG dalam Menegakkan Diagnosis Appendisitis

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    Background: Patients with suspected appendicitis are always asked by the sending doctor (Pediatric Surgeon) to ask for an oral appendicography examination without seeking other investigations such as ultrasound or CT scan. Whereas in the oral appendicography examination, false negative often occurs so that the patient is exposed to radiation several times until the barium reaches the caecum area and no more barium is still in the small intestine. Compared to the oral appendicography examination, ultrasound examination is easier in patient preparation, cheaper in terms of cost and more safety against the dangers of X-ray radiation.Methods: This research is a descriptive analytic study conducted with a cross sectional approach. The study was conducted by providing interventions for ultrasound examination before carrying out an oral appendicography examination. Ultrasound examination of the appendix is an examination using ultrasound waves with a frequency of 5-7.5 MHz or 2-4 MHz to diagnose appendicitis. Oral appendicography examination is a radiological examination to confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis using 100 grams of barium sulfate contrast medium diluted to a volume of 200 ml that is administered orally.Results: Diagnostic information obtained on oral appendicography examination of suspected appendicitis in radiology department Roemani Hospital, among others, can show the presence of calcification and the length of the appendix organs can be measured. Diagnostic information obtained on ultrasound examination of suspected appendicitis, among others, can show the presence of debris (pus), can evaluate the thickness of the intestinal wall and its vascularity.Conclusion: Ultrasound examination for suspected appendicitis is the first choice in diagnosing appendicitis than oral appendicography because it can be done in a faster, safer, more convenient and non-invasive manner and the cost of ultrasound is cheaper than oral appendicography


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    Background: Tube voltage (kVp) is one of the exposure factors on a head CT scan that can be varied to achieve a minimal radiation dose. Radiology installation of Bhakti Wira Tamtama hospital has a new CT scan modality that never variation its tube voltage. The variation of tube voltage is 80 kVp, 100 kVp, and 120 kVp. The aim of this research is to know and to analyse the most optimize tube voltage which can produce the best anatomy clarity and has the lowest radiation dose on a head CT scan examination of the base skull area that dominates CT scan examination.Methods: This research is descriptive analytic research conducted with an experimental approach. The study was conducted by varying the tube voltage to be used for head CT scan examination. There are 3 variations of tube voltage 80 kVp, 100 kVp, and 120 kVp where one variation contains 16 images for analyzing the clear anatomy of the base skull area. Then assessed by radiologists as the respondent. Data was analyzed by scoring where score 1 is not clear, score 2 is clear and score 3 is very clear. Radiation dose was obtained from CTDI and DLP records.Results: The results showed that there is no difference in anatomy clarity between variation of three tube voltage with p value 0,135. The anatomical clarity assessed includes anterior skull base, central skull base (fossa cranial middle, sphenoid, temporal bone, petrosous ridge), anterior clinoid processes, posterior margin of the lesser sphenoid wings, anterior and superior rim of the greater sphenoid wings, mastoid, and posterior skull base. All of them is very clear at 100 kVp and 120 kVp with value 100%. But at 80 kVp assessed clear at anterior and posterior skull base. So the value of anatomy clarity at 80 kVp is very clear only 71%. The effect of the difference in tube voltage on the radiation dose on a head CT scan of the base skull area showed a difference in the decrease in radiation dose from 120 kVp to 100 kVp for CTDI 39.9% and DLP 40.19%. There was a decrease in radiation dose from 100 kVp to 80 kVp for CTDI 52% and DLP 49.88%.Conclusion: The tube voltage setting on head CT scan examination of the base skull area can be applied with 100 kVp because this is evidenced by the same total score at 100 kVp and 120 kVp, which is 100% is very clear, while at 80 kVp tube voltage only 71% is very clear. And the radiation dose at 100 kVp is lower than 120 kVp

    Efek Radiasi terhadap Perubahan Jumlah Leukosit dan Eritrosit pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Sebelum dan Setelah Radioterapi

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    Background: Breast cancer is second cancer after a lung cancer as a cause of death from cancer in women. Breast cancer patients underwent radiotherapy using Co-60 with a total dose of 50 Gy and fractionated doses 2 Gy/day. Ionizing radiation takes a bad affect blood cells (leucocytes and erythrocytes). The purpose of this research to find out the changing in the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in breast cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy.Methods: The research uses the quantitative method with survey approach. Samples size in this research is 30 women who had breast cancer stage III. The independent variable of this research is radiotherapy treatment with  Co-60, with 50 Gy total dose and fractionated dose about 2 Gy with 5 times in one week. The dependent variable in this research is the changing in the number of leucocytes and erythrocytes before irradiation, after 5 times irradiation and after 10 times irradiation. Data analyze used statistical with a comparative method to take a result.Results: The results have found the average number of leucocytes in breast cancer patients before radiotherapy ±6,41 thousand/”L after the irradiation  5 times decrease to ±5,38 thousand/”L and after the irradiation, 10 times decrease to ±4,50 thousand/”L. The average number of erythrocytes in breast cancer patients before radiotherapy ±4,50 million/”L, after the irradiation 5 times decrease to ±4,17 million/”L and after the irradiation 10 times to decrease to ±3.90 million/”L. Based on the statistical test, the results have found significant value 0,000 0.05, then Ha is accepted. It means there are changes in the number of leucocytes and erythrocytes in breast cancer patients before and after radiotherapy.Conclusion: Leukocyte levels change is a decline of 1:03 thousand / mL or at 16:07%. Whereas after irradiation with 5 times to 10 times after irradiation decreased by 0.88 thousand / mL or 16:36%. Erythrocyte levels change is a decline of 0:33 million / mL or at 7:33%. Whereas after irradiation with 5 times to 10 times after irradiation decreased by 0:27 million / mL or 5:04

    Analisis Variasi Penyudutan Arah Sinar Terhadap Informasi Anatomi Pedis Proyeksi Anteroposterior

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    Background : Many hospitals in the examination of pedis AP projection use 0Âș or perpendicular. It is not based on the theory. So that, it is done research about the variation of direction angle of AP projection in pedis examination toward anatomy information. The examination is aim to find how big the direction angle toward anatomy information which is result by examination pedis AP projection and angle which is result by optimal anatomy information.Methods : The research which is used descriptive quantitative research by experiment approach. The research is done by pedis phantom which eksposes four times with same expose factor with difference angle variation 0Âș, 5Âș, 10Âș and 15Âș cephalad and quenstionnaire filling. The research using the independent variable is the direction angle on the examination pedis AP projection and the dependent variable is anatomical information on the radiograph pedis AP projection. The quenstionnaire is filled by three respondents, they are Radiologist. The scoring result of the respondents processes and present in table and graphic to describe and analyse for getting conclusion.Results : From the scoring result, it is seen the influence of angle toward pedis anatomy information difference.When use of the angle 0Âș and 5Âș cephalad show very clear navicular. While the angle of 10Âș cephalad show open joint space between medial cuneiform and the intermediate cuneiform and a very clear  cuboid. The angle of 15Âș cephalad shows a very clear tarsometatarsal joint. And then, the angle which is yield optimal anatomy information in examination pedis AP projection is the  angle of 10 Âș cephalad.Conclusion : The radiographic technique of the AP projection pedis with a variation of 0Âș, 5Âș, 10Âș and 15Âș cephalad produces different anatomical information. At angle 0Âș and 5Âș showing very clear navicular, 10Âș cephalad revealed joints between the medial cuneiform and intermediate cuneiform and cuboid and 15Âș cephalad shows the tarsometatarsal joint very clearly. The optimal angle in generating anatomical information on the AP projection examination is 10 Âș cephalad


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    Backgroud: Kidney disease is a clinical situation which is indicated by the decreasing of kidney functions and MSCT is one of the modalities to diagnose that function. Aim to identify the differences in image information with filter variation abdomen medium smooth and  Mediastinum Standard.Methods: The method was the experimental research using research planning Post Test Only Group Design. The sampling was chosen consecutively. There were 3 Radiolog and  32 citra on the examination of MSCT abdomen without positive contrast media in Salatiga Public Hospital.Results :The intervention validity experiment after a tracking filter with variations, kruskal Wallis test results. There are meaningful differences shows vlue of p value 0,000 (p0,05), so that continued analysis of the Mann Whitney. The results of the analysis of the Mann Whitney pointed out that there is a difference between real or significant group of filter Medium Smooth Abdomen with Abdominal filter Medium Sharp/Mediastinum Standard Sig0.05 p value 0.000).Conclusion: a variation of the filter is able to identify the existence of a difference image information tracktus optimal unirarius MSCT abdomen after tracking by using the best filtr Medium Sharp Abdomen/Mediastinum Standard


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    Bitewing radiography is a valuable tool in detecting and monitoring dental decay and other oral health problems and is typically performed as part of a routine dental examination. It has certain limitations that should be considered. Some of these limitations may cause discomfort or pain to the patient if not positioned correctly. Some patients may find biting down on the film holder difficult or have a strong gag reflex, making the procedure uncomfortable or even impossible. Bitewing radiography can be costly, especially if it needs to be performed regularly, which may limit access to this diagnostic tool for some patients. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a dental X-ray positioner with a silicone layer on the quality of radiographic images in posterior bitewing dental examinations. Using this positioner was expected to improve the precision of radiographic interpretation and subsequent patient treatment. The study used a multivariate general linear model to analyze the data obtained from radiographic images using the X-ray positioner with the silicone layer and the conventional X-ray positioner. The results showed no significant difference in image quality between the two positioners, indicating that adding the silicone layer did not significantly improve image quality. However, using any X-ray positioner is still beneficial in ensuring accurate radiographic interpretation and subsequent patient treatment


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    Background: Shoulder joint examination of the scapular "Y" method in one hospital uses a body rotation of 350 – 450 whereas in theory the position of the patient's body is rotated so mid coronal plane (MCP) forms an angle of 450 – 600 to the image receptor (IR). Therefore it is necessary to conduct research to obtain optimal anatomy information of shoulder joint. The purpose of this research is to know the information of shoulder joint anatomy and to know the optimal body rotation in showing the anatomy information of shoulder joint.Methods: The type of research is experimental research with descriptive approach. Methods of data collection conducted by experiment and observation. This research conducted with phantom thorax which was exposed six times, same exposure factor and the variation body rotation 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 and complete questioner. The questionnaire was completed by three radiologists. Scoring results of the respondents are processed and presented in the tables and graphs to be described and analyzed.Results: The results examination shoulder joint with scapular "Y" method is a different assessment variation on each shoulder joint anatomy information, distortion on the radiographs, and the optimal rotation of the body is a rotation of 550 to IR. This refers theory from Frank, Long, and Smith (2012) that the clinical indication of suspected dislocation shoulder joint scapular "Y" method uses the patient standing upright and the position of the body object is rotated so that the MCP of the body forms an angle of 450-600 to IR.Conclusion: The radiographic technique of the AP projection pedis with a variation of 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 produces different anatomical information. There are distortions and differences in anatomical information which includes the location of the coracoid process under the clavicula, humeral head superposition with glenoid cavity, body of scapula free from ribs, acromion projected laterally and not superposition, medial border scapula superposition with lateral border scapula. The greater the body's rotation towards IR, the greater the distortion that occurs. The optimal angle in generating anatomical information on the scapular “Y” view method examination is 50 Âș that very useful to evaluate dislocation of shoulder joint


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    Background: Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in radiology is named automatic image interpretation of neuroimaging stroke. It takes a short time to minimize the patient's brain damage. Purpose: Determine the role of AI in ischemic brain stroke MRI examination and find out the advantages and disadvantages of applying AI to ischemic brain stroke MRI examination. Review: It was a descriptive and qualitative study with a literature review approach. The selection of articles used the ScienceDirect, Scopus, ProQuest, PubMed, and Publish or Perish databases. The inclusion criteria included full articles, with the topic of AI on ischemic brain stroke MRI examinations published in the 2017 – 2022 range, articles published by English-language international journals with a classification of Q1 – Q3, and having DOI. Seven relevant pieces of article were obtained, then descriptive analysis was carried out by comparing and presenting the articles descriptively in tabular form. Result: The role of AI in MRI brain examination with clinical ischemic stroke, namely its role in automatic lesion segmentation, Time Since Stroke (TSS) classification, and infarct volume prediction. The advantages of AI included short image processing times and accurate results. The disadvantages of AI tended to decrease performance in small lesions, a large number of patients, limited data, and false positive results. The value of the Dice Score Coefficient (DSC) (0.53 – 0.86) was already high even though it had not reached 1 because it depended on the strength of the data used. Conclusion: The role of AI in MRI imaging of ischemic brain stroke helps in the diagnosis and prognosis of ischemic stroke patients. AI in stroke neuroimaging has advantages in time effectiveness and disadvantages in data limitations


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    Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) merupakan penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah yang disebabkan penyempitan arteri koroner yang mengakibatkan aterosklerosis. Black Garlic telah dievaluasi penggunaannya dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan hiperkolesterolemia yang mengarah pada PJK. Survey kependudukan pada tahun 2018 jumlah lansia pada RW 02 Kelurahan Sambiroto berjumlah 342. Keluhan pada lansia terkait permasalahan penyakit degeneratif seperti diabetes, kardiovaskular, osteoporosis, alzheimer, kanker. Sehingga perlu edukasi konsumsi Black Garlic mengingat khasiatnya yang besar dalam mencegah dan mengobati PJK.Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan edukasi pembuatan Black Garlic secara mandiri untuk kemudian dikonsumsi untuk pencegahan PJK. Uji laboratorium menunjukkan hasil Black Garlic memiliki prosentase antioksidan dan phenol yang lebih tinggi daripada bawang putih.Praktek langsung pembuatan Black Garlic oleh masyarakat didapatkan hasil proses pembuatan selama kurun waktu 14 hari berupa olahan bawang putih yang telah terfermentasi menjadi bawang hitam (Black Garlic). Tolok ukur keberhasilan dinilai dari rasa Black Garlic yang manis dan asam dengan tekstur yang kenyal seperti dodol yang bisa dikonsumsi sehari-hari untuk memperlancar peredaran darah sehingga dapat mencegah penyakit jantung koroner
