250 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Gigi Terhadap Motivasi Memeriksakan Gigi Anak Remaja

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    Motivasi menjadi suatu hal yang kompleks namun penting untuk membawa perubahan perilaku yang meningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Peningkatan motivasi atau dorongan kepada seseorang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keinginan sesorang dalam menyelesaikan masalah kesehatan yang dihadapinya. Performa pada setiap individu didasarkan pada sejauh mana mereka termotivasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan gigi intensif terhadap motivasi memeriksakan gigi pada anak remaja.Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah literatur review yaitu penelitian dilakukan dengan menelaah sumber data yang  berupa buku, artikel dalam database jurnal penelitian baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri melalui pencarian e-journal, regulasi-regulasi pemerintah, dan sumber artikel internet yang bisa dipertanggung jawabkan..Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan dan motivasi responden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan  pendidikan kesehatan gigi menunjukan bahwa terjadinya perubahan yang tandai dengan peningkatan nilai  rata - rata tingkat pengetahuan  dan motivasi responden setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan gigi

    The Effect of Gargling Areca Nut Extract (Areca catechu L) 2,5% Against Plaque pH and Saliva pH

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    ABSTRACTThe most common dental and oral health problems are dental caries and periodontal disease caused by dental plaque. Dental plaque is a soft deposit consisting of microorganisms found on a matrix that is formed and adheres tightly to the tooth surface. Bacteria in plaque will metabolize food waste, especially the type that can be fermented so that it will produce acid. The acid produced will lower the plaque pH to 4.5-5.0 wthin 1-3 minutes and return to normal at pH 7 within 30-60 minutes. Plaque buildup on the tooth surfaces is related to plaque pH salivary pH. The continuous decrease in plaque pH and salivary pH will cause demineralization. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of gargling betel nut extract (Areca catechu L) 2.5% on plaque pH and salivary pH.The study was a quasi-experiment research with two group pretest-posttest design. The sample used in this study were 16 samples, 6th graders at SDN Pontianak Utara using the Total Sampling method. The sample was instructed to rinse with a 2.5 % betel nut extract moutwash solution and measure the plaque pH and salivary pH before and after gargling. The control group rinsed with 1% povidone iodine (Betadine Moutwash). Data analysis using the tes Wilcoxon to find out the difference between the influence variables and the affected variables.The results of this study based on the test were Wilcoxon test, the results showed that the average plaque pH before and after gargling with betel nut extract was 2.5% 7.06 and 7.22 p-value = 0.000 (p 0.05). The average pH of saliva before and after gargling a 2.5% betel nut extract solution was 6.56 and 5.59 p-value = 0.000 (p 0.05). So it can be concluded that gargling 2.5% betel nut extract solution has an effect on changes plaque pH and salivary pH. 


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    Children are vulnerable to caries and other dental diseases because they still need help from parents and families to guide them in maintaining the cleanliness of their teeth and mouth. One effort to improve dental and oral health is by maintaining dental and oral health. However, people often ignore their dental and oral health problems caused by lack of knowledge of dental and oral health. Insufficient knowledge about dental and oral hygiene is one reason that children ignore dental and oral health problems. One of the ways to improve dental and oral health knowledge is through dental and oral health education. And success in efforts to educate dental health in school children is inseparable from the educational method and the importance of the role of a media because it can support the learning process, facilitate students in understanding learning material. Through the media, the messages delivered can be more interesting and easy to understand. One of the media used is busy book. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the busy book media on the level of dental and oral health knowledge in grade 3 elementary school students. The type of this study was quantitative with a quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest group design study design. The sample of this study was grade 3 students of SDN Rowocacing in Pekalongan Regency with 18 students from the busy book group. Data analysis using Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test. The results of the statistical test with the Wilcoxon test showed that there were differences in knowledge between before and after counseling, the value of p-value of busy media book = 0,000 means that there were differences before and after counseling using the busy book media. The Mann-Whitney test showed that there was a significant difference in effectiveness between counseling and the busy book media on increasing dental and oral health knowledge with p-value = 0.02

    The Influence of Long Time and Quality of Mother's According Through Peer Group Support on Behavior Changes and Debris Index in Children with Disabilities

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    Children with special needs have limited intelligence and motor skills that cause a lack of dental and oral health maintenance. Children with special needs are at risk of developing dental and oral diseases. Therefore, it is very necessary to assist parents in maintaining the dental and oral health of children with special needs. Assistance for parents of children with special needs has been carried out 4 times in a period of 2 years on an ongoing basis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the length and quality of maternal assistance on behavioral changes and the debris index of children with special needs in Meteseh. This type of research is pre-experimental with a pretest and posttest one group design. The sample in this study were 30 parents and children with special needs. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis, Wilcoxon test to determine differences in knowledge and attitudes of crew members and debris index before and after treatment. The Mann-Whitney Test was used to determine differences in the knowledge and attitudes of parents of children with disabilities to changes in debris index of children with disabilities. The results obtained indicate an increase in the knowledge and attitudes of children with disabilities Sparents. The debris index of children with disabilities Shas decreased but is still not enough to change the children with disabilities 's actions in maintaining dental and oral health into a good category. Assistance to parents of children with special needs needs to be carried out further and children with special needs still need more parental participation to achieve good dental and oral health measures.


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    TITLETHE DIFFERENCE OF PH SALIVA IN WOMEN RINSED WITH TEA BAG AND CRUSHED IN PKK KELURAHAN MUKTIHARJO KIDULABSTRACTTea is an herbal product that has the ability to increase salivary pH and has an antibacterial effect. Tea has antibacterial and anticariogenic effects that can decrease saliva and plaque acidity so that it is effective in preventing caries. Almost half of the PKK mothers had moderate tooth decay. Every day they consume tea either tea bag or tea tubruk. The aim of this research is to know the difference of change of mouthwash of tea bag and tea tubruk to saliva pH.Type of research used is Experiment. The research method used in this research is Quasi Eksperiment or often called quasi experiment is a research with the existence of a treatment to the sample group but there is no control group (all groups of samples get treatment). The design of this study using two groups of subjects namely pretest and posttest. Sample used as many as 24 people. Sampling technique that will be used in this research is total sampling that is entire population used as sample. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive quantitative.The results showed changes in salivary pH before and after rinsing tea bags and tea tubruk before rinsing tea showed average salivary pH 6.6, after rinsing tea dye showed average salivary pH 7.6 with difference of 1.0 and before rinsing tea tubruk average saliva pH is 6.8, after rinsing tea tubruk average saliva pH is 7.4 with difference 0,6. From this study it can be concluded that gargling tea can increase saliva pH higher than tubruk tea, so it is advisable to rinse / consume tubruk tea in order to cope with the increase of high salivary pH. Key words : Tea Bag, Tea Tubruk, pH of Saliv

    Mapping of dental caries incidence based on geographical information system (gis) in elementary school

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    Background: Dental caries in Central Java, Indonesia is still important problem, around 43.45% even prevalence of caries in early childhood is still high around 82%. As an effort to control and prevent increasing that case, a risk analysis is needed to determine the risk factors supporting caries. Geographical information system (GIS) as a delivery of information on the spread of disease to support planning efforts. Aim of this study is to determine mapping of distribution dental caries incidence based on GIS concerned to analysis of caries risk factors at Elementary School in Semarang. Methods: Using cross sectional analytic survey with spatial vector map data of 31 public elementary schools at Banyumanik district, Central Java and attribute data on distribution of dental caries. Mapping distribution of caries incidence based on secondary data from City Health Office and Community Health Centre using (Quantum GIS QGIS) and Web GIS software. Results: Elementary schools with caries risk factor environment were good (n=16, 52%) and bad (n=15, 48%), otherwise those with health services were good (n=22, 71%) and bad (n=9, 29%). There was a relationship between caries risk factors and dental caries incidence (p value=0.004) and OR 19.83 (environment) and p value=0.027 and OR 7.917 (health services). Conclusion: Mapping distribution of caries incidence based on GIS was in a very high category influenced by bad environmental factors and poor health services


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    TITLELobak stew (Raphanus sativus L) to dental plaqueABSTRACTStreptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus spp. and Candida albicans are the dominant microorganisms found in dental plaque, acidogenic and acidophilic in nature and have the ability to convert carbohydrate to acid. Plaque control is an effort to remove and prevent plaque buildup on tooth surfaces that can be done mechanically or chemically. Radish extract can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans in biofilm formation in vitro. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of stewed water rinse of radish (Raphanus sativus L) to the formation of dental plaque.This study is a quasi-experimental research with Pre-and Post-test Group design. The sample in this study is the students of grade V and VI SDN Kadirejo 03 Semarang regency, amounting to 34 students. The samples were divided into two groups, the first group was given 50% concentration of stewed waterof radish and the second group was given 100% concentration of stewed waterof radish each for 30 seconds followed by index plaque measurement by PHP (Personal Hygiene Performance) method. The data obtained were analyzed using statistical Independent t-test.The results showed that 100% concentration of stewed waterof radish can decrease the index plaque by 0.34 while 50% concentration of stewed waterof radish can decrease the index plaque by 0.28. But statistics show no difference of stewed water rinse of radish of 100% concentration and 50% concentration. From the research results can be recommended to conduct research by material extraction methods that do not damage the active substance of the material. Keywords : Stewed of radish (Raphanus sativus L), dental plaqu


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    TITLEThe dental nurse responsible to appropriate and incompetent dental servicesABSTRACTAuthority possessed by a dental nurse to perform ministerial duties is the legal authority (rechtsbevoegheid). On the basis of this authority, a health worker is entitled to treatment in accordance with their competence. When the administrative requirements to carry out the profession have been met, then the dental nurse as a profession carrier has obtained the professional authority in the work. However, if a health worker do the job without authority, may be considered to violate one of the professional standards of health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the responsibility of Dental Nurses implementation of the actions of dental health services in Bergas PHC, Duren PHC and Suruh PHC in district of Semarang. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe systematically and accurately the facts and characteristics of the population or about a particular field. This study sought to describe a situation or event. The instrument used was the questionnaire.From the results of the study conducted by researchers in the field of the Dental Nurses at Duren PHC, Duren PHC and Suruh PHC in district of Semarang by interview can be seen and showed that the majority of Dental Nurses who work in clinics have been carrying out job responsibilities properly in accordance with the competence of Nurses teeth and is in conformity with the laws and regulations governing dental Nurses. But also the results obtained that a small portion Dental Nurses who perform actions beyond the competence stipulated in the legislation governing the dental nurse. Keywords : Responsibilities of Dental Nurses, Dental Health Care Measure


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    TITLETHE DIFFERENCE OF COUNSELING WITH VIDEO MEDIA AND HAND PUPPETS TO IMPROVING KNOWLEDGE OF DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTSABSTRACT Knowledge less regarding oral hygiene is one cause of child neglect oral health problems. Knowledge of oral health in children of school groups deserve special attention because at this age children are undergoing the growth process of previous dental situation will influence the development of dental health in adulthood. Through training programs is expected to increase knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of maintaining oral health and able to participate actively in increasing efforts to nurture ourselves.Purpose of this study is to know the difference influence of illumination using video media and a hand puppet to the improvement of oral health.This study is a quasi experimental design with Two Group Design. Samples are students of SD Islam Diponegoro sampling purposive sampling technique. This study using univariate and bivariate data analysis with the Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney.This study shows that oral health education using video media and hand puppets influential in promoting oral health knowledge it can be seen from the pre-accession and post-test tet each with a value of p 0.05. But based on the statistical test no significant difference illumination using video media and hand puppets get the value of p = 0.465, which means p 0.005.Each media effective in improving knowledge but there is no significant difference between the method of video and hand puppets to increased knowledge of elementary school children about oral health

    Dental Health Education Using gigi.id Application to Elementary School Students in Banjarmasin City

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    Background : the most common oral health problem experienced by school-age children is dental caries. The cause of oral problems, one of which is the lack of knowledge of the importance of maintaining oral health. Good knowledge of oral health can be pursued through educational activities, such as counseling using the media, including electronic media in the form of the gigi.id application. Aim : examined the differences in the effectiveness of counseling with the gigi.id application and video playback on the oral health knowledge of elementary school students. Method :this type of research is a quasi-experimental with a cross sectional approach. The normality test of the data was carried out using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and then analyzed using Pair T-test. The effectiveness between media is compared using One Way Anova. The test was continued using the Independent T-test to determine the difference in effectiveness between pairs of extension methods.Result : there was a significant difference with p0.05 in counseling using the gigi.id application media and using lectures. The results of the different test on video playback media did not show a significant difference. The results of the effectiveness test showed that there was a significant difference between methods with p0.05, which was 0.000.The test of differences in effectiveness between pairs of counseling methods, showed a significant difference with p0.05 in counseling couples with video playback and the application of gigi.id, as well as counseling of the lecture method and application of gigi.id.Conclusion : counseling using the gigi.id application is more effective than video playback in increasing students' dental and oral health knowledg