174 research outputs found

    The Economics of Battery Storage for Residential Solar Customers in Southern California

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    Battery storage coupled with solar panels became a consideration after the original net metering program in California (NEM 1.0) ended and gave way to the current net metering program (NEM 2.0). Under NEM 2.0, battery storage gives customers under time-of-use (TOU) rate plans the ability to store the excess electrical energy generated by their panels during sunlight hours (when electricity usage and resale rates are low) and then use that energy in the evening when rates are significantly higher. This reduces the amount of expensive electricity that the customer would have to purchase from the grid. It is widely expected that the current net metering program in California will be replaced by a more restrictive and much less financially attractive program when NEM 3.0 goes into effect in early 2022. The impending introduction of NEM 3.0 has accelerated the rate at which homeowners are installing solar panel arrays and battery storage. In this paper we examine the economics of installing battery storage for residential customers and examine whether battery storage makes financial sense. We use public data to model the electricity bills for an average sized residential customer in southern California and examine how much money this customer can save using battery storage under the current rate plans

    Clinilcal evaluation on concept of Avarana and its influence in Pakshagata

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    Ayurvedic literature highlights the symptoms of Pakshagata as Chesta Nivritti either in Vama or Dakshina Parshwa along with Ruja and Vakstambha. Pakshaghata being one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi is considered as Mahavata Vyadhi, it can occur either due to Dhatukshaya or Margavarana. Pakshaghata can be correlated with Hemiplegia, which results from cerebrovascular accident - stroke. Stroke is defined as sudden onset of neurologic deficit from vascular mechanism 85% is ischemic and 15% are primary hemorrhages. According to the World Health Organization, 15 million people suffer from stroke world wide each year, of these, 5 million die and another 5 million are permanently disabled. Modern science believes that the brain tissues once damaged completely cannot be repaired by the therapies leading to permanent neurological deficit. Hence, the disease has a poor prognosis, making the person disabled dependent. In present article deals with aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and the role of Avarana and management of disease the Pakshagata from Ayurvedic classics

    The Economics of Residential Solar Panels: A Comparison of Energy Charges for Different Load Profiles, Rate Plans, and Panel Orientations

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    This paper examines the effect of different residential electrical load profiles (electrical energy consumption patterns within a day) on energy charges for customers with solar panels under different Southern California Edison time-of-use (TOU) rate plans. We identify the TOU plan which would be the most cost effective for solar customers with each load profile. The impact of the orientation of the solar panel array (whether it faces south or west or east) and shading patterns on electricity charges are examined. We also determine the ideal usage offset (the percentage of electricity consumption provided by the solar array) for the various scenarios presented in this paper. We perform these analyses using actual data for the average sized residential customer of Southern California Edison. While the data we examine are based on solar panel production estimates for southern California, the issues we address, and the methods we use, are applicable to virtually any locality. And our analysis reveals how myriad factors impact the economics of residential solar panel systems regardless of location

    Design and implementation of DA FIR filter for bio-inspired computing architecture

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    This paper elucidates the system construct of DA-FIR filter optimized for design of distributed arithmetic (DA) finite impulse response (FIR) filter and is based on architecture with tightly coupled co-processor based data processing units. With a series of look-up-table (LUT) accesses in order to emulate multiply and accumulate operations the constructed DA based FIR filter is implemented on FPGA. The very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL) is used implement the proposed filter and the design is verified using simulation. This paper discusses two optimization algorithms and resulting optimizations are incorporated into LUT layer and architecture extractions. The proposed method offers an optimized design in the form of offers average miminimizations of the number of LUT, reduction in populated slices and gate minimization for DA-finite impulse response filter. This research paves a direction towards development of bio inspired computing architectures developed without logically intensive operations, obtaining the desired specifications with respect to performance, timing, and reliability

    The Economics of Residential Solar and Battery Storage: Analyzing the Impact of the Joint IOU Proposal for Net Metering 3.0 in California

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    The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is currently deciding on the structure of the next net metering program, which will determine how customers who install solar panels (and battery storage) under this new program will be compensated for excess energy that they export to the grid, and the additional fees that these solar customers will have to pay. The major investor-owned utility (IOU) companies in the state and some legislators have argued that the current net metering programs are far too generous to the customers and that they create an inequity by favoring the wealthy and causing a cost shift to the poorer non-solar customers. The IOUs have jointly proposed a set of regulations to the CPUC. In this paper, we examine the financial implications to residential customers who go solar under the new net metering program if the joint IOU proposal were to be adopted. We examine the case of a hypothetical southern California home that consumes the average amount of electricity (for that region) and estimate its electricity bills for various load profiles, assuming no solar or battery storage, with solar alone, and with solar and battery storage. For the two latter scenarios, we determine the ideal system configuration that will maximize the customer’s financial returns. In all cases, we determine that the joint IOU proposal for net metering will make residential solar panel and battery storage installations financially unattractive even in the best-case scenarios. In short, if the CPUC adopts the joint IOU proposal then residential solar installations in the state would likely come to an abrupt stop. We also analyze the economics of going off-grid (where a customer completely cuts himself off from the electrical grid) and find that it does not make sense for customers to go off-grid without being willing to cut consumption or make other compromises

    Measurement of the β\beta-asymmetry parameter of 67^{67}Cu in search for tensor type currents in the weak interaction

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    Precision measurements at low energy search for physics beyond the Standard Model in a way complementary to searches for new particles at colliders. In the weak sector the most general β\beta decay Hamiltonian contains, besides vector and axial-vector terms, also scalar, tensor and pseudoscalar terms. Current limits on the scalar and tensor coupling constants from neutron and nuclear β\beta decay are on the level of several percent. The goal of this paper is extracting new information on tensor coupling constants by measuring the β\beta-asymmetry parameter in the pure Gamow-Teller decay of 67^{67}Cu, thereby testing the V-A structure of the weak interaction. An iron sample foil into which the radioactive nuclei were implanted was cooled down to milliKelvin temperatures in a 3^3He-4^4He dilution refrigerator. An external magnetic field of 0.1 T, in combination with the internal hyperfine magnetic field, oriented the nuclei. The anisotropic β\beta radiation was observed with planar high purity germanium detectors operating at a temperature of about 10\,K. An on-line measurement of the β\beta asymmetry of 68^{68}Cu was performed as well for normalization purposes. Systematic effects were investigated using Geant4 simulations. The experimental value, A~\tilde{A} = 0.587(14), is in agreement with the Standard Model value of 0.5991(2) and is interpreted in terms of physics beyond the Standard Model. The limits obtained on possible tensor type charged currents in the weak interaction hamiltonian are -0.045 <(CT+CT′)/CA<< (C_T+C'_T)/C_A < 0.159 (90\% C.L.). The obtained limits are comparable to limits from other correlation measurements in nuclear β\beta decay and contribute to further constraining tensor coupling constants

    Cosmology from Moduli Dynamics

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    We investigate moduli field dynamics in supergravity/M-theory like set ups where we turn on fluxes along some or all of the extra dimensions. As has been argued in the context of string theory, we observe that the fluxes tend to stabilize the squashing (or shape) modes. Generically we find that at late times the shape is frozen while the radion evolves as a quintessence field. At earlier times we have a phase of radiation domination where both the volume and the shape moduli are slowly evolving. However, depending on the initial conditions and the parameters of the theory, like the value of the fluxes, curvature of the internal manifold and so on, the dynamics of the internal manifold can be richer with interesting cosmological consequences, including inflation.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures; references adde
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