1,366 research outputs found

    Stroke Symbol Generation Software for Fighter Aircraft

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    This paper gives an overview of the stroke symbol generation software developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for fighter aircraft. This paper covers the working principle of head-up-display, overview of target hardware on which the developed software has been integrated and tested, software architecture, hardware software interfaces and design details of stroke symbol generation software. The paper also covers the issues related to stroke symbol quality which were encountered by the design team and the details about how the issues were resolved during integration and test phase.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(2), pp.153-156, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.63.425

    An Experimental Investigation into Effect of Reinforcement Material on Mechanical Properties of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

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    Through this paper an experimental investigation has been done. The composites of different reinforced material having significantly good strength and improved properties are prepared. A comparative study was performed among LLDPE with non-woven fabric, LLDPE and non-woven fabric reinforced with rice husk, LLDPE with non- woven fabric and ash of rice husk. Linear Low Density Polymer (LLDPE) is used as base material in this fabrication process. LLDPE is mixed with the non-woven fabric in different percentage composition by weight in addition to the other natural reinforcement material (rice husk). Further an experiment was performed to calculate the mechanical properties like tensile strength, Melt flow Index (MFI), flexural strength, hence a comparative study of composite with different types of reinforcement was done to investigate the effect of mixing of different reinforcement material. Results shows that LLDPE with non-woven fabric (15 %) have less strength as compared to LLDPE with non-woven fabric and rice husk (10 %) and LLDPE with non-woven fabric and ash of rice husk (5 %). Water absorption characteristics are studied following ASTMD 570, results shows that LLDPE absorbs 0.15 per cent water, followed by LLDPE with rice husk (0.03 %) and LLDPE with ash (0.038 %)

    Hyperacute Liver Failure with Multi-organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) by Leptospirosis: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Leptospirosis may have multi-organ involvement in its severe form with potentially life-threatening consequences. However, acute fulminant hepatic failure is very uncommonly reported. A case study is presented here with fulminant hepatic failure and a diagnostic dilemma for etiology.Case history: A 40-year-old man with no significant medical history presented with fever, muscle pain, weakness, and pain in the upper abdomen. On clinical work, he has developed multi-organ hepatic, respiratory, and renal failure. A timely workup was done, but due to the rapid progression of the disease, the patient succumbed to the disease in the intensive care unit by the time his report for positive leptospirosis test arrived.Conclusion: Leptospirosis must be considered as an important differential diagnosis of acute liver failure patients. An early suspicion for leptospirosis in patients with fulminant hepatic failure and multi-organ failure in India particularly in the rainy season is warranted owing to its high mortality rate

    Assessment of micronutrient status during pregnancy attending at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: This impression of multiple micronutrients during pregnancy emphasizes to relatively neglected issues. Objectives was to evaluate the status and benefits of multiple micronutrient during pregnancy.Methods: Total 180 healthy pregnant women were included, first trimester 60 cases, second trimester 60 cases and third trimester 60 cases in the age group of 18-40 years. Haemoglobin was estimated by cyanmethemoglobin method, estimation of iron was done by ferrozine method, for zinc colorimetric method, estimation of calcium OCPC method and estimation of urinary iodine was done by ammonium persulfate oxidation method.Results: Haemoglobin are found to be in the Ist trimester 11.3g/dl, in the IInd trimester of haemoglobin 10.5g/dl, and in the IIIrd trimester it was 11g/dl and Serum iron was 71.9ug/dl in Ist trimester, 74.8 ug/dl during IInd trimester, 80.9ug/dl in IIIrd trimester. The mean serum calcium during Ist trimester was found to be 8.0 ug/dl, in the IInd trimester 7.2 ug/dl and in the IIIrd trimester 8.1ug/dl. Serum zinc in the Ist trimester 72.6 ug/dl, in the IInd trimester 70.1ug/dl, in the IIIrd trimester 66.7 ug/dl respectively. Iodine level during Ist, IInd, IIIrd trimester was found to be 122.5ug/dl, 149.1ug/d, 158.7ug/dl respectively.Conclusions: Our study shows that poor nutrition during pregnancy has been associated with adverse maternal and child outcomes such as increased risks of infertility, abortion, fetal intrauterine growth restriction and prenatal mortality

    Autophagy modulation as a treatment of amyloid diseases

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    Amyloids are fibrous proteins aggregated into toxic forms that are implicated in several chronic disorders. More than 30 diseases show deposition of fibrous amyloid proteins associated with cell loss and degeneration in the affected tissues. Evidence demonstrates that amyloid diseases result from protein aggregation or impaired amyloid clearance, but the connection between amyloid accumulation and tissue degeneration is not clear. Common examples of amyloid diseases are Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) and tauopathies, which are the most common forms of neurodegenerative diseases, as well as polyglutamine disorders and certain peripheral metabolic diseases. In these diseases, increased accumulation of toxic amyloid proteins is suspected to be one of the main causative factors in the disease pathogenesis. It is therefore important to more clearly understand how these toxic amyloid proteins accumulate as this will aide in the development of more effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. Protein homeostasis, or proteostasis, is maintained by multiple cellular pathways-including protein synthesis, quality control, and clearance-which are collectively responsible for preventing protein misfolding or aggregation. Modulating protein degradation is a very complex but attractive treatment strategy used to remove amyloid and improve cell survival. This review will focus on autophagy, an important clearance pathway of amyloid proteins, and strategies for using it as a potential therapeutic target for amyloid diseases. The physiological role of autophagy in cells, pathways for its modulation, its connection with apoptosis, cell models and caveats in developing autophagy as a treatment and as a biomarker is discussed

    Induced cytomictic diversity in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred

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    Mutation breeding has been used for improving oligogenic and polygenic characters, disease resistance and quantitative characters including yielding ability. The cytological stability of maize inbred lines is an important consideration in view of their extensive use in genetics and plant breeding research. Investigation in Zea mays L. confirms that the migration of chromosomes is a real event that cannot be misunderstood as an artifact produced by fixation or mechanical injuries.Мутационная селекция используется для улучшения моногенных и полигенных признаков, устойчивости к заболеваниям и количественных характеристик, включая урожайность. Цитологическая стабильность инбредных линий кукурузы важна с точки зрения их широкого использования в генетике и селекции. Исследования, проведенные на кукурузе, подтверждают, что миграция хромосом является реальным событием, которое не может быть неправильно понято как артефакт, полученный в результате фиксации или механических повреждений.Мутаційна селекція використовується для поліпшення моногенних та полігенних ознак, стійкості до захворювань і кількісних характеристик, включаючи врожайність. Цитогенетична стабільність інбредних ліній кукурудзи важлива з точки зору їх широкого використання в генетиці та селекції. Дослідження, проведені на кукурудзі, підтверджують, що міграція хромосом є реальною подією, котра не може бути неправильно зрозумілою як артефакт, який отримали в результаті фіксації чи механічних пошкоджень

    Novel Coronavirus: A Newly Arranged Mini-Review

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was originally known as a virus that infects animals and rarely can be transmitted to humans in large populations, is now transformed into one of the most feared pandemics causes worldwide. Infection by a virus that is officially known as COVID-19 has caused global concern mainly due to the number of deaths caused. Since it was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019, now COVID-19 has spread to almost all parts of the world with a very rapid spread rate. The main symptom of this infection is a respiratory disease accompanied by other symptoms that resemble flu-like illness. Everyone can suffer from COVID-19, but the elderly, toddlers, pregnant women, and people with certain diseases and disorders of the immune system show more severe symptoms. The disease is transmitted through inhalation or contact with droplets, where the incubation period ranges from 2 to 14 days. Until now, specific therapy to treat COVID-19 has not been found, with preventive measures taken to control its spread. In this mini-review, we will explain important information related to COVID-19