12 research outputs found

    Smart Integrated Payment System for Public Transportation in Jakarta

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    Jakarta has many types of public transportation such as Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL), Transjakarta, taxi, angkot, metromini, mikrolet, bajaj, ojek, etc. But, there are some problems that happen in public transportation where the people don't want to use public transportation and choose to use private transportation that cause more traffic in Jakarta. The problems of public transportation are in the facility which is still inappropriate, unclear information, uncomfortable, bad accessibility of public transportation which take more time to reach the destination, more complicated than taking the private transportation, and about the society, people don't want to be labeled as low-class level. This paper is representing how to make the better system for public transportation in Jakarta with smart integrated payment system. Aim of this system is to encourage people to use public transportation rather than private transportation. The payment system that proposed are using smartphone application by scanning the QR Code or using smart card. User can easily pay through application by scanning QR code to pay the public transportation. The proposed of this smart integrated payment system will have opportunity as profit when collaborate with business when they can advertise their business and get customer from our user

    Shark‐dust: Application of high‐throughput DNA sequencing of processing residues for trade monitoring of threatened sharks and rays

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    Illegal fishing, unregulated bycatch, and market demand for certain products (e.g., fins) are largely responsible for the rapid global decline of shark and ray populations. Controlling trade of endangered species remains difficult due to product variety, taxonomic ambiguity, and trade complexity. The genetic tools traditionally used to identify traded species typically target individual tissue samples, and are time-consuming and/or species-specific. Here, we performed high-throughput sequencing of trace DNA fragments retrieved from dust and scraps left behind by trade activities. We metabarcoded “shark-dust” samples from seven processing plants in the world's biggest shark landing site (Java, Indonesia), and identified 61 shark and ray taxa (representing half of all chondrichthyan orders), more than half of which could not be recovered from tissue samples collected in parallel from the same sites. Importantly, over 80% of shark-dust sequences were found to belong to CITES-listed species. We argue that this approach is likely to become a powerful and cost-effective monitoring tool wherever wildlife is traded

    Sosialisasi Strategi Branding E-Commerce pada Pelaku UMKM di Kelurahan Manggar

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    University of Balikpapan continues to innovate in providing benefits to the community through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. Manggar Village KKN students carried out E-Commerce Branding Socialization activities as a better marketing and financial monitoring medium. This activity was attended by MSME actors in the local Manggar Village area which was held on August 25, 2024. This socialization activity aims to introduce and increase understanding of the use of digital technology, especially the E-Commerce system as a marketing tool for MSME actors. This activity method is carried out in 2 stages, namely the preparation stage and the implementation stage of the activity. Through digital marketing, MSMEs have wider opportunities to market products and a larger market reach. With this knowledge and skills, it is hoped that MSME actors can optimize market potential through digital marketing and are expected to be able to empower MSME actors to be able to compete in a better digital era. The results of this activity were that 85 MSME actors attended this activity and the enthusiasm of the participants to ask questions in this activity.Universitas Balikpapan terus berinovasi dalam memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat melalui program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN). Mahasiswa KKN Kelurahan Manggar melaksanakan kegiatan Sosialisasi Branding E-Commerce sebagai media pemasaran dan pemantauan keuangan yang lebih baik. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh pelaku UMKM di wilayah Kelurahan Manggar setempat yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2024. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang pemanfaatan teknologi digital khususnya sistem E-Commerce sebagai sarana pemasaran bagi para pelaku UMKM. Metode kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahapan yakni tahap persiapan dan tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan. Melalui digital marketing, UMKM memiliki kesempatan lebih luas untuk memasarkan produk dan jangkauan pasar yang lebih besar. Dengan adanya pengetahuan dan keterampilan ini, diharapkan para pelaku UMKM dapat mengoptimalkan potensi pasar melalui digital marketing dan diharapkan mampu memberdayakan pelaku UMKM agar dapat bersaing di era digital yang lebih baik. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah sebanyak 85 pelaku UMKM menghadiri kegiatan ini dan antuasisme peserta untuk bertanya dalam kegiatan ini

    SPARC 2019 Fake news & home truths : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2019 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also our first ever Doctoral School Best Supervisor awards, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 90 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant, innovative and collaborative PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the inspiring, relevant and impactful research in progress, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. Find an abstract that interests you, and say “Hello” to the author. Who knows what might result from your conversation? With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to take up this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas from your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research needs interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised and rewarded by all major research funders. Engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers. Even better, our free ice cream van means that you can have those conversations while enjoying a refreshing ice lolly

    Socialization of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika to Improve National Integration

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    Keberagaman dalam masyarakat merupakan suatu hal yang wajar dan biasa terjadi dalam situasi dan kondisi apapun. Secara ideal, perbedaan hendaknya diatur dan dibiasakan sebagai alat pemersatu dalam masyarakat. Meskipun pada Kenyataan sehari-hari, banyak dijumpai keberagaman dan perbedaan yang justru dianggap sebagai alat untuk memecah belah. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sebagai semboyan dan simbol, merupakan sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pemersatu dalam masyarakat. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengingat kembali dan membangkitkan kembali semangat Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dalam masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sosialisasi dengan diskusi dua arah yang terpadu, dapat menghasilkan berbagai macam masukan serta dapat mendengarkan secara langsung mengenai hal-hal yang terjadi dalam masyarakat mengenai pelaksanaan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Respon yang sangat baik dari masyarakat Kapanewon Seyegan, memberikan gambaran bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi menjadi sebuah agenda yang sangat bermanfaat


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    Dusun kayang, Desa bader terletak di Kecamatan Dolopo, Kabupaten Madiun. Lokasi tersebut berada di daerah pinggiran hutan dengan vegetasi tanaman bunga dan buah yang berlimpah. Tetapi, sebagian besar masih banyak lahan kosong yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal, baik keanekaragaman pemanfaatannya maupun rendahnya pemanfaatan ruang dan lahan yang ada. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan oleh keterbatasan keterampilan dan informasi potensi dan pasar. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan pelatihan keterampilan yang di kemudian hari dapat dikembangkan untuk berwirausaha dan mampu digunakan untuk bersaing di era globalisasi. Diperlukan kepedulian kalangan akademisi untuk turut serta membantu dalam peningkatan kualitas SDM masyarakat tersebut melalui pelatihan yang sesuai dengan mempertimbangkan aspek pertanian dan pendidikan yaitu dengan mengadakan pelatihan pada bidang budidaya lebah klanceng. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat budidaya lebah klanceng adalah metode kuantitatif. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengetahui pemahaman peserta mengenai materi yang digunakan dengan mengerjakan soal test dan test. Keberhasilan kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini mencapai 85% dari kegiatan yang telah direncanakan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari antusias masyarakat (mitra) yang mengikuti pelatihan dengan baik dan membudidayakan lebah sesuai materi yang telah disampaikan, serta nantinya dapat menambah passive income bagi masyarakat Dusun Kayang

    Directed conservation of the world's reef sharks and rays

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    Many shark populations are in decline around the world, with severe ecological and economic consequences. Fisheries management and marine protected areas (MPAs) have both been heralded as solutions. However, the effectiveness of MPAs alone is questionable, particularly for globally threatened sharks and rays (‘elasmobranchs’), with little known about how fisheries management and MPAs interact to conserve these species. Here we use a dedicated global survey of coral reef elasmobranchs to assess 66 fully protected areas embedded within a range of fisheries management regimes across 36 countries. We show that conservation benefits were primarily for reef-associated sharks, which were twice as abundant in fully protected areas compared with areas open to fishing. Conservation benefits were greatest in large protected areas that incorporate distinct reefs. However, the same benefits were not evident for rays or wide-ranging sharks that are both economically and ecologically important while also threatened with extinction. We show that conservation benefits from fully protected areas are close to doubled when embedded within areas of effective fisheries management, highlighting the importance of a mixed management approach of both effective fisheries management and well-designed fully protected areas to conserve tropical elasmobranch assemblages globally

    Author Correction: Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks

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    An Amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.</p

    Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays

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    A global survey of coral reefs reveals that overfishing is driving resident shark species toward extinction, causing diversity deficits in reef elasmobranch (shark and ray) assemblages. Our species-level analysis revealed global declines of 60 to 73% for five common resident reef shark species and that individual shark species were not detected at 34 to 47% of surveyed reefs. As reefs become more shark-depleted, rays begin to dominate assemblages. Shark-dominated assemblages persist in wealthy nations with strong governance and in highly protected areas, whereas poverty, weak governance, and a lack of shark management are associated with depauperate assemblages mainly composed of rays. Without action to address these diversity deficits, loss of ecological function and ecosystem services will increasingly affect human communities