870 research outputs found

    A Movement of Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network to Conserve Energy

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    Energy is the major constraint in wireless sensor network. In wireless sensor network with static mobile collector (SNSMC),static nodes located near to sink consume more energy, since the nodes relay the data collected by sensor nodes far away from the sink. The battery drained in short time. This problem is resolved by the MMC-WSN method. While simplifying the routing process, proposing an energy-efficient routing technique based on cluster based method for mobile sink is preferred. First part ,the selection of cluster head (CH) in cluster based method made periodically according to their residual energy and in second part the mobile sink moves across the sensing field and directly collects data from cluster heads and returns to back to initial site in a specific sequence based on spanning graphs. The spanning graph includes the shortest search path for the MS. Finally, a tour-planning algorithm is used on the basis of the spanning graph. An energy efficient routing technique (EFR) in WSNs among obstacles uses the shortest route. In this way, the mobile sink retrieves all detected knowledge among a given time and sends to base station which reduces the packet delay and energy-consumption and WSNs

    Multi Level Encryption Scheme for Transferring Secret image

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    As the rapid development of Internet Technology, Security and Privacy of data being transmitted has become the major issue. Transfer of data securely and reliably has become one of the challenges. Security issues should be considering because hackers may utilize weak link over communication network to steal information. Cryptography is the technique used to keep the message secure. Many images transmitted via Internet containing secret information but not secure. Encryption technique which prevents unauthorized access of data. Visual Cryptography technique introduced by Naor and Shamir, in which secret image is divided into number of shares. No information about secret image is revealed from individual share. Decryption can be done by overlaying one share above the other share. In this paper the idea is to increase the security level as the basic model of Visual Cryptography is not an efficient tool to hide the information. The secret image is encrypted using Arnold’s Transformation technique in the first level. In the second level create two shares from encrypted image using basic (2, 2) Visual Cryptography technique. To increase the security level, instead of sending these shares to receiver, third level security is adopted. In third level security, shares are embedded in two host images using Chang and Yu’s method. Generated shares are embedded into respective host images so that the attacker cannot suspect the secret image in it. On the receiver end, shares are extracted from camouflage image and then stacked to get the encrypted image. Encrypted image is decrypted using Inverse Arnold Transformation

    Rural Women Empowerment in India

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    Matter-Antimatter : An Accentuation-Attrition Model

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    A system of matter dissipating antimatter and parallel system of antimatter that contribute to the dissipation of the velocity of production of matter is investigated. It is shown that the time independence of the contributions portrays another system by itself and constitutes the equilibrium solution of the original time independent system. With the methodology reinforced with the explanations, we write the governing equations with the nomenclature for the systems in the foregoing, by concatenation process, ipso facto. We discuss following systems in all its predicational anteriorities, character consonations, ontological consonances, primordial exactitude, accolytish representation, differential relations, and concomitant contiguous similarities. (1) Antimatter as an integral part of the electromagnetic phenomena. (2) Electricity consists of the flow of electrons and positrons in opposite directions along a conductor (not only of electrons, as current accepted knowledge describes), induced by the crossing of a magnetic field through the conductor. (3) When a charged particle passes through matter at rest it will cause the production of electron pairs, that is, electrons and positrons, but if nothing separates them by force, they will reunite after the passing of the charged particle, nullifying each other, and the atoms of matter will be back at rest. (4) In order to preserve the law of conservation of energy, the amount of energy required to break free the electron and the positron from a bielectron (a theoretical dual particle containing an electron and a positron) must be equal to the amount of energy released by a matter-antimatter encounter of the same particles. (5) When a conductor is at rest all the bielectrons are located at their respective orbits in the conductor's atoms, generating no electric charge. (6) When a conductor is placed under a moving magnetic field, its otherwise stable bielectrons will break apart into electrons and positrons, which will flow in opposite directions along the conductor. At the closing of the circuit, electrons and positrons, attracted to each other by their opposite charge, reunite into bielectrons releasing an equal amount of energy as initially required to separate them. (7) Matter gormandizes antimatter (Antimatter has to pre-exist to be able to appear in a collision of particles. We are not creating antimatter; antimatter is there, intermingled with matter. Particle collisions do not “produce” antimatter; they separate antimatter from the particles of which it is part). (8) We assume that should there be another force in physics: the force of attraction between matter and antimatter and give a model. We shall call it Bundeswehr (German for "Federal Defense"). So Bundeswehr binds matter and antimatter. (9) At the closing of the circuit the free electrons and positrons, pushed forward by their own “pressure”, are irresistibly pulled by the attraction of their antimatter counterpart. It is this process of mutual attraction and continuous reunification into bielectrons which causes the flow of electrons and positrons along the conductors. Paper answers, not wholly or in full measure, but substantially the relationship between dark matter and antimatter and speculates in epiphenomena and phenomenological form the circumspective jurisprudence of consideration of the antimatter as dark matter. This also answers the long standing question in cosmology that why matter is prevalent in the universe in contrast to antimatter. The paper seems to confirm antimatter as an intrinsic constituent of ordinary matter; antimatter as an integral part of the electromagnetic phenomena; the existence of a new particle namely bielectron, consisting of an electron and a positron joined together within the atom; that matter and antimatter preceded the big-bang and their violent encounter may have been the actual cause of the big-bang itself; that matter and antimatter have a pacific coexistence in today’s universe, after the big-bang; the possible existence of a new force in physics namely Bundeswehr, which would recombine and keep matter and antimatter particles together. Keywords: matter-antimatter, where antimatter is, dark-matter, theory of electricity, bielectron, Big-Bang, origin of the Universe


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    Objective: To develop a simple and cheap UV spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous quantitative estimation of Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide in MEVA C Capsules and validate as per ICH guidelines. Methods: The optimized method uses triethylammonium phosphate buffer (pH 4.0) as a solvent for the estimation of assay of Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide in capsules at detection wavelengths of 263 nm and 245 nm respectively. Results: The developed method exhibited linearity in the range of 7.5-22.5μg/ml for Mebeverine hydrochlorideand 2.5-7.5μg/ml for Chlordiazepoxide. Precision for Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide is exemplified by relative standard deviation of 0.589% and 0.332 respectively. Percentage Mean recovery for Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide was found to be in the range of 98â€102, during accuracy studies. The limit of detection (LOD) for Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide was found to be 528ng/ml and 192ng/ml respectively, while limit of quantitiation (LOQ) for Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide was found to be 1.6µg/ml and 583ng/ml respectively. Conclusion: A simple and a cheap UV spectrophotometric method were developed and validated for the simultaneous quantitative estimation of Mebeverine hydrochloride and Chlordiazepoxide in capsules as per ICH guidelines and hence it can be used for the routine analysis in various pharmaceutical industries

    Aggressiveness of Ralstonia solanacearum isolates on Tomato

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    Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is the world’s most economically important destructive disease of crop plants. Fifty seven isolates of R. solanacearum causing wilt on different host plants were collected from different agro climatic zones of India of which 54 isolates were confirmed as race-1, biovar-3 and 3 isolates as race-1, biovar-3B based on morphological, physiological, biochemical and pathogenicity studies. All the isolates were authenticated as Ralstonia solanacearum by using two sets of primers (OLI1 & Y2 and Y1 & Y2). Serological identity of the isolates was done by using diagnostic kit obtained from International Potato Research Center, Lima, Peru and single chain variable fragment antibody specific to Ralstonia solanacearum. Fifty seven isolates of R. solanacearum were inoculated on tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L) cv. Avinash-II under artificial conditions at bacterial concentration of 5x108 cfu/ml to test its aggressiveness; the results obtained are discussed in this paper

    Influence of environmental forcings on the seasonality of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in the Bay of Bengal

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    Studies on seasonal variability of oxygen and nutrients during three seasons namely SW monsoon, fall intermonsoon and spring intermonsoon indicate influence of physical forcings on the distribution of these hydrochemical properties in the subsurface layer. In the open ocean the Minimum Oxygen Layer (MOL ≤10 mu Mol L-1) during the southwest monsoon and fall intermonsoon is mostly confined to the north of 11N due to the penetration of high salinity water in the deeper waters of the central Bay. During spring intermonsoon MOL is mostly confined to the northern region between 14 to 20N with a narrow band of suboxic waters (≤ 5 mu Mol L-1) around 19 to 20N. Along the western margin, the MOL occupies a larger area in the intermediate and deeper waters during the SW monsoon and fall intermonsoon with a thick layer of suboxic waters during the SW monsoon which gets reduced and confined to the northern region during fall intermonsoon. The core of suboxic waters seems to disappear during the spring intermonsoon. The displacement of the water mass to shallower depths under the influence of cold core eddies is the major mechanism supplying nutrients to the surface waters whereas stratification due to the immense runoff from major rivers in the north and the associated suspended load addition seems to be inhibiting the biological production through curtailment of light penetration in the northern Bay of Bengal during the southwest monsoon. Pockets of low oxygen contents are not associated with elevation in secondary nitrite levels suggesting that circulation of the water mass under the influence of seasonal currents and gyres and the geochemical processes play a significant role in regenerative processes and regulating the intensity of the MOL in the Bay of Bengal


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    ABSTRACT: We study a consolidated system of event; cause and n Qubit register which makes computation with n Qubits. Model extensively dilates upon systemic properties and analyses the systemic behaviour of the equations together with other concomitant properties. Inclusion of event and cause ,we feel enhances the “Quantum ness” of the system holistically and brings out a relevance in the Quantum Computation on par with the classical system, in so far as the analysis is concerned. Additional VARIABLES OF Space Time provide bastion for the quantum space time studies

    Uncertainty of Position of a Photon and Concomitant and Consummating Manifestation of Wave Effects

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    A system of uncertainty of the position of the particle (photon, electron etc.,) is investigated. Very observation affects the quantum mechanical reality, and the nature like a coy bride hides herself. Measurement always disturbs the true nature of ‘nature’ We discuss stability,solutional behaviour, and asymptotic behaviors of the system Keywords: Uncertainty of the position of the photon, Wave pattern, Duality Theory, Double Slit experiment, Superposition, Dark Photon, Annihilating particles