101 research outputs found

    Preclinical safety evaluation of low molecular weight galactomannans based standardized fenugreek seeds extract

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate acute oral toxicity, subchronic toxicity, and mutagenic potential of low molecular weight galactomannans based standardized fenugreek seeds extract (LMWGAL-TF) in laboratory animals rats as per Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines. For the acute toxicity (AOT) study, LMWGAL-TF was orally administered to Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats at a dose of 2000 mg/kg with vehicle control (VC) group (n = 5 per sex per group) as per OECD guideline no. 423. For the repeated dose toxicity study, the SD rats were orally administered with a daily oral dose of LMWGAL-TF 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day with VC group (n = 15 per sex) for a period of 90 days followed by a recovery period of 28 days as per OECD guideline no. 408. The effects on body weight, food and water consumption, organ weights with hematology, clinical biochemistry, and histology were studied. The mutagenic potential of LMWGAL-TF was tested using reverse mutation assay (AMES test, OECD guideline No. 471). The LMWGAL-TF did not show mortality or treatment-related adverse signs during acute (dose 2000 mg/kg) and subchronic (90-days repeated dose 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) administration. The LMWGAL-TF showed oral lethal dose (LD50) more than 2000 mg/kg during AOT study. The dose of 1000 mg/kg was found as no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) in rats during subchronic toxicity study. Furthermore, LMWGAL-TF did not show mutagenic potential in vitro. In conclusion, LMWGAL-TF was found safe during acute and subchronic (90 days repeated dose) toxicity studies in rats with no mutagenicity

    Stem Cell Antigen CD34 In Native And Engineered Form Alter Its Binding Ability To Stromal Cells And Ligands: A Classical Example Of Clinical Benefits Of Therapeutic Genetic Engineering Of Stem Cells In Transplantation

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    CD34 is a highly glycosylated surface-expressed sialomucin and, because it is present on hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), has demonstrated immense clinical utility in their enumeration in aphaeresis products, immunoaffinity purification for transplantation, and disease monitoring. The success of CD34 based reagents in identifying hematopoietic progenitors led to the assumption that CD34 is expressed on cells with regenerative potential and is sufficient for hematopoietic reconstitution in marrow-ablated recipients. However, its role has not been identified in substantial detail. 

With the advent of the fact that CD34 binds adapter protein like CRK-L in cytosol and CD34 knock out studies identified a a signaling role, CD34 antigen has been proposed to play a signaling function. Since it is a sialomucin, a member of the group adhesion molecules, we attempted to identify a role by over-expreesing its gene in cell lines. We report here that CD34 and engineered forms (Ser306 & Tyr318) significantly regulates adhesion to stromal cells, like mesenchymal stem cells and bone marrow ligands. These enhance binding of cells overexpressing CD34 by upregulating integrins and we therefore propose that such cells may effectively potentiate the success of transplantation through greater homing if they are used for transfusion


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    Objective: To evaluate the prenatal developmental toxicity of low molecular weight galactomannans based standardized fenugreek seed extract (LMWGAL-TF).Methods: Rats received oral administration of LMWGAL-TF (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) during the period of gestation from day 5 (implantation day)–19 (1 d before expected day of parturition) post conception. Maternal, embryo, and fetal toxicity parameters were evaluated.Results: LMWGAL-TF exposure did not produce maternal (clinical observations, body weight gain, food intake) and embryo–fetal toxicity. Occasional skeletal and visceral malformations, unrelated to the treatments, were seen in both LMWGAL-TF-treated and vehicle control (VC) groups.Conclusion: Oral exposure of LMWGAL-TF during the prenatal period did not induce significant maternal and embryo–fetal toxicity up to a dose of 1000 mg/kg in rats. The dose of 1000 mg/kg was considered as NOAEL for LMWGAL-TF.Keywords: Developmental toxicity, Low molecular weight galactomannans, Standardized fenugreek seed extract, OECD Test No. 414, Reproductive system, Rat

    Strong perpendicular anisotropic ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2/graphene van der Waals heterostructure

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    Two-dimensional magnets offer a new platform for exploring fundamental properties in van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures and their device applications. Here, we investigated heterostructure devices of itinerant metallic vdW ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 (FGT) with monolayer chemical vapor deposited graphene. The anomalous Hall effect measurements of FGT Hall-bar devices exhibit robust ferromagnetism with strong perpendicular anisotropy at low temperatures. The electrical transport properties measured in FGT/graphene heterostructure devices exhibit a tunneling transport with weak temperature dependence. We assessed the suitability of such FGT/graphene heterostructures for spin injection and detection and investigated the presence of FGT on possible spin absorption and spin relaxation in the graphene channel. These findings will be useful for engineering spintronic devices based on vdW heterostructures

    Application of High-Intensity Ultrasound to Improve Food Processing Efficiency: A Review

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    The use of non-thermal processing technologies has grown in response to an ever-increasing demand for high-quality, convenient meals with natural taste and flavour that are free of chemical additions and preservatives. Food processing plays a crucial role in addressing food security issues by reducing loss and controlling spoilage. Among the several non-thermal processing methods, ultrasound technology has shown to be very beneficial. Ultrasound processing, whether used alone or in combination with other methods, improves food quality significantly and is thus considered beneficial. Cutting, freezing, drying, homogenization, foaming and defoaming, filtration, emulsification, and extraction are just a few of the applications for ultrasound in the food business. Ultrasounds can be used to destroy germs and inactivate enzymes without affecting the quality of the food. As a result, ultrasonography is being hailed as a game-changing processing technique for reducing organoleptic and nutritional waste. This review intends to investigate the underlying principles of ultrasonic generation and to improve understanding of their applications in food processing to make ultrasonic generation a safe, viable, and innovative food processing technology, as well as investigate the technology’s benefits and downsides. The breadth of ultrasound’s application in the industry has also been examined. This will also help researchers and the food sector develop more efficient strategies for frequency-controlled power ultrasound in food processing applications

    Ayurveda and Modern View on “Inguinal Hernia” and its Therapeutic Management

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    Inguinal Hernia is described as Aantra Vruddhi in Ayurveda which is also considered as one amongst the 7 types of Vruddhi. Pathologically condition associated with displacement of internal organ in abdomen which ultimately protrudes outward, produces swelling and pain in abdominal region. Hernia mainly occurs in abdominal region and middle age people or elderly persons majorly get affected. Hereditary condition, prolong coughing, pressure during defecation, constipation, straining of abdominal muscles, lifting of heavy objects, obesity and retention of fluid in abdominal cavity, etc. are major causes of hernia. The symptoms involve hard protrusion, soft lumps, swelling and pain, etc. Vata Vriddhi chikitsa, Agni karma, Sneha, Upanaha, Vatahara pralepa and Ayurveda formulations, etc. are some approaches which helps in the management of hernia. Modern science mainly described uses of surgical approaches and pain reliving medicines for managing such types of conditions


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      Objective: To assess the efficacy of a proprietary blend rich in glycoside based standardized fenugreek seed extract (400 mg) and minor quantities of curcumin and cinnamon (25 mg each) supplementation (IBPR) on inflammatory markers related to skeletal muscle soreness using double-blind placebo control, parallel design.Methods: A total of 20 healthy non-resistance trained young male and female subjects were assigned to ingest either IBPR or matching placebo for 14 days before the eccentric exercise bout. Subjects were instructed to perform 24 sets with 10 eccentric knee extensor repetitions (with one leg at 30°/s on an isokinetic device). Subjects had their blood drawn at baseline, immediately post, 1 hr, 3 hrs, and 24 hrs post-eccentric exercise. Efficacy in terms of serum levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-10 (IL-10), pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1ra, IL-1b, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor) and safety in terms of kidney function (blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, BUN to creatinine ratio), and differential leukocyte count were measured. The data of each parameter were analyzed by two-way repeated measure ANOVA.Results: Significant time-dependent effects were observed in IL1b, IL6, and creatinine values from baseline whereas significant treatment dependent effect was seen in IL-1ra. IBPR was found to be safe and well tolerated.Conclusion: IBPR supplementation showed a significant anti-inflammatory efficacy on eccentric exercise-induced inflammatory markers of skeletal muscle soreness in non-resistance trained subjects

    The safety and efficacy of oral Arborium plus, a herbal liquid formulation in the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome: an open label study

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    Background: Diabetic foot ulcers are the most universal cause of non-traumatic amputations of the foot in developing countries. One of the treatment modalities is to improve the peripheral blood supply to the area of ulcer. To this purpose the study was done to evaluate the safety and efficacy of oral Arborium plus (herbal liquid formulation) in the wound closure of diabetic foot patients.Methods: 50 patients were randomly assigned to either of the groups (each group 25 patients) to receive either the test drug (Arborium plus) at tertiary care teaching hospital, it was an open label prospective and interventional parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Arborium plus in diabetic foot syndrome. The study participants were randomized into control and intervention groups. Base line measurements of vascular flow was ankle- brachial pressure index (ABPI) and wound size measurement.Results: The baseline characteristics of the patients age in years test and control group 68±12.3 and 67±13.4 respectively. Male/female in both groups was 21/4 and 22/3 respectively. Duration of diabetes in years 8.65±8.3 and 8.5±7.6 respectively. BMI was 25.11±4.15 and 24.75±0.85, duration of smoking (years) 17.3±9.5 and 19.5±10.5 respectively in both groups. Among the test group who received the proprietary formulation of Arborium plus, there was a significant reduction in the wound size.Conclusions: Wound healing and ABPI improvements were observed with usage of Arborium plus suggest an improvement in peripheral vascular flow in diabetic foot subjects

    Branchial Anomalies: Diagnosis and Management

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    Objective. To find out the incidence of involvement of individual arches, anatomical types of lesions, the age and sex incidence, the site and side of predilection, the common clinical features, the common investigations, treatment, and complications of the different anomalies. Setting. Academic Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Design. A 10 year retrospective study. Participants. 30 patients with clinically proven branchial anomalies including patients with bilateral disease totaling 34 lesions. Main Outcome Measures. The demographical data, clinical features, type of branchial anomalies, and the management details were recorded and analyzed. Results and Observations. The mean age of presentation was 18.67 years. Male to female sex ratio was 1.27 : 1 with a male preponderance. Of the 34 lesions, maximum incidence was of second arch anomalies (50%) followed by first arch. We had two cases each of third and fourth arch anomalies. Only 1 (3.3%) patients of the 30 presented with lesion at birth. The most common pathological type of lesions was fistula (58.82%) followed by cyst. 41.18% of the lesions occurred on the right side. All the patients underwent surgical excision. None of our patients had involvement of facial nerve in first branchial anomaly. All patients had tracts going superficial to the facial nerve. Conclusion. Confirming the extent of the tract is mandatory before any surgery as these lesions pass in relation to some of the most vital structures of the neck. Surgery should always be the treatment option. injection of dye, microscopic removal and inclusion of surrounding tissue while excising the tract leads to a decreased incidence of recurrence

    Efficacy of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques versus traditional prosthetic training for improving ambulatory function in transtibial amputees

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    Abstract The objective of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the efficacy of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques in comparison to traditional prosthetic training (TPT) in improving ambulatory function in transtibial amputees. Thirty study participants (19 men and 11 women) with unilateral transtibial amputation participated in the study. They were randomly allocated to either the traditional training group (i.e., TPT) (n Z 15) or the PNF training group (n Z 15). The treatment in the TPT group consisted of weight-bearing, weight-shifting, balance, and gait exercises for 30 minutes daily for 10 treatment sessions. In the PNF group, the same activities were performed by employing PNF principles and techniques. The outcome measures were gait parameters (e.g., stride width, step length, and stride length) and the Locomotor Capabilities Index (LCI). The between-group comparisons at the end of the trial showed that the PNF group showed significant improvement in gait parameters and in the LCI, compared to the TPT group (p < 0.05). The results of the study suggested that prosthetic training based on proprioceptive feedback is more effective than the traditional prosthetic programme in improving ambulatory function
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