70 research outputs found

    Kondisi Kritis Lada Putih Bangka Belitung dan Alternatif Pemulihannya

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    Critical condition of muntok white pepper of Bangka Belitung and its alternative recoveryBangka Belitung (Babel) Province is one of the pepper producing areas in Indonesia, particularly for white pepper. Recently, its role however tends to lower indicated by the decreases in cultivation areas and production of white pepper. A number of factors causing the decrease of production and plated area of pepper in Babel are fluctuation of pepper price, infestation of plant diseases, uncontrolled exploitation of tin mining, and expansion of other estate crops. If the factors are not able be controlled carefully, it may result in muntok white pepper, the trademark of Babel, be eliminated over the time or neglected. Hence, a number of alternative solutions such as zoning of main crops growing, diversification of crop production, and strengthening of capital and institutional supports may be established to minimize the decreases of black pepper areas in Babel

    Design of a Mobile Application for Providing Information to Advanced Level Students in Uganda

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    Education is the key to success in the existing world. Providing necessary information to students at the right stage of education that determines their future is useful to students, simplifies work, and reduces responsibilities for educators. Unfortunately, the existing ways of providing information to A'Level students in Uganda are unmodernized, and thus, important information is inadequately accessible to the students. Because of this, most students make uninformed decisions and study without focus. A prototype mobile application was designed to enable A'Level students to access necessary information about qualifications requirements, study materials, subjects, schools, etc. A rule-based method was also used to help students choose subjects that match their desired career options. The user interface design process followed a User-Centered Design approach to meet the students' requirements. SPSS software was used for analyzing the data, and results were obtained. The evaluation of the design showed that 95.76% of Advanced Level students who were participants agreed with the designed application prototype. This result indicated that A'Level students are interested in using mobile application technology to access information. This prototype design will ease students' getting information and ease educators' work, thereby saving the time wasted in attending to students physically to deliver all the necessary information.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.   

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Kepedulian Dan Kerja Sama Pada Mata Kuliah Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Prancis Dengan Metode Bermain Peran

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    : The purposes of the research are to (1) implement character education in French Speaking course; and (2) improve the students\u27 speaking skills in French. Through classroom action research (CAR) with the subjects of 22 students of French Language Study Program, FBS UNY, the findings show that (1) the application of the role play technique in Expression Orale course I can increase the values of caring and cooperation of students of the French Language Education Department in the categories of emerging signs (heteronomy stage); (2) role play learning model (jeu de role) applied in learning process can improve the students\u27 French-language speaking skills. Students were enthusiastic in attending the course, felt no pressure, were free to express themselves, and the class became more dynamic during the lesson. The improvement in the teaching and learning result is reflected in the increase of the mean score from 62 in the pretest to 72.7 in the posttest


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    Critical condition of muntok white pepper of Bangka Belitung and its alternative recoveryBangka Belitung (Babel) Province is one of the pepper producing areas in Indonesia, particularly for white pepper. Recently, its role however tends to lower indicated by the decreases in cultivation areas and production of white pepper. A number of factors causing the decrease of production and plated area of pepper in Babel are fluctuation of pepper price, infestation of plant diseases, uncontrolled exploitation of tin mining, and expansion of other estate crops. If the factors are not able be controlled carefully, it may result in muntok white pepper, the trademark of Babel, be eliminated over the time or neglected. Hence, a number of alternative solutions such as zoning of main crops growing, diversification of crop production, and strengthening of capital and institutional supports may be established to minimize the decreases of black pepper areas in Babel

    Evaluation of Grafted Plants From Nine of Robusta Coffee Clones with Local Rootstock

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    Productivity of Robusta coffee in Indonesia were classified as low of about 685 kg/ha/year, due to did not use the superior clones and their propagation technique conducted by seeds. Efforts to address these issues are the using of high yielding superior seed (above 1,000 kg/ha) and then were propagated by grafting. The objective of this research was to evaluate the success rate and growth of grafted plants arised from nine clones of Robusta coffee with Sukabumi local rootstock. The study was conducted in a Greenhouse of Pakuwon Research Station, Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute, Sukabumi. A randomized block design with 9 treatment of grafting combination and 3 replication were used in this study. The nine of treatment as follows: (1) BP 42 + local, (2) BP 969 + local, (3) BP 306 + local, (4) BP 436 + local, (5) BP 913 + local, (6) BP 534 + local, (7) BP 239 + local (8) BP 430 + local, and (G9) BP 358 + local. The results showed that the plant height, leaf number, leaf area, number of branches, and grafting success rate of BP 430 + local at 5 months after grafting (MAG) more higher than other grafting combination

    The Compatibility of Five Superior Cacao Clones as Scions with Rootstock of Half-Sib Family of Sulawesi 01 Clone

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    Grafting is the most common cocoa propagation technique applied by farmers. One of the factors that determine the grafting success in cacao is the compatibility level between the scion and rootstock. The objectives of this research was to evaluate the grafting compatibility of half-sib family of Sulawesi 01 clone as rootstock with five superior cacao clones i.e. Sulawesi 01, Sulawesi 02, Sca 6, MCC 01, and MCC 02 as scions. The research was conducted at Pakuwon Experimental Station, West Java, at the altitude of 450 m above sea level with Latosol type of soil and B type of climate (Schmidt & Fergusson), from April to September 2015. This research used the randomized completely block design with five treatments of grafting combinations and five replications. Observation was taken at 14th, 21st, and 28th days after grafting on the total percentage of surviving graftings, percentage of sprouting grafting, percentage of grafting that have not sprouted, and bud sprouting rates. Data were analyzed by variance, correlation, and regression analysis. The results showed that the surviving grafting, the sprouting grafting and the rate of sprouting up to the 28th days after grafting varied among the scions. Based on the parameters observed, Sulawesi 01, Sulawesi 2, and Sca 6 demonstrated higher compatibility rate compared to MCC 01 and MCC 02. The results is applicable in seedling provision through grafting techniques in order to support cacao rejuvenation and or rehabilitation

    Pupuk Organik Sebagai Subtitusi Pupuk Anorganik Menuju Pertanian Lada Perdu Organik

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Pakuwon dari bulan Mei–Desember 2009. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola Faktorial, Faktor pertama terdiri dari dua jenis lada hibrida LH 4-5-5 (V1) dan LH 6-2 (V2), serta Petaling 1 (V3) sebagai pembanding. Faktor kedua merupakan Paket teknologi, yaitu penggunaan dosis pupuk organik sebagai substitusi pupuk anorganik dengan lima tingkat komposisi media tumbuh campuran tanah dengan pupuk organik dan penggunaan dosis pupuk anorganik, yaitu: P0 = tanah 1 : pupuk organik 1 + pupuk anorganik 100 % SOP, P1 = tanah 1 : pupuk organik 2 + pupuk anorganik 80 % SOP, P2= tanah 1 : pupuk organik 3 + pupuk anorganik 60 % SOP, P3= tanah 1 : pupuk organik 4 + pupuk anorganik 40 % dan P4= tanah 1 : pupuk organik 5 + pupuk anorganik 20 % SOP. Jumlah tanaman setiap perlakuan sebanyak 5 tanaman dan diulang 3 kali , sehingga jumlah tanaman keseluruhan sebanyak 225 tanaman. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang primer dan sekunder, lingkar pangkal batang, panjang ruas serta jumlah daun per cabang, serta analisis hara makro dan mikro dari masing-masing perlakuan media tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan pupuk anorganik NPK-Mg pada tanaman lada perdu dalam pot pada awal pertumbuhan dapat disubstitusi dengan pupuk organik sampai 80 % dan kebutuhan pupuk anorganik hanya 20%. Lada hibrida LH 6-2 dan LH 4-5-5 memiliki peluang produktivitas lebih tinggi dibanding Petaling-1. Kombinasi perlakuan pemupukan dan varietas tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif lada perdu sampai umur 4 bulan, hal ini memberikan peluang budidaya lada perdu dengan sistem pot dapat dibudidayakan dengan sistem pertanian organik

    Penentuan Karakter Pembeda Dua Populasi Kopi Arabika Di Kebun Percobaan Pakuwon Melalui Penggunaan Fungsi Diskriminan

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    Keragaman fenotipik dari beberapa genotipe tanaman karena pengaruh genetik dan lingkungan (GxE) dapat dianalisis melalui penggunaan fungsi diskriminan sehingga akan dapat diketahui informasi tentang karakter-karakter pembeda dari genotipe yang diuji. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Pakuwon, Sukabumi, mulai bulan Desember 2010 sampai Mei 2012, dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi karakter-karakter yang dapat menjadi pembeda dua populasi kopi arabika (Kartika 1 dan 2) yang ditanam di KP. Pakuwon melalui pendekatan fungsi diskriminan. Contoh tanaman kopi varietas Kartika 1 dan 2 masing-masing sebanyak 20 tanaman dipilih secara sistematik, kemudian diamati pada umur 14-17 bulan setelah tanam terhadap 20 peubah morfologi tanaman. Data-data yang terkumpul dianalisis melalui penggunaan fungsi diskriminan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diperoleh 4 karakter pembeda dua varietas kopi arabika (Kartika 1 dan Kartika 2), yaitu jumlah cabang total/tanaman, jumlah ruas/cabang, jumlah tandan/cabang, dan bobot kering buah. Varietas Kartika 1 memiliki jumlah cabang total/tanaman, jumlah tandan/cabang, dan bobot kering buah lebih tinggi daripada Kartika 2, sedangkan jumlah ruas cabangnya lebih rendah. Keempat karakter tersebut secara nyata dapat membedakan kedua varietas kopi dengan tingkat validitasnya sebesar 82,5%. Hasil penelitian ini didasari oleh teori GxE dan dapat memberikan implikasi bagi kajian dan penelitian-penelitian berikutnya dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas dan atau mutu hasil kopi, khususnya Kartika 1 dan 2 di KP. Pakuwon. .Determination of Characters to Distinguish Two Population of Coffea Arabica at Pakuwon Experimental Station by Discriminant Function Phenotypic variability of several plant genotypes is affected by genetic (G) and environment (E) factors, known as GxE. The GxE can be analyzed through discriminant functions being able to know information several characters as differentiator of genotypes. A study was conducted at Pakuwon Experimental Station (KP. Pakuwon), Sukabumi, from December 2010 to May 2012. To identify the characters being able to distinguish two populations of Coffea arabica (Kartika 1 and 2), the discriminant function was used. Sistematic sampling of 20 sample plants of Kartika 1 and 2 each was used in this study. As many as 20 variables of plant morphology were observed for 14-17 months after planting. Data collected were analyzed by discriminant function. Results showed that there are four characters being able to distinguish two varieties of Coffea arabica ( Kartika 1 and 2) namely: total number of branch/plant, number of internode/branches, number of bunch/ branch, and dry weight of fruit. The total number of branch/plant, number of bunch/branch, and dry weight of bean of Kartika 1 were higher than those of Kartika 2, while the number of internode/branches was lower. These fourth characters were significantly able to distinguish the two varieties of coffee with 82.5% validity rates. This result was based on GxE theory and may have implications for improvement of productivity and quality of coffee, for future study
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