24 research outputs found

    Bronchoalveolar lavage in systemic sclerosis with lung involvement: role and correlations with functional, radiological and scintigraphic parameters

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    To evaluate the role and the prognostic value of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in scleroderma patients withinterstitial lung disease. We reviewed the records of 79 patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) who had dyspnea and pulmonary involvement and underwent BAL study. Sixty-two patients were prospectively followed up for 12–36 months and re-evaluated by pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Seventy-nine SSc patients were enrolled (71 F and 8 M), 55 with limited and 24 with a diVuse form; mean age55 +/- 13 years; mean disease duration 55.2 +/- 59 months. All patients were ANA positive, of these 30 were anti-topoisomerase-1 positive (anti-Topo1) and 22 were anti-centromere positive (ACA). Thirty-one patients had alveolitis (39.2%) that was neutrophilic in 12 patients, eosinophilic in 3 and mixed (neutrophilic and eosinophilic) in 16 patients. Compared to patients without alveolitis, those with alveolitis had a significant reduction of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO), forced vital capacity (FVC) and more elevated lung high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scores. Furthermore, alveolar clearance was signiWcantly accelerated. No differences were found between patients with and without alveolitis regarding disease subsets (diffuse vs limited-SSc); a significant predominance of anti-Topo1 antibodies was foundin the alveolitis group and of ACA antibodies in the non-alveolitiscohort. During the follow-up, (range: 12–36 months) 62patients, 26 with and 36 without alveolitis were re-evaluated with PFTs. In the alveolitis group, 12 patients (46.1%)showed stable lung function parameters and 14 had worsened (53.8%). In this group, 20 patients (77%) received cyclophosphamide (CYC): 11 (55%) worsened (5 of them died of cardio-pulmonary complications) and 9 (45%) remained stable. Six patients could not be treated; of these 3 remained stableand 3 worsened. Among 36 patients with normal BAL, 11 (30.5%) showed stable lung function parameters, 13 improved (36.1%) and 12 worsened (33.3%); in this last group, 2 patients died of extra-pulmonary complications. Six patients, with progression of lung fibrosis, were treated with CYC: 3 of them improved and 3 remained stable. Our study revealed a trend toward a more severe course in the SSc patients with BAL alveolitis; probably the non-significant result is related to the low number of the examined subjects and to the selection criteria. However, BAL remains the only tool to exclude lung infections and, in our experience, a useful instrument to evaluate interstitial lung disease in SSc patients

    Molecular Imaging of Vascular Calcification with 18 F-Sodium-Fluoride in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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    18F-Sodium Fluoride (NaF) accumulates in areas of active hydroxyapatite deposition and potentially unstable atherosclerotic plaques. We assessed the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in 50 adult patients with HIV (HIV+) who had undergone two cardiac computed tomography scans to measure coronary artery calcium (CAC) progression. CAC and its progression are predictive of an unfavorable prognosis. Tracer uptake was quantified in six arterial territories: aortic arch, innominate carotid artery, right and left internal carotid arteries, left coronary (anterior descending and circumflex) and right coronary artery. Thirty-one patients showed CAC progression and 19 did not. At least one territory with high NaF uptake was observed in 150 (50%) of 300 arterial territories. High NaF uptake was detected more often in non-calcified than calcified areas (68% vs. 32%), and in patients without than in those with prior CAC progression (68% vs. 32%). There was no correlation between clinical and demographic variables and NaF uptake. In clinically stable HIV+ patients, half of the arterial territories showed a high NaF uptake, often in the absence of macroscopic calcification. NaF uptake at one time point did not correlate with prior progression of CAC. Prospective studies will demonstrate the prognostic significance of high NaF uptake in HIV+ patients

    State of the art of 18F-FDG PET/CT application in inflammation and infection: a guide for image acquisition and interpretation

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    Aim The diagnosis, severity and extent of a sterile inflammation or a septic infection could be challenging since there is not one single test able to achieve an accurate diagnosis. The clinical use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose ([F-18]FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging in the assessment of inflammation and infection is increasing worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to achieve an Italian consensus document on [F-18]FDG PET/CT or PET/MRI in inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as osteomyelitis (OM), prosthetic joint infections (PJI), infective endocarditis (IE), prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), cardiac implantable electronic device infections (CIEDI), systemic and cardiac sarcoidosis (SS/CS), diabetic foot (DF), fungal infections (FI), tuberculosis (TBC), fever and inflammation of unknown origin (FUO/IUO), pediatric infections (PI), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), spine infections (SI), vascular graft infections (VGI), large vessel vasculitis (LVV), retroperitoneal fibrosis (RF) and COVID-19 infections. Methods In September 2020, the inflammatory and infectious diseases focus group (IIFG) of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) proposed to realize a procedural paper about the clinical applications of [F-18]FDG PET/CT or PET/MRI in inflammatory and infectious diseases. The project was carried out thanks to the collaboration of 13 Italian nuclear medicine centers, with a consolidate experience in this field. With the endorsement of AIMN, IIFG contacted each center, and the pediatric diseases focus group (PDFC). IIFG provided for each team involved, a draft with essential information regarding the execution of [F-18]FDG PET/CT or PET/MRI scan (i.e., indications, patient preparation, standard or specific acquisition modalities, interpretation criteria, reporting methods, pitfalls and artifacts), by limiting the literature research to the last 20 years. Moreover, some clinical cases were required from each center, to underline the teaching points. Time for the collection of each report was from October to December 2020. Results Overall, we summarized 291 scientific papers and guidelines published between 1998 and 2021. Papers were divided in several sub-topics and summarized in the following paragraphs: clinical indications, image interpretation criteria, future perspectivess and new trends (for each single disease), while patient preparation, image acquisition, possible pitfalls and reporting modalities were described afterwards. Moreover, a specific section was dedicated to pediatric and PET/MRI indications. A collection of images was described for each indication. Conclusions Currently, [F-18]FDG PET/CT in oncology is globally accepted and standardized in main diagnostic algorithms for neoplasms. In recent years, the ever-closer collaboration among different European associations has tried to overcome the absence of a standardization also in the field of inflammation and infections. The collaboration of several nuclear medicine centers with a long experience in this field, as well as among different AIMN focus groups represents a further attempt in this direction. We hope that this document will be the basis for a "common nuclear physicians' language" throughout all the country

    Nuclear medicine imaging of bone infections

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    The inflammation and infection of bone include a wide range of processes that can result in a reduction of function or in the complete inability of patients. Apart from the inflammation, infection is sustained by pyogenic microorganisms and results mostly in massive destruction of bones and joints. The treatment of osteomyelitis requires long and expensive medical therapies and, sometimes, surgical resection for debridement of necrotic bone or to consolidate or substitute the compromised bones and joints. Radiographs and bone cultures are the mainstays for the diagnosis but often are useless in the diagnosis of activity or relapse of infection in the lengthy management of these patients. Imaging with radiopharmaceuticals, computed tomography and magnetic resonance are also used to study secondary and chronic infections and their diffusion to soft or deep tissues. The diagnosis is quite easy in acute osteomyelitis of long bones when the structure of bone is still intact. But most cases of osteomyelitis are subacute or chronic at the onset or become chronic during their evolution because of the frequent resistance to antibiotics. In chronic osteomyelitis the structure of bones is altered by fractures, surgical interventions and as a result of bone reabsorption produced by the infection. Metallic implants and prostheses produce artefacts both in computed tomography and magnetic resonance images, and radionuclide studies should be essential in these cases. Vertebral osteomyelitis is a specific entity that can be correctly diagnosed by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging at the onset of symptoms but only with radionuclide imaging is it possible to assess the activity of the disease after surgical stabilization or medical therapy. The lack of comparative studies showing the accuracy of each radiopharmaceutical for the study of bone infection does not allow the best nuclear medicine techniques to be chosen in an evidence-based manner. To this end we performed a meta-analysis of peer reviewed articles published between 1984 and 2004 describing the use of nuclear medicine imaging for the study of the most frequent causes of bone infections, including prosthetic joint, peripheric post-traumatic bone infections, vertebral and sternal infections. Guidelines for the choice of the optimal radlopharmaceuticals to be used in each clinical condition and for different aims is provided

    Immunoscintigraphy in malignant melanoma: a five-year clinical experience.

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    Immunoscintigraphy (IS) with 99Tcm-labelled anti-melanoma monoclonal antibody F(ab')2 fragments was performed in 135 melanoma patients, 64 males and 71 females, aged 19-82 years (mean 52.3 years) between December 1987 and December 1991. The first group of IS was performed in 50 patients before surgery to assess optimal management: seven true positive and one true negative were obtained in ocular and visceral melanomas, while in cutaneous MM sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in assessing lymph node involvement were, respectively, 61.5, 93.3 and 83.7%. The second group of 128 IS is relative to 85 patients in follow-up: excluding 13 cases with known metastatic disease and 12 inconclusive tests, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were, respectively, 83.3, 98.8 and 96.1%. Immunoscintigraphy is free of side effects even after repeated administrations and is a useful adjunct to standard diagnostic techniques as a basis for treatment decisions

    Osteomyelitis: clinical update for practical guidelines

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    Bone infections represent a diagnostic or therapeutic challenge for the infectivologist, orthopaedic surgeon, radiologist and nuclear medicine physician. Staphylococcus aureus is the major bacterium responsible for bone infections although Mycobacterium tuberculosis is emerging as an infectious agent in Italy because of immigration from Africa and Asia. Osteomyelitis requires long and expensive antibiotic treatment, including rifampicin administered parenterally for several weeks and the use of antimicrobial-impregnated cement in prosthesis substitution. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out surgical debridement of a necrotic bone or the consolidation of compromised bones and joint prosthesis implants. Radiographs and bone cultures are mainstays for the diagnosis of bone infections but are often useless in the lengthy management of these patients. Diagnosis of skeletal infections still includes conventional radiography but magnetic resonance imaging is essential in haematogenous and spinal infections. Bone scans are still useful in acute osteomyelitis whereas scintigraphy using labelled white blood cells is preferred in infections of peripheral bone segments or joint prosthesis. In the axial skeleton a combination of an agent for detecting inflammation ((67)Ga citrate) and a metabolic agent ((99m)Tc-methylene diphosphonate) enables an infection and an area of increased metabolic activity to be distinguished. [(18)F]Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, where available, has a significant impact in the study of infections using radionuclides: high-resolution tomographic images represent an effective alternative to gallium in the assessment of inflammation of spine lesions but a comparison with morphological examinations (computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) is essential

    La medicina nucleare in reumatologia: un valido strumento diagnostico e terapeutico

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    Il lavoro è una revisione narrativa che analizza le possibili applicazioni delle tecniche di imaging nucleare in reumatologi