7 research outputs found

    (Correlation Between Family Social Economy Status and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Tanah Kali Kedinding Public Health Centre, Surabaya)

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    Background: The result of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2010) showed that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months were lower than the exclusive breastfeeding coverage target in Indonesia that is 80%. One of the factor that assumed can affect the continuity of exclusive breastfeeding is social economy condition. Methods: This study was a descriptive research with cross sectional design. Samples were taken from population who were mothers with 6-12 months old children within the area of Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding on 2011. Closed quistionnaire was used to collect data and analyzed with Chi Square. The aim of the study was described the correlation between social economy factors and exclusive breastfeeding on babies. Result: Only a small portion of respondents that had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. There was a significant correlation between good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding practice. There was a significant correlation between vocational status of mother and knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding practice. There was no significant correlation between education level and family income with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Conclusions: The scope of exclusive breastfeeding must be enhanced. Poor of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and working mothers influence the low level of exclusive breastfeeding practice. Recomendation: Increasing knowledge of mothers and families about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, preparation and technical, as well as how storage and giving stored breastfeeding to the baby. Working mothers should try to give the exclusive breastfeeding which it must be facilitated by the company

    Risiko Terjadinya Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah Menurut Determinan Sosial, Ekonomi dan Demografi di Indonesia

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    Background: Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) or Low Birth Weight (LBW) was one of cases that caused the infant's mortality, and stiff be a health's problem in many countries. It been connected with the period of gestation and maternal's health, and other factors. This study learned about the risks of infant low level's weight determined by social, economic, and demography's factors. Methods: This study analysis used the Indonesia Riskesdas (basic health research) data on 2007. 10 variables that has been viewed were: domicile's region, infant's sex, maternal age, maternal occupation, maternal smoking status, health cares accesability, economic's status, parity, and antenatal cares (ANC). Results: The result showed that infant's weight been influenced by infant's sex, parity and ANC. BBLR has been risked on female baby, and on mother who didn't do the ANC. Female baby had 1.3 times risk on BBLR than male baby (OR= 1.346. 95% Cl 1.081-1.677). The baby whose mother didn't do ANC had 2.2 times risk on BBLR than did ANC (OR= 2.179, 95% Cl1.403-3.386). Meanwhile BBLR not related with economic's status

    Physicochemical properties of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza flour (BGF)

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    This research aims to study the physicochemical properties of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza flour (BGF). The peeled BG fruit was immersed in ash suspension in water (10% w/v) for 24 hours, then sundried, milled, and sieved through membrane sized 100 mesh. Particle size of BGF produced as described are of 150 µm, brown in colour, of low viscosity and adhesiveness (CR:30.25), low amylose content (14.23%), had low protein (4.82%) and fat (0.24%) content, and high crude fiber content (7.46%). Tanin content of BG fruit was succesfully reduced by pretreatment in this study (19700 ppm to 8500 ppm). HCN content in BG fruit were under the detection limits of our method to be determined. Results of the present study suggests futher studies on the use of BGF for developing flat bread ingredients

    Alternatif Model Regresi Gross National Income Negara-negara Asia Terhadap Harapan Hidup (Studi Hasil Regresi Data Frank J. Anscombe)

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    Regression analysis is used to model relationships between variables and to detennine the magnitude of the relationships.Then the models can be used to make predictions. Franc Anscombe, statistician gave case examples of regression analysis, which hyphothetics data were in the forms of some independent variables and dependent variables. Interesting phenomenon from Anscombe s data were the result of data processing would produce the same statistical values although the data were different one from the other. Pursuant from regression resuls in the study of Frank Anscombes data, this research compared the correct regression models between life expectancy with Gross National Income (GNI) among some countries in Asia. Results of scatter plots showed that the data pattern was not be obvious, if tending to be linear or quadratic. Therefore, bothapproaches were used in regresision analysis to be compared. Analysis results showed that the linear regression model for Live Expectancy is= 63.46 + 0.00069 GNI with R2 = 68.27% and the quadratic regression model for Live Expectancyis= 60.62 + 0.0015 GNI- 2.94E-08 GNI2 with R2 = 73.51%. If R2 as determinant to choose the best model, so the model of quadratic regression is choosen because it has bigger R2 than the R2 in the linear regression. Key words: Regression analysis, Frank Anscombe, life expectancy, Gross National Incom