133 research outputs found

    Pembacaan Posisi Koordinat dengan GPS sebagai Pengendali Palang Pintu Rel Kereta Api secara Otomatis untuk Penambahan Aplikasi Modul Praktik Mikrokontroler

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    The purpose of this research is to add GPS application on practicum module of microcontroller for autoimatic railway barrier application. The method of this research is experimental design by designing the equipment of railway barrier based on GPS coordinates to develop modul application of microcontroller practicum. Data were collected from observation and measurement; the function from each part of the tool was observed while the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point in some locations were measured by the made tool. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis for the function of each part of the tool and the measurement of coordinates were analyzed its erorr. The findings of the research showed that GPS could give the information about the position for both latitude and longitude coordinates if the accepted satelite signal met the standard requirement. Then, compared with the tools in market, the result from the made tool had error level of 0.82' for latitude coordinate and 101,4' for longitude coordinates

    Ulcus Cornea Marginal Oculi Dextra

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    Pendahuluan. Pembentukan parut akibat ulserasi kornea merupakan penyebab utama kebutaan dan gangnguan pengelihatan diseluruh dunia. Di Indonesia ulkus kornea merupakan penyebab kebutaan nomor dua. Kebanyakan gangguan penglihatan ini dapat dicegah, namun hanya bila diagnosis penyebabnya ditetapkan secara dini dan diobati secara memadai. Kasus. Tn. M 34 tahun seorang buruh dari anamnesis didapatkan penglihatan mata kanan kabur, merah , nyeri, silau, keluar air mata , panas, gatal sejak 6 hari yang lalu. Satu minggu yang lalu mata kanan kemasukan pasir, 6 jam kemudian baru muncul gejala. Pemeriksaan fisik status oftalmologi occulus dextra didapatkan visus 3/60, Kornea edema terdapat infiltrate serta defek bergaung berwarna putih di parasentral arah jam 4 ukuran 1x1 mm. Pengobatan yang diberikan berupa cefadroxil per oral dan gentamicin tetes mata, asam mefenamat, roboransia, atropine sulfat 0,5% dan air mata buatan. Simpulan. Diagnosa ulkus kornea marginal oculi dextra sesuai dengan keluhan subyektif dan obyektif yang ditemukan. Hal yang penting pada pasien ini adanya riwayat trauma pada mata kirinya sehingga dipikirkan sebagai faktor predisposisi ulkus kornea.. [Medula Unila.2013;1(4):16-24

    Pengenalan Karakter Plat Kendaraan Bermotor Berbasis Citra dengan Menggunakan Metode Canny dan Algoritma Backpropagation

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    Transportation is important needs in daily life. However, there are so many problems in transportation system in our country. The one is public transportation. To overcome it, the government implement KIR. But this KIR has several weakness. One of them is manual data. As cosequnces, human error in listing can came out as the process goes on. Pattern recognition can be used to implement automatic number plate identification in this system. One of the method is canny filter. Canny filter is uses to obtain a good image in the character image acquisition. Characters based with 12X7 pixels are be converted into binary as input for Multi Layer Perceptron with 3 layers node number of each node 84, 50, 36. Artificial neural network is trained with back propagation algorithm with a learning rate parameter 0.3 and momentum 0.9. The training process will be terminated when the iteration reaches a maximum value of 10,000 or MSE (Mean Square Error) 0.0001. Recognition rate for numeral character is 100%, however recognition rate for letter character is little bit worser, 86,87%. So overall performance is 94,29% for the whole characters

    Reliability and Validity of European Quality of Life 5 Dimension (EQ-5D) for Measuring Health-related Quality of Life in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital

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    Background: Quality of life is very important to knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients. The term quality of life denotes one that is health-related. One of the questionnaires most frequently used to measure the quality of life is the European Quality of Life 5-Dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire. At Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, until today there has not been any instrument for measuring the health-related quality of life in knee OA patients that has been tested for its reliability and validity.Objective: To prove the reliability and validity of EQ-5D as a measurement tool in determining the healthrelated quality of life in knee OA patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital.Methods: This is a validity study in which all patients were asked to complete both the EQ-5D form and 36- item short form (SF-36) on their fi rst visit. They were subsequently asked again to complete only the EQ-5Dform one week after their fi rst visit.Results: Data were obtained from 86 respondents.The value of the intraclass correlation coeffi cient of each EQ-5D dimension, EQ-5D index, and visual analogue scale (VAS) was excellent (>0.75). Cronbach's α value for internal consistency reliability in this study was0.6772 (<0.7). The external validity of EQ-5D compared to SF-36 was analyzed with the Pearson's correlation test and revealed a signifi cant correlation (p<0.01) of all EQ-5D dimensions, EQ-5D index, and EQ-5D VAS with total score of SF-36 except for the dimensions of self-care, pain, and anxiety/depression. The construct validity of EQ-5D showed that all of the dimensions were signifi cantly correlated with the EQ-5D index (p<0.01) except for self-care dimension.Conclusion: EQ-5D is a valid and reliable measurement tool. It is thus recommended for measuring the healthrelated quality of life in knee OA patients at CiptoMangunkusumo General Hospital

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Media Audio

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    : The problem in this research is an attempt to improve the speaking skills of learners using audio media on learning Indonesian in Class IV primary schools 24 Simpang Hulu. This research method is descriptive, in a form of Classroom Action Research, and the nature of the research is collaborative research. The researchs subjects were teachers, and learners Elementary School Fourth Grade 24 Simpang Hulu, amounting to 15 people. The technique used in this study was the technique of direct observation and data collection tool was used as the observation guidelines. The results of research based on the observation by using audio media in learning Indonesian can improve speaking skills. Based on these descriptions, in general the use of audio media to enhance speaking skills of the fourth grade students of SDN 24 Simpang Hulu. Thus audio media can be used during the learning process to improve Indonesian speaking skills

    Analysis of Filariasis Through Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP) Regression Approach

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    Background: Indonesia is a tropical disease endemic areas, one of which is the disease elephantiasis (filariasis). Filariasis is filarial worm infectionand transmitted by mosquito bites. Baseline Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2007 showed that the percentage of patients with filariasis in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) was the largest in Indonesia. Methods: Secondary data analysis from Riskesdas 2007. The unit of analysis is the individual in NAD Province. Research focused on the relationship between patients with filariasi sfactors in NAD Province. The method usedis the Poisson and ZIP regression. Results: Probability of 10,000 house hold to softer from filariasisis are as many as 72 house hold and 10,000 people may be affected by filariasis are as many as 25 people. Individuals who do not use the bed nets exposed to filariasis risk is 1.60 compared to the use of bed nets. While individuals whose homes without sewer have risk to suffer filariasis 3.47 times compare to them with sewer. Conclusion: Variables that affect the incidence of filariasis in NAD is the average distance to the neares thealth care, the average distance to the water source and the percentage of households using secticide-treated nets. The farther distance to the water source and healer services, will increase the incidence of filariasis. Mean while, the use insecticide-treatedbed net will reduce the incidence of filariasis. Districts of East Aceh, North Aceh, Nagan Raya and Aceh Besar need to be taked care

    Optimasi Aliran Daya pada Sistem Kelistrikan Opsi Nuklir Berdasarkan Multi-Objective Function: Fuel Cost dan Flat Voltage Profile

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    Tujuan dari pengoperasian sistem tenaga listrik adalah untuk memasok daya dengan kualitas baik dan biaya pembangkitan seminimal mungkin. Kualitas yang baik membutuhkan biaya yang lebih besar, sehingga untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut diperlukan optimasi dengan fungsi obyektif yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan kualitas sekaligus meminimalkan biaya. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mendapatkan kondisi aliran daya optimal atau optimal power flow (OPF) dari segi biaya pembangkitan maupun kualitas tenaga listrik di suatu sistem kelistrikan dengan opsi nuklir pada waktu beban puncak dengan menggabungkan fungsi obyektif fuel cost dan flat voltage profile. Fungsi obyektif fuel cost bertujuan untuk meminimalkan biaya pembangkitan sedangkan fungsi obyektif flat voltage profile bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan kualitas dengan meminimalkan perbedaan/variasi tegangan dalam sebuah sistem. Penelitian dilakukan melalui studi literatur, penentuan fungsi obyektif optimasi, penggabungan fungsi objektif, simulasi menggunakan contoh kasus dan analisis sensitivitas. Contoh kasus menggunakan sistem IEEE 9 Bus yang telah ditambahkan fungsi bahan bakar PLTN, PLTU, dan PLTG. Simulasi menggunakan program bantu ETAP 12.6.0. Analisis sensitivitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan nilai pembobotan dari 0-100% untuk tiap fungsi obyektif. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa OPF dicapai pada faktor pembebanan 60% untuk fuel cost dan 40% untuk flat voltage profile. Biaya pembangkitan padakondisi optimal tersebut sebesar 7266 US$/jam dengan selisih tegangan maksimum minimumnya sebesar 2,85%. Pada sistem ini PLTU membangkitkan daya sebesar 133,2 MW + 22,1 MVar dan PLTG sebesar 80,7 MW + 13,8 MVar. Sedangkan PLTN membangkitkan daya sebesar 89,9 MW + 12,9 Mvar dan akan ekonomis jika membangkitkan daya kurang dari 90 MW
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