13 research outputs found

    Pelatihan personal grooming dan hygiene dalam dunia kerja

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    Community Service is one of the Tri Dharma Higher Education activities organized by the Faculty of Tourism, Pelita Harapan University. From the PkM held, it is hoped that both lecturers and students can share the knowledge they get in higher education with the community, and bring benefits to the community in carrying out their daily lives. The PkM implementation this time aims to provide knowledge and information about grooming and hygiene so that the general public can find out how to look neat and clean so they can enter the world of work more professionally, especially in the hospitality industry. In the world of hospitality, grooming and hygiene standards are the most important things to serve guests. Emmanuel Foundation's targeted partners have training needs for students currently in high school. It is hoped that the training can prepare students to be more confident in entering the world of work, especially in the world of hospitality. Activities are carried out online via zoom with Knowledge material about the importance of Personal Grooming and Hygiene at work. Aspects in Personal Grooming and Hygiene Application of Basic Grooming and Hygiene. The activities carried out are expected to continue to develop and apply the materials and training provided in implementing Personal Grooming and Personal Hygiene in the world of work.Ă‚


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    Providing good service to consumers by a company can create customer satisfaction. Two aspects of service quality that play a significant role, in this case, our hotel services and hotel cleanliness. To get around this, entrepreneurs engaged in this field are increasingly competitive in improving service quality, which can meet consumers' needs and desires so that they can compete and develop in competitive conditions. In this study, researchers used the variable dimensions of service quality and hotel cleanliness as The variables that are expected to explain a hotel's good and bad reputation. This study aimed to analyze the effect of hotel services and hotel cleanliness on hotel reputation. This research method is descriptive quantitative with the type of research explanation. This study's population was hotel visitors in Tangerang, with a final sample of 157 respondents selected by the non-probability sampling technique. Methods of data analysis using PLS-SEM. The research shows that the higher the hotel services application will not affect the hotel's reputation during the Covid 19 pandemic. In comparison, the higher the application of hygiene involves the hotel's importance because, during the Covid 19 pandemic, the application of CHSE is the most important in maintaining the reputation of the hotel.Keywords: Hotel Service, Hygiene, Hotel Reputatio


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    Pengenalan dan pelatihan merupakan langkah awal yang penting dalam pembuatan produk pastry dan bakery. Sebuah keharusan untuk memahami dengan benar kegunaan dari setiap alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan saat akan melakukan produksi suatu produk serta tahapan dan metode yang benar untuk menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan yang tidak diinginkan. Oleh karena itu, Program Studi Pengelolaan Perhotelan, Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan bermitra dengan Desa Curug Wetan untuk melaksanakan suatu kegiatan pengenalan dan pelatihan Olahan Kue Klepon Kukus di Desa Curug Wetan. Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat yang berada dalam Desa Curug Wetan untuk lebih mengenal dan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan dalam membuat produk pastry dan bakery yang mudah dilakukan di rumah serta pelatihan ini akan memberikan pengalaman yang berharga dan mendalam dalam hal kuliner dan budaya serta olahan ini dapat berkembang di desa curug wetan. Masyarakat Desa Curug Wetan sangat antusias tinggi dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini yang dilakukan Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pelita Harapan setiap tahun


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    Salah satu pendapatan yang tertinggi bagi hotel adalah dari hasil penjualan kamar kepada tamu. Oleh karena itu bagaimana menata kamar dengan baik menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Dalam penataan kamar, merapikan tempat tidur dan membuat seni melipat handuk akan menjadi daya tarik utama  di kamar hotel dan hal yang sangat penting untuk dipelajari dan diketahui. Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilakukan berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan dari Ibu-Ibu PKK (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga)  di Curug Wetan dalam merapikan tempat tidur dan melipat handuk di rumah masing-masing agar terlihat menarik. Pelatihan ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para Ibu-Ibu PKK dan dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen dari Fakultas Pariwisata Prodi Pengelolaan Perhotelan. Pola ajar dilakukan dengan workshop pembuatan towel art dan making bed bagi ibu-ibu PKK di desa curug wetan. Tim Pengbadian kepada Masyarakat akan memberikan pelatihan kepada ibu-ibu PKK di  Desa  Curug  Wetan  dengan  kurang  lebih 20 peserta. Tim  Pengabdian  kepada Masyarakat  sangat  mengharapkan  kelancaran  rencana-rencana  yang  akan  dikembangkan  oleh pihak  desa  Curug  Wetan  di  kemudian  hari  demi  kemajuan  desa  tersebut. Untuk mengukur keberhasilan kegiatan ini, akan dilakukan metode pre-test dan post-test. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan ini menunjukkan upaya yang baik dalam menyusun acara yang terstruktur, menyediakan materi yang relevan, dan melibatkan peserta secara aktif. Evaluasi positif ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk memperbaiki kualitas pada masa mendatang

    Influence Of Website Quality And Augmented Reality To Purchase Intention With Satisfaction As Mediation

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    Through development technology, exists change method marketing from method conventional become technology. Marketing in a manner digital the more develop, Where all person avoid meeting stare advance And make majority resident Indonesia connected with Internet. Matter This made opportunity for digital marketing For develop in all industrial sectors, including the textile industry in Indonesia. This research is focused in the housing sector. Textile Marketing itself requires a dimensional approach service And product. Website And augmented reality is service digital Which can represent marketing in Textile industry. This research will use SOR theory ( Stimulus – organisms – Responses ). Where website quality etc augmented reality role as stimulus, customer satisfaction acts as an organism and purchase intention plays a role as responses . This study aims to determine the effect of Website quality and Augmented reality on Purchase intention both directly and indirectly (with mediation customers satisfaction ). Study This use method quantitative with questionnaire as tool collection data. Sample study is people Greater Jakarta with minimum age of 19 years and want to have a house in 8 years forward. Through this research it is known that website quality and Augmented reality have no significant effect on purchase intention directly. However, websites quality and Augmented reality have a significant influence on purchase intention by no means direct or with mediation customers satisfaction . Keywords: website Quality, augmented reality, Purchase Intention

    Pengaruh Identitas dan Ekuitas Brand J.CO Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen

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    Abstrak Food and Beverage industry is one of industry that is very competitive within each businesses and brands.  Every brand and business are using different strategies applied to gain customers based on their market segment and compete with competitors. The growing intensity of competition in the franchise business, such as J’CO, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Dough Darlings, and so on. Because of this, business owners must pay more attention to the desires of consumers who are diverse, change fast, and of course have different satisfaction values The object of this study was to learn the effect of the J.CO brand identity and brand equity on consumer purchasing. The sample consisted of 200 respondents who had answered a questionnaire about the J.CO brand and the marketing strategy undertaken by J.CO. Respondents were determined using accidental sampling technique. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand identity and brand equity J.CO Donuts on consumer purchasing decisions. The samples that have been received are then analysed for their answers, starting with descriptive analysis, basic statistics, and regression. After this analysis, the results obtained in the form of J.CO’s brand identity have a significant effect, and the J.CO’s brand equity also has a significant effect. This shows that consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by brand identity and Equity Product. Keywords: Brand Identity; Equity Product; Consumer Purchasing Decision

    Pengaruh Identitas Brand Dna Ekuitas Brand J.CO Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen

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    Abstrak Food and Beverage industry is one of industry that is very competitive within each businesses and brands.  Every brand and business are using different strategies applied to gain customers based on their market segment and compete with competitors. The growing intensity of competition in the franchise business, such as J’CO, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Dough Darlings, and so on. Because of this, business owners must pay more attention to the desires of consumers who are diverse, change fast, and of course have different satisfaction values The object of this study was to learn the effect of the J.CO brand identity and brand equity on consumer purchasing. The sample consisted of 200 respondents who had answered a questionnaire about the J.CO brand and the marketing strategy undertaken by J.CO. Respondents were determined using accidental sampling technique. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand identity and brand equity J.CO Donuts on consumer purchasing decisions. The samples that have been received are then analysed for their answers, starting with descriptive analysis, basic statistics, and regression. After this analysis, the results obtained in the form of J.CO’s brand identity have a significant effect, and the J.CO’s brand equity also has a significant effect. This shows that consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by brand identity and Equity Product. Keywords: Brand Identity; Equity Product; Consumer Purchasing Decisions &nbsp


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    Food and Beverage products or food and beverages are growing and growing rapidly. However, plastic becomes the raw material of F&B packaging until now is still a pro cons due to the health influence of the chemicals contained in it and not environmentally friendly. The environmental damage is now getting worse and has raised concerns. As knowledge increases, consumers increasingly know how to spend their money. Environmental Awareness value and Green Practices are considered by consumers to make a purchasing decision  on a  product. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of Environmental Awareness value and Green Practices on Consumer Purchasing Decisions on F&B Products.   Research was conducted online by distributing questionnaires through google forms to 96 respondents using descriptive quantitative analysis methods and data analysis  using multiple linear regression tests, determination coefficient tests and F tests and t tests, which were processed with the SPSS program. The results showed that Environmental awareness value and green practices showed a positive and significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions on F&B Products. Key Words: Environmental Awareness value , Green Practices, Purchase Decisio

    Model For Measuring Customer Satisfaction And Delight In Restaurant Industry

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of brand value, brand credibility, arousal, brand love, online buying on delight and the effect of delight on intention to book a restaurant. The population of this study were restaurant customers in Indonesia, with the sample of 250 respondents collected by online questionnaires using nonprobability sampling technique with convenience sampling—data analysis  run by PLS-SEM. Overall, the results of this study are descriptive statistical analysis. This study also offers other areas that deserve more research from the perspective of practitioners and researchers. The results showed that Arousal, Brand Credibility, Brand Love, Brand Value had a positive effect on Intention to Bookrestaurants through the variable of Delight. In contrast, online purchases have no effect on Delight or the hypothesis is not supported because customers feel doubtful and dissatisfied with online purchasing services and still feel afraid due to the occurrence of many frauds in online purchases