13 research outputs found

    Surgical Management of Recurrent Rectal Prolapse in a Domestic Kitten (Felis catus) – Case report

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    A case of recurrent rectal prolapse in a domestic 3 months old kitten was presented to the Referral Veterinary Polyclinic, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, with the complaint of protruded tubular pink mass through the anus along with mild signs of mucosal necrosis since last 5 days. Reduction and retention of the prolapsed mass by conventional purse-string suture technique was attempted earlier on 2 occasions by the attending veterinarian with no good results. Hence, the case was referred for second opinion and treatment. Surgical reduction was done under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia and the animal recovered uneventfully in 7 days

    Usporedna analiza učinkovitosti kombinacije ropivakaina, bupivakaina i ksilazin-ketamina za epiduralnu analgeziju u koza.

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    The study was conducted on eighteen healthy non-descript male goats divided into 3 groups: A, B and C, having 6 animals in each. Lumbosacral epidural ropivacaine (0.6 mg/kg), bupivacaine (0.5 mg/kg) and xylazine and ketamine (0.025 mg/kg and 2.5 mg/kg) were administered in groups A, B and C, respectively. The treatments were compared using clinical, physiological, haematological, biochemical and acid base/blood gas parameters. The earliest onset of analgesia was produced by epidural xylazine and ketamine combination. Xylazine and ketamine, bupivacaine and ropivacaine produced complete analgesia of the tail, perineum, inguinal region and thighs for variable intervals. The xylazine and ketamine combination produced analgesia of a greater extent and longer duration, followed by bupivacaine and ropivacaine. Mild sedation was produced by the xylazine and ketamine combination alone. Recovery was faster with ropivacaine, followed by bupivacaine and the xylazine and ketamine combination. The xylazine and ketamine combination produced a non-significant decrease in the heart rate and respiratory rate of the animals. There were insignificant fluctuations in pCO2, pO2, SO2, pH and HCO-3 values from base line at different intervals in all the groups. The changes in haematobiochemical and blood electrolyte values were transient, and hence of little significance in all the groups. The results of this study suggest that all these drugs could be considered safe for epidural analgesia in the administered doses for healthy goats.Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 zdravih jaraca podijeljenih u tri skupine (A, B i C). U svakoj skupini bilo je po 6 jaraca. U svrhu lumbosakralne epiduralne analgezije, skupini A bio je primijenjen ropivakain (0,6 mg/kg), skupini B bupivakain (0,5 mg/kg), a skupini C ksilazin i ketamin (0,025 mg/kg i 2,5 mg/kg). Učinci su bili uspoređeni na osnovi kliničkih, fizioloških, hematoloških, biokemijskih i acidobaznih pokazatelja te statusa plinova u krvi. Najbrži početak analgezije postignut je epiduralnom primjenom kombinacije ksilazina i ketamina. Ksilazin i ketamin, bupivakain te ropivakain izazvali su potpunu analgeziju repa, perineuma, ingvinalnog i bedrenog područja u različitim vremenskim razmacima. Najjača i najduža analgezija postignuta je kombinacijom ksilazina i ketamina. Zatim je po jačini i dužini slijedila analgezija bupivakainom pa ropivakainom. Srednje jaka sedacija postignuta je zasebnom primjenom ksilazina i ketamina. Oporavak nakon analgezije bio je najbrži pri uporabi ropivakaina, zatim bupivakaina te na posljetku kombinacije ksilazinketamina. Kombinacija ksilazina i ketamina izazvala je nesignifi kantan pad frekvencije bila i disanja. Kod svih skupina jaraca, u različitim vremeskim razmacima, opažena su i nesignifikantna odstupanja od početnih vrijednosti za pCO2, pO2, SO2, pH i HCO–3. Promjene hematoloških i biokemijskih pokazatelja kao i elektrolita u krvi bile su kratkotrajne i od malog značenja u svim promatranim skupinama. Rezultati pokazuju da se svi istraženi analgetici, u upotrijebljenim dozama, mogu smatrati sigurnima za epiduralnu analgeziju zdravih koza

    Physical characters and economics of acrylic and epoxy polymers as frame components of external skeletal fixator

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    Physical characters of acrylic and epoxy polymers used in constructing external skeletal fixator vis-à-vis economics were compared in the present study. The fixator constructs were prepared using acrylic/epoxy polymer, 1.5 mm K-wires and ultra high density polyethylene rods as a bone substitute. Observations on fabrication ease, weight, radiographic properties and economics of polymers were taken. The epoxy polymer being doughy, less heat producing and fumeless was easier to fabricate into constructs. Hardening time for acrylic was dependent on environmental temperature with an average of 11 min; whereas, epoxy putty hardened in about 22 min and the hardening was independent of environmental temperature. Acrylic fixators were radiolucent and significantly lower in weight. Preparation cost of epoxy constructs was significantly lower than acrylic constructs. Present study provides baseline benchmarks to choose polymers in constructing external skeletal fixators according to available resources, technical expertise and economics involved

    Odgovor na stres u pasa pod epiduralnom anestezijom deksmedetomidinom uz primjenu lokalnih anestetika ili bez njih i premedikaciju atropin-midazolamom

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate stress response in atropine-midazolam premedicated dogs under epidural dexmedetomidine alone or with local anaesthetics. A total of 24 healthy, client-owned mixed breed adult dogs, with an average weight of 18.1 ± 2.4 kg were allotted randomly (n = 6) to four groups, viz: A, B, C and D. All the animals were premedicated intramuscularly with atropine (0.04 mg/kg) and after 5 minutes by intravenous midazolam (0.7 mg/kg). After 10 minutes of premedication, in group A dexmedetomidine (7 μg/kg) and in groups B, C and D, in addition to dexmedetomidine (7 μg/kg), lidocaine (4.4 mg/kg), bupivacaine (2 mg/kg) and ropivacaine (2 mg/kg) were administered, respectively, at the lumbosacral epidural space. Anaesthesia was maintained with 1 per cent propofol as and when needed. Stress response during the surgical procedure was evaluated and assessed by measuring plasma levels of insulin, glucose, cortisol and blood neutrophil count at 0 min, 30 min and 90 min after epidural administration of the drugs in all groups. Insulin fluctuated non-significantly around the baseline in all groups, except for a very significant decrease at 30 min in group C, and a significant increase at the same interval in group B. Glucose values significantly increased in group D at 90 min. Cortisol showed a non-significant decrease from base values in all groups, except for a significant increase at 90 min in group A. The neutrophil count varied non-significantly at all intervals in all groups. No significant differences were recorded in glucose, cortisol and neutrophil count between the different groups at different intervals. It was concluded that dexmedetomidine, in combination with lidocaine, bupivacaine or ropivacaine, at the doses studied may be employed safely for epidural anaesthesia and analgesia, with adequate blunting of stress response during surgical procedures.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti odgovor na stres u pasa pod epiduralnom anestezijom deksmedetomidinom, uz primjenu lokalnih anestetika ili bez njih, kojima je kao premedikacija dan atropin-midazolam. Uključena su 24 zdrava odrasla psa mješanca, u vlasništvu klijenata. Prosječna tjelesna masa pasa iznosila je 18,1 ± 2,4 kg. Metodom slučajnog izbora psi su podijeljeni u četiri skupine iste veličine (n = 6) s oznakama A, B, C i D. Sve su životinje za premedikaciju intramuskularno dobile atropin (0,04 mg/kg) i nakon pet minuta intravenski midazolam (0,7 mg/kg). Deset minuta poslije premedikacije svim je skupinama u lumbosakralni epiduralni prostor dan deksmedetomidin (7 μg/kg), s tim da je skupini B dodan i lidokain (4,4 mg/kg), skupini C bupivakain (2 mg/kg), a skupini D ropivakain (2 mg/kg). Anestezija je održavana 1 %-tnim propofolom prema potrebi. Odgovor na stres za vrijeme kirurškog zahvata ustanovljen je mjerenjem razina inzulina, glukoze, kortizola u plazmi i broja neutrofila u krvi. Navedeni pokazatelji mjereni su 0 minuta, 30 minuta i 90 minuta nakon epiduralne primjene lijekova u svim skupinama. Vrijednosti inzulina nisu pokazale veću promjenjivost, osim statistički visoko značajnog smanjenja u skupini C nakon 30 minuta i statistički značajnog povećanja u skupini B u istom intervalu. Kod pasa iz skupine D razina glukoze značajno je porasla u 90. minuti. Smanjenje razina kortizola u svim skupinama nije bilo značajno, a u skupini A opažen je značajni porast ovog pokazatelja 90 minuta nakon primjene lijekova. Broj neutrofila nije značajnije varirao ni u jednoj skupini i ni u jednom intervalu mjerenja. Nije bilo značajnih razlika u razinama glukoze i kortizola te broju neutrofila među skupinama u različiitm intervalima. Zaključeno je da se sa svrhom smanjenja stresa pri kirurškim zahvatima za epiduralnu anesteziju i analgeziju sigurno može rabiti deksmedetomidin u kombinaciji s istraženim dozama lidokaina, bupivakaina ili ropivakaina

    Prosudba učinka midazolam-ketamina s deksmedetomidinom i fentanilom za injekcijsku anesteziju u pasa.

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    A prospective randomized blinded study was conducted on 12 clinically healthy adult dogs of both sexes (mean weight of 18.34 ± 0.78 kg) divided into three groups (n = 4). The animals received 0.4 mg/kg midazolam and 10 μg/kg dexmedetomidine (group A), 0.4 mg/kg midazolam and 20 μg/kg dexmedetomidine (group B) and 0.4 mg/kg midazolam + 20 μg/kg dexmedetomidine + 4 μg/kg fentanyl (group C) intramuscularly, using separate syringes. Ten minutes later Ketamine was administered intravenously in all the groups. A significantly (P<0.05) shorter weak time (onset of sedation) and down time (onset of recumbency) were recorded in animals in group C as compared to the animals of groups A and B. Muscle relaxation was excellent in group C. The pedal reflex was abolished up to 30 min in groups A and B and up to 60 min in group C. Intubation was only possible in groups B and C. The anaesthetic induction dose of ketamine was minimal in group C. Standing recovery time was shortest in the animals of group C. Respiratory rate (RR) decreased significantly (P<0.05) throughout the observation period, but rectal temperature (RT) decreased significantly (P<0.05) towards the end of the observation period in all the groups. Heart rate decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the animals of group B. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was maintained within the physiological range in all the groups. It was concluded that dexmedetomidine (10 μg/kg)-midazolam-ketamine can produce anaesthesia for about 20 min in dogs. Increasing the dose of dexmedetomidine did not enhance the duration of anaesthesia, but the further addition of fentanyl not only reduced the induction dose of ketamine but also increased the duration of anaesthesia up to 50 min. Dexmedetomidine-midazolam-fentanyl-ketamine can be used for prolonged duration of injectable anaesthesia in dogs.Poduzeto je prospektivno istraživanje na 12 slučajno odabranih klinički zdravih pasa i kuja (prosječne tjelesne mase 18,34 ± 0,78 kg) podijeljenih u tri skupine (n = 4). Životinjama skupine A bio je intramuskularno primijenjen midazolam u dozi od 0,4 mg/kg i deksmedetomidin u dozi od 10 μg/kg. Životinjama skupine B bio je i/m primijenjen midazolam u dozi od 0,4 mg/kg i deksmedetomidin 20 μg/kg, a životinje skupine C primile su i/m 0,4 mg/kg midazolama, 20 μg/kg deksmedetomidina i 4 μg/kg fentanila. Deset minuta nakon toga svim je životinjama intravenski bio ubrizgan ketamin. Značajno (P<0,05) kraće vrijeme smirivanja (nastup sedacije) i vrijeme lijeganja ustanovljeno je u životinja skupine C u usporedbi sa skupinama A i B. Opuštanje mišićja bilo je izvrsno u skupini C. Nožni refleks nestao je nakon 30 minuta u skupinama A i B, a nakon 60 minuta u skupini C. Intubacija je bila moguća samo u životinja skupine B i C. Doza ketamina potrebna za početak anestezije bila je najmanja u životinja skupine C. Vrijeme potrebno za ponovno ustajanje bilo je najkraće u životinja skupine C. Frekvencija disanja značajno se smanjila (P<0,05) u čitavom razdoblju promatranja, dok se rektalna temperatura u svih životinja značajno smanjila (P<0,05) na kraju razdoblja promatranja. Frekvencija bila znatno se smanjila (P<0,05) u životinja skupine B. Srednji arterijski tlak bio je u fiziološkim granicama u svih životinja. Može se zaključiti da kombinacija deksmedetomidin (10 μg/kg)-midazolam-ketamin može u pasa dovesti do anestezije za oko 20 minuta. Povećanje doze deksmedetomidina nije povećalo trajanje anestezije. Ipak, daljnja primjena fentanila ne samo da je smanjila početnu dozu ketamina već je povećala trajanje anestezije na 50 minuta. Deksmedetomidin-midazolam-fentanil-ketamin mogu se rabiti za produženo trajanje injekcijske anestezije u pasa

    Prosudba učinkovitosti celomske tekućine kišne gujavice na cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože kunića.

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    The present study was conducted on 16 New Zealand White rabbits of 10-12 months of age, to evaluate the healing potential of earthworm coelomic fluid in full thickness skin wounds. Under xylazine-ketamine anaesthesia, four rectangular full thickness excisional skin wounds, measuring 2×2 cm2 were created on the dorsum of each animal and designated as groups I, II, III and IV. Wounds were treated by topical coelomic fluid (I), 0.5 % povidone-iodine and coelomic fluid (II), 0.5 % povidone-iodine (III) and normal saline (IV). Healing was evaluated on the basis of gross and histomorphological parameters. The mean wound area was significantly lesser (P<0.05) in the wounds of groups I and II as compared to groups III and IV, up to 21 days. Out of 16 wounds, nine wounds in group I (56.25 %) and 11 wounds in group II (68.75 %) healed completely by day 21, but none in groups III and IV. Histomorphological studies showed more mature and densely placed collagen and better epithelialization in groups I and II as compared to groups III and IV. It was concluded that coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia foetida can accelerate healing of full-thickness skin wounds in rabbits.Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 novozelandskih bijelih kunića u dobi od 10 do 12 mjeseci s ciljem da se prosudi mogući učinak celomske tekućine kišne gujavice na cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože u kunića. Kunići su bili podijeljeni u četiri skupine označene I, II, III i IV. Četiri pravokutne ekscizijske kožne rane u punoj debljini veličine 2x2 cm načinjene su na leđima svake životinje pod anestezijom ksilazin-ketaminom. Rane su bile obrađene celomskom tekućinom (skupina I), 0,5 %-tnim povidon-jodom i celomskom tekućinom (skupina II), 0,5 %-tnim povidon-jodom (skupina III) i fiziološkom otopinom (skupina IV). Cijeljenje rana bilo je prosuđivano na osnovi patoanatomskih i patohistoloških nalaza. Prosječna površina rana 21 dan nakon ekscizije bila je značajno manja (P<0,05) u skupinama I i II u usporedbi s površinom skupina III i IV. Devet od 16 rana u skupini I (56,25 %) i 11 u skupini II (68,75 %) u potpunosti su zacijelile 21 dan nakon ekscizije, dok nijedna nije zacijelila u skupini III i IV. Patohistološki nalaz pokazao je više zrelog i gušće raspoređenog kolagena te bolju epitelizaciju u skupinama I i II u usporedbi sa skupinama III i IV. Može se zaključiti da celomska tekućina kišne gujavice Eisenia foetida može ubrzati cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože u kunića

    Guinea pigs as an animal model for sciatic nerve injury

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    The overwhelming use of rat models in nerve regeneration studies is likely to induce skewness in treatment outcomes. To address the problem, this study was conducted in 8 adult guinea pigs of either sex to investigate the suitability of guinea pig as an alternative model for nerve regeneration studies. A crush injury was inflicted to the sciatic nerve of the left limb, which led to significant decrease in the pain perception and neurorecovery up to the 4th weak. Lengthening of foot print and shortening of toe spread were observed in the paw after nerve injury. A 3.49 ± 0.35 fold increase in expression of neuropilin 1 (NRP1) gene and 2.09 ± 0.51 fold increase in neuropilin 2 (NRP2) gene were recorded 1 week after nerve injury as compared to the normal nerve. Ratios of gastrocnemius muscle weight and volume of the experimental limb to control limb showed more than 50% decrease on the 30th day. Histopathologically, vacuolated appearance of the nerve was observed with presence of degenerated myelin debris in digestion chambers. Gastrocnemius muscle also showed degenerative changes. Scanning electron microscopy revealed loose and rough arrangement of connective tissue fibrils and presence of large spherical globules in crushed sciatic nerve. The findings suggest that guinea pigs could be used as an alternative animal model for nerve regeneration studies and might be preferred over rats due to their cooperative nature while recording different parameters

    Standardization and characterization of adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction from New Zealand white rabbits for bone tissue engineering

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    Background and Aim: Adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) contains a heterogeneous cell population comprising multipotent adipose-derived stem cells. Regenerative therapy using adipose-derived SVF has broad applications in bone tissue engineering due to the superior osteogenic potential of SVF. This study was designed to standardize and characterize adipose-derived SVF obtained from New Zealand white rabbits for bone tissue engineering and other potential applications. Materials and Methods: Ten skeletally mature and clinically healthy adult New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. The SVF was prepared using surgically resected interscapular adipose tissue following enzymatic digestion with 0.1% collagenase type I solution. The SVF pellet obtained after the final centrifugation step was suspended in a 0.5 mL control solution to obtain ready-to-use adipose-derived SVF. The freshly prepared SVF was characterized based on the total SVF cell count and cell yield per gram of adipose tissue. The SVF cells were enumerated using a hemocytometer. Results: Interscapular adipose tissue depots are ideal for preparing autologous adipose-derived SVF due to the ease of access. The interscapular adipose-derived SVF prepared by enzymatic digestion had an average cell yield of 3.15±0.09×106 cells/g adipose tissue. Freshly prepared SVF had a total cell count of 3.15±0.09×104 cells/μL. Conclusion: The enzymatic digestion of adipose tissue using 0.1% collagenase resulted in better cell yield per gram than methods previously reported in rabbits. The use of adipose-derived SVF can preclude the requirement for an additional culture period. In addition, it may also reduce the risk of extensive cell contamination, which makes it a safe and cost-effective strategy for bone tissue engineering applications