564 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity of Zinc nanopartcles with Lepidium Sativum Seeds Extract for mouthwash

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    According my knowledge on Zinc nanoparticles with the Lepidium Sativum seeds extract i like to discusses the precise synthesis and characterization of Zinc nanoparticles by using the extract of Lepidium Sativum seeds. as it will may be cover the proper methodology,results and findings relating to the nanoparticles properties, such for size, shape and stability. It will be additionally about my research might be touch upon the potential applications and more benefits of my invented nanoparticles in various fields, considering about the unique properties be a part by the Lepidium Sativum seeds extract.The Zinc nanoparticles with Lepidium Sativum seeds extract for my invented mouthwash like to highlights the development and proper evaluation for a novel mouthwash formulation. As my study more explore about the synthesis of Zinc nanoparticles by using about the Lepidium Sativum seeds extract and their proper incorporation into a mouthwash preparation. As antimicrobial activity i tested in this research by formulated mouthwash preparation

    Tamil Language and Religions

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    Language is the symbol of a country. If that language is the mother tongue of a person, then he or she can convey the ideas to others and can make them understand it easily. Language creates a better human. From ancient period itself language has been intertwined with human beings. Speaking and understanding a particular language is the only difference between five- sense animal and a six- sense human. Therefore, language is the cause of human civilization and culture. India is a multi- lingual country and there is no common language. People in each state of India speaks different languages. Thus, India can be seen as a multilingual country. Historians say that most of the people spoke Indo- European languages. People speaks Dravidian language. Thus, Languages are classified as North Dravidian, Middle Dravidian and South Dravidian. There are people who speak South Dravidian languages such as Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Kudagu and Tulu

    Thermal Donor Formation in CZ-Silicon Annealed at 450°C in Air Ambient

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    Magnetic Behaviour of Yttrium Iron-Transition Metal Mixed Oxides

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    A Financial Viability and Relative Profitability of Mango Orcharding in Lucknow District of Uttar Pradesh

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    The existence of the wide range of natural endowment is very much favorable for growing a large array of horticultural crops throughout the country. The country observed a sharper increase in the area of horticultural crops compared to food grains. In the fruit industry, mango stands top in position. Due to perennial nature, the cost and return behavior has been estimated @ 10 percent opportunity cost of capital as like investment appraisal for the interest of development of mango entrepreneurs. The per hectare net present value (NPV), for the entire life period (55 years) of the mango orchard has been found to be ` 600237.34. Benefit-cost ratio is 1.76. The adjusted IRR is also worked out as 19.80 percent, which is sufficiently higher than the opportunity cost of the capital or the rate of interest charged by the financial institutions. The payback period was about 8.2 years. Thus, the evidence reveals that investments in mango orchard are highly profitable, economically feasible and financially viable. To overcome the question of risk and uncertainty in investment over a longer period the usual technique is how sensitive the investment if the cost or return increase/decrease due to economic or other change in the market. Some competing crop performed better in term of benefit-cost ratio, but in terms of average annual net return of ` 36030.60 ha-1 which was evidently higher than that of alternative crops. The mango cultivation is low input intensive as compared to food grain that means fewer requirements of resources for its production. So, we can say mango production is more profitable venture for resource-poor farmers

    Relative Economics of Menthol Mint Cultivation with Existing Competitive Crop Combinations in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Area of Uttar Pradesh

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    The study was undertaken to examine the relative economics of menthol mint production with existing competitive crop combinations in the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve  area of Uttar Pradesh. Data were obtained through administrating of a pre-tested, well-designed survey schedule and questionnaire from 400 farmers during the agriculture year 2018-19. To accomplish the objectives of the study both descriptive analysis and project appraisal technique have been applied to study the socio-economic status of farmers along with the profile of their farm and analyze the cost, return behavior and relative profitability. The study unveiled that about 62.50 per cent farmers were having the educational qualification level of primary to postgraduate and remaining of 37.50 per cent farmers were deprived of schooling. More than three fourths 384 of the sample farmers (96.00%) have perceived the agriculture as their main occupation, whereas only (4.00%) of them (16 families) have selected the agriculture as their secondary occupation. The average landholding size of the respondents has been found to be 2.39 acres, which are slightly less than the national average landholding size of a household. The larger area (38.50%) is covered under the combination of paddy-mentha-maize (42.50) followed by paddy-mustard-mentha (32.60%), sugarcane (22.65%) and paddy-wheat-maize (6.25%).The majority of the respondents had the medium level of mass media exposure, extension contact and having a high level of social participation. As the annual rate of returns from investment were affected by adoption cropping pattern, method of production and prices of input and output. It is observed that some competing crops performed better in terms of total and net returns over the cost of cultivation. It is also observed that the benefit-cost ratio mentha performed better and found noticeably higher than that of other existing competitive crop combinations. Moreover, among the three major cropping patterns,the maximum net return was obtained from Paddy-Mustard-Mentha accounted for ` 69.81K and B-C ratio was 1:1.62, it implies that farmers invest single rupee on deployed resources has been received 1.62 rupees additional as profit, it is also implied that marginal efficiency of recourses used and allocation considered as satisfactory level

    Alternate paradigm for intrinsic transcription termination in eubacteria

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    Intrinsic transcription terminators are functionally defined as sites that bring about termination in vitro with purified RNA polymerase alone. Based on studies in Escherichia coli, intrinsic termination requires a palindromic stretch followed by a trail of T (or U) residues in the coding strand. We have developed a highly efficient algorithm to identify hairpin potential sequences in bacterial genomes in order to build a general model for intrinsic transcription termination. The algorithm was applied to analyze the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome. We find that hairpin potential sequences are concentrated in the immediate downstream of stop codons. However, most of these structures either lack the U trail entirely or have a mixed A/U trail reflecting an evolutionarily relaxed requirement for the U trail in the mycobacterial genome. Predicted atypical structures were shown to work efficiently as terminators both inside the mycobacterial cell and in vitro with purified RNA polymerase. The results are discussed in light of the kinetic competition models for transcription termination. The algorithm identifies >90% of experimentally tested terminators in bacteria and is an invaluable tool in identifying transcription units in whole genomes

    Virological and Immunological Status of the People Living with HIV/AIDS Undergoing ART Treatment in Nepal

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    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has increased the life span of the people living with HIV (PLHIV), but their virological and immunological outcomes are not well documented in Nepal. The study was conducted at a tertiary care center including 826 HIV-1 seropositive individuals undergoing ART for at least six months. Plasma viral load (HIV-1 RNA) was detected by Real Time PCR and CD4+ T-lymphocyte (CD4+) counts were estimated by flow cytometry. The mean CD4+ count of patients was 501 (95% CI = 325?579) cells/cumm, but about 35% of patients had CD4+ T cell counts below 350 cells/cumm. With increasing age, average CD4+ count was found to be decreasing (p = 0.005). Of the total cases, 82 (9.92%) were found to have virological failure (viral load: \u3e1000 copies/ml). Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV), the frequently used ART regimen in Nepal, showed virological failure in 11.34% and immunological failure in 37.17% of patients. Virological failure rate was higher among children \u3c 15 years (14.5%) (p = 0.03); however, no association was observed between ART outcomes and gender or route of transmission. The study suggests there are still some chances of virological and immunological failures despite the success of highly active ART (HAART)

    Evaluation and Development of Herbal Based Lozenges for Cough

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    Our research represents to identify, evaluation and proper manufacturing of the herbal based lozenges for cough by using combination of calamansi, ginger, miracle berry fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) belonging from the family Sapotaceae and manuka honey as we know manuka honey comes from other country. The herbal based lozenges were formulated properly to provide proper relief from the cough symptoms by using natural herbal ingredients with potential and therapeutic properties. Our research involved with the proper and appropriate preparation of the lozenges we followed by evaluation, identification and analysis of their physical characteristics, organoleptic properties and in vivo dissolution behavior. Our results gives that the herbal based lozenges exhibited desirable attributes and demonstrate a good promising potential for cough relief. For good efficacy and safety we did the clinical trial

    Comparative shoot regeneration in diploid and amphidiploid Brassica species and their interspecific hybrids

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    Shoot regeneration response in interspecific hybrids of Brassica species were assessed in relation to the diploid pollen parents and amphidiploid female parents. Superior regeneration responses were observed in interspecific combinations of B. carinata and B. nigra (BBC), B. juncea and B. campestris (AAB), and B. napus and B. campestris (AAC). Though synthetic B. napus regenerated with a frequency less than that of the better regenerating parent (B. oleracea), higher regeneration response was observed in the hybrid between B. napus and B. campestris. Two triploid combinations of the genetic constitution ABC, one obtained by crossing synthetic B. napus with B. nigra and the other by crossing natural B. juncea with B. oleracea, showed low regeneration responses. The response improved substantially in a tetraploid of the constitution ABBC obtained by crossing B. juncea with B. carinata. Key words: Brassica, alloploids, shoot regeneration