51 research outputs found

    Inplant Cogeneration System: The Utilisation Of Waste Heat From Power Plant

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    India is one of the largest sugarcane growing nations. So, lot of waste material is getting produced during the production of sugar.  The cogeneration technique helps to reuse these waste products for generation purpose. Cogeneration based on biomass is environmentally friendly, and all kinds of biomass resources can be used. As a result of this, the sugar units today are integrated plants which apart from manufacturing sugar, generate power and supply to the grid and also have distillery to produce ethyl alcohol. It is a system of commercially available technologies that lower general gas consumption and related GHG emissions via generating each strength and beneficial heat from the same gas input. For industries in want of energy in distinctive forms consisting of electricity & steam, (maximum extensively used form of warmth strength), the cogeneration is right answer due to its viability from technical, within your means in addition to environmental perspective. 


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    Advanced oxidation processes are low-cost, highly efficient, and eco-friendly technologies in the removal of organic pollutants in wastewater using hydroxyl radicals for oxidation. Hydroxyl radicals possess high oxidation potential and can react with organic compounds, resulting in the complete mineralization of these compounds into carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salt or their conversion into other compounds. The present investigation deals with the removal of tetracycline from water using simulated ultraviolet radiation and hydrogen peroxide, assessing the effect of operational parameters like the solution\u27s initial pH, retention time, hydrogen peroxide dosage in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal from the standard aqueous solution of tetracycline. Results indicate that alkaline conditions and larger hydrogen peroxide dosage negatively affect the degradation. The removal efficiency of 68 % was achieved at 150 min of batch reaction under optimum conditions: pH = 4, and a dose of hydrogen peroxide of 0.3 ml per 100 ml of the solution to be treated. At optimum conditions, LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) analysis results showed a reduction in initial concentration of aqueous solution of tetracycline. Photocatalytic degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with the rate constant (k) of 0.0061 min-1. Photocatalysis based on hydrogen peroxide is effective in the degradation of tetracycline in an aqueous solution and can be applied as a pretreatment of hospital wastewater containing tetracycline residues

    Harmonics Cancellation in Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems by Using a Filtering Topology

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    This paper presents harmonics mitigation in distribution system .in this the single phase inductance and capacitance are used to develop the four-branch star filter topology ,this filter topology does not required any type of transformer and electromagnetic device .Via this hybrid filter two resonance frequencies is obtain one for positive or negative sequence component and other for zero sequence component. This filtering topology can be used in hybrid or passive mode ,in passive mode only capacitance and inductance is used to mitigate the harmonic in distribution system or in hybrid mode the capacitance and inductance is used with voltage source inverter .The analysis and simulation designed provide better solution to mitigate the harmonic in Three phase four wire system i.e.in distribution system . This hybrid filter topology provides the better power quality and significant reactive power control

    Harmonics Cancellation in Distribution Systems by Using a Hybrid Power Filter

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    This paper presents a proper method to filtering harmonics or cancel out the harmonic in Distribution grid.. The hybrid filter is presented in this paper, the limitation of the active and the passive power filter is overcome by developing the hybrid power filter . In the hybrid power filter the resonant cell is combining with voltage source inverter and this together combination is act as a hybrid power filter. and the rating of voltage source inverter can be increased with increased in dc-link voltage and hence the capability of harmonic mitigation can be increased with dc link voltage . The reactive power control and the improvement in power quality is also presented in this paper. the quality factor is responsible for selecting the frequency of tuning circuit. The MATLAB simulation design give the harmonic reduction in distribution grid or distribution system and in three phase four wire system, this system is most economical

    Trace Element Abundances in an Unusual Hibonite-Perovskite Refractory Inclusion from Allende

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    Calcium-aluminum-rich refractory inclusions (CAIs) are thought to be the first-formed solids in the Solar protoplanetary disk and can provide information about the earliest Solar System processes (e.g., [1]). A hibonite-perovskitebearing CAI from the Allende CV3 chondrite (SHAL, [2]) contains a single of 500 micrometers hibonite grain and coarse-grained perovskite. The mineralogy and oxygen isotopic composition of this CAI shows similarities with FUN inclusions, especially HAL [2]. Here we present trace element abundances in SHAL

    Pattern of obstetrics complication among pregnant females admitted in a tertiary care centre in central India

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    Background: About half a million women die every year of causes related to pregnancy and child birth. Complication can arise at any time during pregnancy; child birth and post natal period and in absence of intervention, there is a high feto - maternal morbidity and mortality. The aim was to study the pattern of obstetrics complication among antenatal patients coming to a tertiary care centre.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 102 antenatal women admitted in intensive care unit of our institute during July 2014 to November 2014. Data regarding maternal socio-demographic profile and antenatal profile was collected.Results: Total 102 women included in the study. 95 (93%) were registered and 7 were unregistered women. 88 (86.4%) women had 3 or more antenatal visit, of which 3 (2.9%) were unregistered women. 82 (80.3%) women had blood Hb% <11; of which 7 (6.8%) were unregistered women. Out of total 102 women, 64 (62.7%) women were having complications related to abnormal labour; 34 (33.3%) obstetrical disorder, 21 (20.5%) hypertensive disorder. Because of multi-disciplinary team approach at our institute, no maternal mortality was reported among the antenatal women admitted during this period in our institute.Conclusions: All women need access to antenatal care; institutional delivery and post- partum care. Complication arises at any time in absence of intervention. Multidisciplinary team approach along with intensive care specialist and anaesthesiologists can bring optimum care and thereby help in reducing maternal mortality.

    Watermarking for Security in Database

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    Watermarking technology is used to embed copyright information in objects such as images, audio, video and databases. The increasing use of relational database systems in many real-life applications creates the need for database watermarking systems for protection of database. As a result, watermarking relational database system deals with the legal issue of copyright protection of database system. There are different types of databases like, Numerical and Categorical Databases. Working with numerical data is easier as compared to categorical databases which is much harder to work with. This report addresses a unique, robust copyright protection scheme for Relational Database. Watermark (Characteristic code) is a binary string calculated through the characteristic operation on the original database. A watermark is called robust if it resists a designated class of transformations. Robust watermarks may be used in copy protection applications to carry copy and access control information. The algorithm correlates characteristics according to the content of the databases, which can resist invertibility attack efficiently.Invertibility attack on database is being considered in this paper

    A review of volatiles in the Martian interior

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    Multiple observations from missions to Mars have revealed compelling evidence for a volatile-rich Martian crust. A leading theory contends that eruption of basaltic magmas was the ultimate mechanism of transfer of volatiles from the mantle toward the surface after an initial outgassing related to the crystallization of a magma ocean. However, the concentrations of volatile species in ascending magmas and in their mantle source regions are highly uncertain. This work and this special issue of Meteoritics & Planetary Science summarize the key findings of the workshop on Volatiles in the Martian Interior (Nov. 3–4, 2014), the primary open questions related to volatiles in Martian magmas and their source regions, and the suggestions of the community at the workshop to address these open questions

    Smart ATM Security and Alert System with Real-Time Monitoring

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    The growing adoption of automated teller machines (ATMs) worldwide, ensuring the security of ATM transactions and protecting customer data has become a critical concern for the banking industry. In this research paper, we proposed an Internet of Things (IoT) based ATM security system using the NodeMCU ESP8266 module, PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor, LCD display with I2C interface, and the Telegram app. The proposed system utilizes the NodeMCU ESP8266 module, which is a low-cost Wi-Fi enabled microcontroller, as the main controller for the security system. The PIR sensor is used to detect motion or presence near the ATM, which can potentially indicate unauthorized access. The LCD display with I2C interface is used to provide real-time status information about the ATM, such as Motion Detected or NO Motion. When the PIR sensor detects any suspicious activity near the ATM, the NodeMCU ESP8266 module sends a notification to the ATM owner or security personnel via the Telegram app. The notification includes details about the detected activity, allowing the owner or security personnel to take immediate action. The real- time alerts enable prompt response to potential security breaches and help prevent unauthorized access to the ATM