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    Abstrak: Desa Kemutug Lor, Kabupaten Banyumas, Propinsi Jawa Tengah berlokasi diarea penyangga wisata ikonik baturaden, dengan banyaknya aktifitas wisata dan pengunjung dan industry wisata harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dan meningkatkan produktifitas Masyarakat. Upaya mengelola sampah dilakukan dengan memilah dengan mendirikan TPST, tetapi memiliki keterbatasan teknologi terutama proses pemilahan yang masih manual. Aktifitas ekonomi sesuai potensi wisata berupa produk unggulan yang dikembangkan berupa produk ecoprint masih terkendala model dan teknologi konvensional. Tujuan penerapan teknologi adalah untuk meningkatkan volume daur ulang sampah dan meningkatkan produktifitas produk ecoprint. Mitra kegiatan adalah Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) Cemerlang, pengelola sampah wisata dan usaha rumahan di bawah pengelolaan BUMDES Wanatirta Mukti yang mengembangkan produk ecoprint. Upaya peningkatan keberdayaan kelompok terhambat permasalahan utama yaitu pengetahuan SDM, kebutuhan teknologi tepat guna dan pemasaran produk. Metode yang diaplikasikan adalah penerapan teknologi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mitra pengelola sampah berupa optimasi pemilahan dan daur ulang, sedangkan pada usaha ecoprint diterapkan penguatan corak tulang daun, model busana dan teknologi table - steamer kain. Hasil penguatan kelompok pengelola sampah dengan mesin pemilah 4 ton/jam mampu mendaur ulang sampah sebesar 95%, dari sebelumnya hanya 35%. Produksi ecoprint mampu meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya 60%, dan variasi produknya meningkat 55%. Pemasaran dengan website mampu mempromosikan produk dan layanan penjualan secara online.Abstract: Kemutug Lor Village, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province is located in the iconic Baturaden tourist buffer area, with many tourist activities and visitors and the tourism industry must maintain environmental cleanliness and increase community productivity. Efforts to manage waste are carried out by sorting it by establishing a TPST, but this has technological limitations, especially the sorting process which is still manual. Economic activities in accordance with tourism potential in the form of superior products developed in the form of ecoprint products are still constrained by conventional models and technology. The aim of applying technology is to increase the volume of waste recycling and increase the productivity of ecoprint products. The activity partners are the Cemerlang Community Waste Manajemen, tourism waste management and home businesses under the management of Village Enterprise Wanatirta Mukti which develops ecoprint products. Efforts to increase group empowerment are hampered by the main problems, namely knowledge of human resources, the need for appropriate technology and product marketing. The method applied is the application of technology adapted to the needs of waste management partners in the form of optimizing sorting and recycling, while in the ecoprint business, strengthening leaf bone patterns, clothing models and table - fabric steamer technology are applied. The results of strengthening the waste management group with a 4 ton/hour sorting machine were able to recycle 95% of waste, from previously only 35%. Ecoprint production was able to increase production capacity by 60%, and product variety increased by 55%. Marketing with a website is able to promote products and sales services online


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    Abstrak: Desa Gondang, Kecamatan Karangreja, merupakan salah satu Desa penghasil kopi arabika dan robusta bermutu tinggi di Kabupaten Purbalingga. Produk kopi selama ini belum optimal dikembangkan untuk mencapai produk premium, karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan teknologi proses. Kopi premium mempunyai nilai jual tinggi pada pasar nasional maupun internasional, baik dalam bentuk green bean, roast bean dan serbuk. Kopi yang dihasilkan di Desa ini bercirikan butir yang besar, bersih dan merata, berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi produk kopi premium. Penerapan teknologi tepat guna (TTG) proses pengolahan kopi premium, dengan melakukan penyuluhan, pelatihan penggunaan TTG, studi banding dan mengundang narasumber pengolah kopi dari UKM yang sudah maju. Mesin pengolah kopi premium yang dibantu kepada kelompok terdiri dari: (1) TTG mesin roaster kapasitas 20 kg/proses, dengan monitoring Internet of Thing (IoT) berbasis android; (2) TTG mesin sachet otomatis dengan variasi berat (30-250 gr); (3) TTG Sealing Continues untuk paking kopi ukuran diatas 500 gr; dan (4) Dry House dilengkapi panel solar sel, untuk stabilisasi suhu dan kelembaban. Selain itu dalam rangka penerapan mesin produksi otomatis, untuk layanan dan monitoring perkembangan kelompok telah dikembangkan Website modern untuk meningkatkan branding produk yang terintegrasi layanan penjualan online. Hasil pemberdayaan kelompok tani ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 11 orang anggota kelompok yang dilatih khusus pengolahan kopi premium, setelah dilakukan post test, diketahui 8 orang (73%) hasil sangat baik, 2 orang (18%) baik, dan 1 orang (9%) cukup. Hasil penerapan TTG menunjukkan 11 orang anggota kelompok Tani Bawono Lestari mampu meningkatkan variasi produk kopi arabika dan robusta masing-masing 3 jenis rasa khas yang diproses untuk dipasarkan pada premium market. Dampak penerapan proses pengolahan kopi premium meningkatkan nilai ekonomis produk sebesar 57%, harga produk kopi roastbean arabika meningkat dari rata-rata per kilogram Rp. 175.000/kg meningkat menjadi Rp. 235.500-250.000/kg, kopi robusta dari Rp. 75.000/kg menjadi Rp 117.000-120.000/kg, peningatan kapasitas produksi kopi olahan sebesar 73%, dari 175 kg/hari menjadi 306,25/hari.Abstract: Gondang Village, Karangreja District, is one of the villages producing high-quality Arabica and Robusta coffee in Purbalingga Regency. Due to limited knowledge and process technology, coffee products have not been developed optimally to achieve premium quality Regency. Due to limited knowledge and process technology, coffee products have not been developed optimally to achieve premium quality. Premium coffee has a high selling value in national and international markets, both in the form of green beans, roasted beans, and powder. The coffee produced in this village is characterized by large, clean, and even grain, which has the potential to be developed into premium coffee products. application of appropriate technology for premium coffee processing by conducting counseling, training on the use of appropriate technology, comparative studies, and inviting resource persons from advanced SMEs. The premium coffee processing machines assisted by the group consist of: (1) an appropriate technology roaster machine with a capacity of 20 kg/process, with Android-based Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring; (2) appropriate technology automatic sachet machines with weight variations (30–250 gr); (3) appropriate technology sealing machines for packing coffee sizes above 500 gr; and (4) a dry house equipped with solar cell panels to stabilize temperature and humidity. In addition, in the context of implementing automatic production machines for service and monitoring group developments, a modern website has been developed to improve product branding that is integrated with online sales services. The results of the empowerment of this farmer group showed that out of 11 group members who were specifically trained in premium coffee processing, after the post-test, it was found that 8 people (73%) had very good results, 2 people (18%) had good results, and 1 person (9%) had enough. The results of the application of appropriate technology showed that 11 members of the Bawono Lestari Farmer Group were able to increase the variety of Arabica and Robusta coffee products, each of which had three distinctive flavors and was processed to be marketed at the premium market. The impact of using the premium coffee processing process raises the economic value of the product by 57%, raising the price of Arabica roast bean coffee products from an average of Rp. 175,000 per kilogram to Rp. 235,500 to 250,000 per kilogram and raising the price of robusta coffee from Rp. 75,000 per kilogram to IDR 117,000-120,000 per kilogram, resulting in a 73% increase in processed coffee production capacity from 175 kg per day to 306.25 kg per day


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    Having widely spread the energy saver tools, wich is called energy saver, promoted to save electrical energy used in residential areas should be studied. That tools are packed in enclosed box and marketed with no it�s detail component. In this study, did by laboratory standard. that tools is considered as a black box, parallel installed with severally load variation that is used in residence, as resitif's loads, inductive and capasitif loads. it was intended to explore it�s characteristic to prove what it was said to make electrical energy usage more efficient using energy saver to get useful data to know there is don't it that energy saver's influence to PLN'S electric network recidence Electrical parameters needed were. Active power (P), apparent power (S), reactive power (Q), voltage (V), current (I), power factor (Cos�), total impedance (ohm), frequency (f), voltage harmonic and current harmonic, which measured before and after the energy saver installed. Futher, curve fittings which describe the characteristics of resitif, inductive and capacitive loads, were in order to fit the energy save characteristic in the effort to prove it�s energy saving, used to calculate the effect of the use of energy saver is on the grid for the household