1,963 research outputs found

    Strain-age cracking in Rene 41 alloy

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    Weldability test determines the effects of material and process variables on the occurrence of strain-age cracking, and demonstrates effective and practical means for its reduction. Studies consist of tensile, impact, and stress-rupture tests

    Marketing u zdravstvenom i sportskom turizmu

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    Gesundheit, Schönheit, Sport, Kultur und ganzheitliches Erleben stehen bei den Gästen in Europa in der Skala der Urlaubsmotive ganz oben. Moderne Angebote zielen daher stark auf diese Gäste ab, die außerdem ganzjährig „unterwegs“ sind. Es handelt sich dabei um hochwertige Nachfrager, die das beste bevorzugen. Eine Ausrichtung eines Gebietes, eines Ortes, oder einer Hotelgruppe im Hinblick auf eine derartige Diversifizierung erfordert nach innen umfangreiche strukturelle (nach Investitionen gerechnet- teure) Voraussetzungen, und bei Managern und Mitarbeitern laufende ideelle und qualifikatorische Bildungs- und Schulungsaktivitäten. Die ständige und gezielte Marktbearbeitung innerhalb der europäischen Nachfragstruktur z.B. auf Messen oder mittels Road-Shows ist im Sinne einer effizienten Darstellung nach außen unabdingbar.Zdravlje, ljepota, sport, kultura i općeniti doživljaj prostora i vremena, stoje na najvišem mjestu ljestvice motiva za godišnji odmor Europljana. Zbog toga moderne ponude upravo ciljaju goste koji tijekom cijele godine odlaze na duža ili kraća putovanja. Pri tome se misli na potrošače visokih kriterija koji traže samo najbolje. Uređenje i opremanje nekog podničja, mjesta, grada ili grupe hotela, promatrano s aspekta suradnika konstantno idealne kvalifikacijske obrazovne i školske aktivnosti. Kontinuirana i ciljana marketinška obrada unutar europskih struktura za ispitivanja javnog mnijenja, primjerice na sajmovima ili unutar Road-Showsa, neophodna je zbog pozitivne prezentacije

    Prevalence of qacA/B genes and mupirocin resistance among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in the setting of chlorhexidine bathing without mupirocin

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the frequency of qacA/B chlorhexidine tolerance genes and high-level mupirocin resistance among MRSA isolates before and after the introduction of a chlorhexidine (CHG) daily bathing intervention in a surgical intensive care unit (SICU). DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study (2005–2012) SETTING: A large tertiary-care center PATIENTS: Patients admitted to SICU who had MRSA surveillance cultures of the anterior nares METHODS: A random sample of banked MRSA anterior nares isolates recovered during (2005) and after (2006–2012) implementation of a daily CHG bathing protocol was examined for qacA/B genes and high-level mupirocin resistance. Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing was also performed. RESULTS: Of the 504 randomly selected isolates (63 per year), 36 (7.1%) were qacA/B positive ( + ) and 35 (6.9%) were mupirocin resistant. Of these, 184 (36.5%) isolates were SCCmec type IV. There was a significant trend for increasing qacA/B (P= .02; highest prevalence, 16.9% in 2009 and 2010) and SCCmec type IV (P< .001; highest prevalence, 52.4% in 2012) during the study period. qacA/B( + ) MRSA isolates were more likely to be mupirocin resistant (9 of 36 [25%] qacA/B( + ) vs 26 of 468 [5.6%] qacA/B(−); P= .003). CONCLUSIONS: A long-term, daily CHG bathing protocol was associated with a change in the frequency of qacA/B genes in MRSA isolates recovered from the anterior nares over an 8-year period. This change in the frequency of qacA/B genes is most likely due to patients in those years being exposed in prior admissions. Future studies need to further evaluate the implications of universal CHG daily bathing on MRSA qacA/B genes among hospitalized patients

    Regulation of the Fear Network by Mediators of Stress: Norepinephrine Alters the Balance between Cortical and Subcortical Afferent Excitation of the Lateral Amygdala

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    Pavlovian auditory fear conditioning involves the integration of information about an acoustic conditioned stimulus (CS) and an aversive unconditioned stimulus in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). The auditory CS reaches the LA subcortically via a direct connection from the auditory thalamus and also from the auditory association cortex itself. How neural modulators, especially those activated during stress, such as norepinephrine (NE), regulate synaptic transmission and plasticity in this network is poorly understood. Here we show that NE inhibits synaptic transmission in both the subcortical and cortical input pathway but that sensory processing is biased toward the subcortical pathway. In addition binding of NE to β-adrenergic receptors further dissociates sensory processing in the LA. These findings suggest a network mechanism that shifts sensory balance toward the faster but more primitive subcortical input

    De los escenarios a las trayectorias de desarrollo para la seguridad alimentaria bajo cambio climático en Honduras. Serie 1. Impacto Nacional

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    Los escenarios futuros son una excelente oportunidad de capturar las principales preocupaciones de los múltiples actores de una región. Al igual que contribuir con las discusiones orientadas a la priorización y planeación de sus intervenciones. Los escenarios futuros dibujan una potencial vulnerabilidad del sistema nacional de alimentos bajo dos estrategias de estímulo al sector agrícola, comercial y asociado a seguridad alimentaria. Toda vez que las condiciones climáticas futuras exacerbarían las productividades, el uso del suelo y el posicionamiento en el comercio mundial. Dada las características de la dieta, la geografía económica y los procesos de urbanización, los escenarios en su capacidad de simplificación dejan entrever la necesidad de estimular y desarrollar las capacidades de adaptación local. Para ello, el rol de las instituciones y en general de todos los involucrados en ejercicios de prospectiva estratégica, reduce la incertidumbre futura y mejora la priorización de las acciones colectivas.Future scenarios are an excellent opportunity to capture the main concerns of the multiple actors in a region. As well as contributing to the discussions aimed at prioritizing and planning their interventions. Future scenarios draw a potential vulnerability of the national food system under two strategies to stimulate the agricultural, commercial and food security sector. Since future weather conditions would exacerbate productivity, land use and position in world trade. Given the characteristics of the diet, economic geography and urbanization processes, the scenarios in their capacity for simplification suggest the need to stimulate and develop local adaptation capacities. For this, the role of institutions and in general of all those involved in strategic prospective exercises reduces future uncertainty and improves the prioritization of collective actions

    Distribución espacial de la vulnerabilidad futura bajo escenario de cambio climático. Serie 3. Análisis municipal para Corredor Seco hondureño.

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    Mediante la prospectiva estratégica y la ciencia de los datos, se puede dibujar diferentes trayectorias del impacto futuro al sistema agrícola hondureño en respuesta al cambio climático. Los escenarios proyectan tendencias negativas en los cultivos básicos en la demanda de los hogares y cultivos con gran valor comercial. El cambio climático afectaría la aptitud de los territorios para la siembra de cultivos de alta importancia en la dieta local. Esto podría influir en la distribución del suelo y el ordenamiento del espacio rural. La vulnerabilidad en el Corredor Seco en el futuro presentaría patrones claros de aglomeración. Entendiendo que estos fenómenos indeseables pueden ser persistentes en el tiempo, se demandaría una política integral que armonice las acciones locales y nacionales, coordinando el actuar de múltiples instituciones publico privadas en la región del Corredor Seco.Through the strategic prospect and data science, different trajectories of the future impact on the Honduran agricultural system can be drawn in response to climate change. The scenarios project negative trends in basic crops in the demand of households and crops with great commercial value. Climate change would affect the territories' ability to plant crops of high importance in the local diet. This could influence the distribution of land and the arrangement of rural space. Vulnerability in the Dry Corridor in the future would present clear agglomeration patterns. Understanding that these undesirable climatic events can be persistent over time, a comprehensive policy that harmonizes local and national actions would be demanded, coordinating the actions of multiple public-private institutions in the Dry Corridor regio

    El espacio de las capacidades de adaptación a nivel municipal frente al cambio climático. Serie 2. Análisis local para el Corredor Seco hondureño.

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    La adaptación al cambio climático a nivel local es un asunto prioridad, especialmente en regiones vulnerables como el corredor seco de Honduras. El desarrollo humano de los municipios del corredor seco configura unos patrones aglomerados de alto y bajo desarrollo. Los cuales han sido persistentes en el tiempo, manteniendo cierta desigualdad entre unos y otros. El indicador de las capacidades de adaptación al cambio climático (CCVA) refleja una importante debilidad en la respuesta municipal al integrar el vector de las variables (educación, infraestructura, gobernanza, etc.). Este desempeño evidencia un espacio regional desigual en el indicador, encontrando aglomeraciones de municipios con alto y bajo CCVA. La multidimensionalidad de la adaptación al cambio climático demanda una intervención nacional y local. Esta última mediante los planes de desarrollo municipal donde se prioricen los aspectos menos valorados en el indicador. Adaptation to climate change at a local level is a priority issue, especially in vulnerable regions such as the Dry Corridor of Honduras. The human development of the municipalities of the Dry Corridor configures agglomerated patterns of high and low development. Which have been persistent over time, maintaining some inequality between them.The indicator of climate change adaptation capacities (CCVA) reflects an important weakness in the municipal response by integrating the vector of the variables (education, infrastructure, governance, etc.). This performance shows an unequal regional space in the indicator, finding agglomerations of municipalities with high and low CCVA. The multidimensionality of adaptation to climate change demands national and local intervention. The latter through municipal development plans that prioritize the aspects less valued in the indicator