62 research outputs found

    Supporting case-based retrieval by similarity skylines: Basic concepts and extensions

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    Conventional approaches to similarity search and case-based retrieval, such as nearest neighbor search, require the speci cation of a global similarity measure which is typically expressed as an aggregation of local measures pertaining to di erent aspects of a case. Since the proper aggregation of local measures is often quite di cult, we propose a novel concept called similarity skyline. Roughly speaking, the similarity skyline of a case base is de ned by the subset of cases that are most similar to a given query in a Pareto sense. Thus, the idea is to proceed from a d-dimensional comparison between cases in terms of d (local) distance measures and to identify those cases that are maximally similar in the sense of the Pareto dominance relation [2]. To re ne the retrieval result, we propose a method for computing maximally diverse subsets of a similarity skyline. Moreover, we propose a generalization of similarity skylines which is able to deal with uncertain data described in terms of interval or fuzzy attribute values. The method is applied to similarity search over uncertain archaeological data

    SISTEMAS BIOELECTROQUÍMICOS: Poco tiempo atrás, se describieron microorganismos con la asombrosa capacidad de crecer respirando electrodos. Esta aptitud los convirtió en una prometedora plataforma biotecnológica para convertir, de manera eficiente y autosostenible, contaminantes en electricidad.

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    El incremento de la demanda energética y el deterioro del ambiente han impulsado el desarrollo de biotecnologíasque den solución a estos problemas. Entre las mismas se encuentran los sistemas bioelectroquímicos (BES), los cuales permiten obtener energía del metabolismo microbiano a partir de diferentes efluentes. Esto es posible gracias a que algunos microorganismos, denominados electroactivos, forman biofilms sobre superficies sólidas que utilizan como aceptores de electrones de la respiración celular. Los materiales así modificados constituyen verdaderos electrodos que pueden ser utilizados en diferentes aplicaciones de BES, como ser la síntesis de hidrógeno o la remoción de metales pesados de efluentes

    The role of customer brand engagement in the use of Instagram as a “shop window” for fashion-industry social commerce

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    Versión aceptada no tiene restricciones en repositorio institucionalPurpose: To analyze how fashion consumers behave when they make purchases using social media platforms—specifically, Instagram. In particular, the work examines the role played by consumer–brand involvement and self–brand connection as predictors of customer brand engagement (CBE). Design/methodology/approach: Social commerce-adoption is modeled, using three variables: customer engagement, self–brand connection, and fashion-consumer brand-involvement. Using a personal online survey, data on social media users classified as Millennials and Generation Z were collected. The model is analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings: Consumer involvement in fashion has a positive effect on cognitive processing and activation, but not on affection. Self–brand connection has a positive effect on all three dimensions analyzed. Finally, gender is found to exert a moderating effect on the relationship between the ‘CBE activation’ dimension and brand loyalty. Originality: The present study contributes to addressing the scarcity of studies dealing with CBE and social commerce in the fashion sector and, in particular, fashion-consumer behavior on social media (specifically, Instagram). Research limitations/implications The research was conducted during the lockdown imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have influenced the responses. Other limitations and potential lines of research for the future are presented at the end of the paper. Practical implications Some of the results of this study can directly inform the social media strategies of fashion companies that use Instagram as a channel of communication with their customers. They can also contribute to incentivizing co-created content and increasing consumption among both men and women.This work was partly supported by the Spanish National Research Programme (R+D+i Research Project ECO2017-88458-R, “NeuroTourism project”) and the Andalusian R+D+I Research Programme (Grant No: B-SEJ-209-UGR18, “Research in NeuroSOCOM”project)

    Extracting Temporal Relationships in EHR: Application to COVID-19 Patients

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    Association rules are one of the most used data mining techniques. The first proposals have considered relations over time in different ways, resulting in the so-called Temporal Association Rules (TAR). Although there are some proposals to extract association rules in OLAP systems, to the best of our knowledge, there is no method proposed to extract temporal association rules over multidimensional models in these kinds of systems. In this paper we study the adaptation of TAR to multidimensional structures, identifying the dimension that establishes the number of transactions and how to find time relative correlations between the other dimensions. A new method called COGtARE is presented as an extension of a previous approach proposed to reduce the complexity of the resulting set of association rules. The method is tested in application to COVID-19 patients data.B-TIC-744-UGR20 ADIM: Accesibilidad de Datos para Investigación Médica of the Junta de Andalucí

    Intention to purchase sustainable craft products: a moderated mediation analysis of the adoption of sustainability in the craft sector

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    In the modern world, the management of companies has evolved from a model characterized by the extraction, transformation, and generation of waste towards a more sustainable model. This transition affects even more traditional sectors, such as crafts. A key aspect of the transition towards more sustainable models is knowledge of the disposition of consumers with respect to these new artisan products. To date, few works have addressed this research problem, so this paper analyses consumer behaviour towards sustainable craft products empirically. To accomplish this goal, the effect of the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers on their purchase intention is studied. Attitudes towards sustainable crafts, purchase intention, degree of consumer involvement and degree of knowledge concerning sustainability are considered as moderating variables. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of handicraft consumers, and confirmatory factor analysis and an ordinary least squares regression model were used to study the data thus obtained. The results showed that the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers influences their purchase intentions. In addition, this influence is increased when consumer attitudes towards and involvement with sustainable craft products increase. The results of this study can be useful for the sustainable crafts sector with respect to incorporating more sustainable products and designing marketing and communication strategies to help consumers learn about sustainability.European Commission 10100806

    Moderating effect of the extension fit and involvement in the relationship between the parent heritage brand attitude and extension loyalty. Application to the monumental complex of the Alhambra and the Generalife

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    Objetivo: Este trabajo propone un modelo de formación de lealtad hacia la marca extendida de una marca patrimonial a partir de la actitud hacia la marca padre patrimonial, teniendo en cuenta el efecto mediador de la imagen de la marca padre y los efectos moderadores del ajuste entre la marca patrimonial y la extensión así como la implicación hacia la categoría de producto. Metodología: Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental con 328 turistas que visitaban el destino patrimonial y manipulando dos niveles de ajuste. Se estableció un modelo de regresión de mediación moderada utilizando el software PROCESS 3.4. Conclusiones: El efecto de la actitud hacia la marca patrimonial sobre la lealtad hacia la extensión se produce a través de la imagen de la marca patrimonial. Este efecto se potencia en condiciones de bajo ajuste y alta implicación. La implicación modera el efecto directo independientemente del grado de ajuste. Implicaciones: Se aportan implicaciones para la gestión de las empresas que usan una marca patrimonial para competir en el mercado así como para los responsables de gestión del hito patrimonial. Originalidad y valor: Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento sobre el proceso de formación de la lealtad hacia extensiones de marca patrimoniales, teniendo en cuenta las percepciones sobre la marca padre en términos de actitud e imagen y cómo afecta a dichas relaciones el ajuste entre la marca patrimonial y a actividad de la empresa que realiza la extensión y el nivel de implicación con la categoría.Objective: This work proposes a model of formation of brand extension loyalty of a heritage brand parent based on the attitude towards the heritage brand parent, taking into account the mediating effect of the brand parent image and the moderating effects of the fit between the heritage parent brand and the brand extension as well as the involvement towards the product category. Methodology: An experimental study has been carried out with 328 tourists visiting the heritage destination and manipulating two levels of adjustment. A moderate mediation regression model was established using the PROCESS 3.4 software. Conclusions: The effect of the attitude towards the heritage brand on the loyalty towards the extension occurs through the image of the heritage brand. This effect is enhanced in low setting and high involvement conditions. The involvement moderates the direct effect regardless of the degree of brand extension fit. Implications: Implications are provided for the management of companies that use a heritage brand to compete in the market as well as for managers of cultural heritage. Originality and value: This work contributes to the existing knowledge about the process to the formation of brand-extension loyalty of brand of cultural heritage site, taking into account the perceptions about the parent brand in terms of attitude and image. Also, this study examines the moderating role of brand extension fit and the level of involvement with the category.Campus de Excelencia Internacional BioTic Granada (subvención número 20F12 / 43)Programa Nacional de Investigación de Gobierno de España (Proyecto de Investigación I + D + i ECO2017-88458-R

    Key antecedents of brand equity in heritage brand extensions: The moderating role of tourist heritage experience

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    This study was funded by Campus of International Excellence BioTic Granada (grant number 20F12/43), and Spanish National Research Program (R+D+i Research Project ECO2017-88458-R).This study examines how the degree of fit between the brand extension and the parent brand, in the case of heritage sites, affects the extension's brand equity-formation, considering the mediating role of brand attitude and brand credibility and the moderating role of the tourist's level of experience of the parent heritage brand. An experimental design is applied, in which two different levels of fit between the parent heritage brand and the brand extension are controlled between subjects. Suggestions are provided for effective ways of enhancing heritage brand equity and therefore contributing to destination promotion and competitiveness.Campus of International Excellence BioTic Granada 20F12/43Spanish National Research Program (R+D+i Research Project) ECO2017-88458-

    Proposal for the enhancement of Marzamemi's underwater heritage through the use of digital methodologies

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    WARMEST MSC-RISE-H2020 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, grant agreement #777981.This article discusses the importance of technology in the enhancement of underwater heritage, using the Wreck of the Church in the coastal area of Marzamemi (Italy) as a case study. This heritage site is under study in the framework of the European research and knowledge transfer project, WARMEST. There is an increasing variety of digital tools that promise to improve people's experience with heritage sites, to enhance the value of heritage and contribute to the socio-economic development of the territories. A strategy is proposed for Marzamemi underwater heritage site, where communication efforts give potential visitors a sense of the destination that motivates them to choose it and encourage them to talk widely about their experience. To this end, digital tools are a great asset in establishing such a communication strategy to increase information about this heritage on the various websites and social networks related to Marzameni, so that knowledge of Marzameni's underwater heritage would undoubtedly be enhanced.European Commission 77798

    How Online Sales Promotions via Social Networks Affect the Brand Equity of a Heritage Destination

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    Social media marketing communication is among the current strategies used to provide visibility to cultural heritage, sales promotions being especially relevant. Nevertheless, despite the fact that social media has now built significant momentum, there is still a dearth of research on the relationship between social marketing activities and brand equity. In this context, this study seeks to determine how the use of promotional discounts and free gifts on social media contributes to building heritage brand equity. To pursue this research aim, a quasi-experimental study was designed and carried out among online users, based on two promotional stimuli (discount vs. free gift). The findings suggest that gifts perform better in terms of increasing brand equity, except where the user presents a high level of sales promotion-proneness, in which case promotional discounts are more effective.Campus of International Excellence BioTic Granada 20F12/43Spanish National Research Programme (R+D+i Research Project) ECO201788458-

    New technologies for the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage through a bibliometric analysis

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    Versión aceptadaPurpose This study aims to analyze the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) on heritage conservation and preservation, and to identify relevant future research trends, by applying scientometrics. Design/methodology/approach A total of 1646 articles, published between 1985 and 2021, concerning research on the application of ML and AI in cultural heritage was collected from the Scopus database and analyzed using bibliometric methodologies. Findings Our findings have shown that although there is a very important increase in academic literature in relation to AI and ML, publications that specifically deal with these issues in relation to cultural heritage and its conservation and preservation are significantly limited. Originality/value This study enriches the academic outline by highlighting the limited literature in this context and therefore the need to advance the study of AI and ML as key elements that support heritage researchers and practitioners in conservation and preservation work.Project WARMEST - loW Altitude Remote sensing for the Monitoring of the state of cultural hEritage Sites: building an integrated model for maintenance, is an H2020 Marie Curie Research and Innovation Staff Mobility Project (H2020- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-RISE-2017), online at https://warmestproject.eu