36 research outputs found

    Segmentasi Pasar Pengguna Jasa Angkutan Kereta Api Perkotaan Tanahabang-serpong

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    KRL transport operator should be able to create specific products in order to answer the demands and needs of service users. This study aims to determine market segmentation and positioning of the user of KRL Tanahabang-Serpong line based on class of service. Analyses were performed using the methods of K-Means Cluster and correspondence analysis. The results suggest that the market of KRL Tanahabang-Serpong line can be divided into 3 segments, namely segment of the upper class which is not too concerned with price, segment of the middle-class which is realistic on price, and segment of lower class which is oriented on price only. From the mapping results of the user's perception of the KRL services, it is found that there is an associative relationships of the product image in the minds of consumers, namely KRL Express - Fast and On Time, KRL Economy with AC - Comfortable and Affordable, and KRL Economy - Cheap

    Rainfall Variability and Landuse Conversion Impacts to Sensitivity of Citarum River Flow

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    The objective of this study is to determine the sensitivity of Citarum river flow to climate change and land conversion. It will provide the flow information that required in the water resources sustainability. Saguling reservoir is one of the strategic reservoirs, which 75% water is coming from the inflow of Upper Citarum measured at Nanjung station. Climate variability was identified as rainfall variability. Sensitivity was calculated as the elasticity value of discharge using three-variate model of statistical approach. The landuse conversion was calculated used GIS at 1994 and 2004. The results showed that elasticity at the Nanjung station and Saguling station decreased from 1.59 and 1.02 to 0.68 and 0.62 respectively. The decreasing occurred in the before the dam was built period (1950-1980) to the after reservoirs operated period (1986-2008). This value indicates that: 1) Citarum river flow is more sensitive to rainfall variability that recorded at Nanjung station than Saguling station, 2) rainfall character is more difficult to predict. The landuse analysis shows that forest area decrease to ± 27% and built up area increased to ± 26%. Those implied a minimum rainfall reduction to± 8% and minimum flow to ± 46%. Those were caused by land conversion and describing that the vegetation have function to maintain the base flow for sustainable water resource infrastructure

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Sehat, dan Perilaku Hidup Sehat terhadap Status Kesehatan

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    This article aims to assess the economic impact in a wider perspectives of the Bandung Intra Urban toll road project. Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road is a proposed project aimed at connecting the east and west corridor along the 27.273 km of Bandung. The feasibility study stated the project is feasible economically and financially. By using input-output method, this study aims to assess the economic benefits of this investment project, which includes linkages, multiplier to the impact of output, income and employment generation. The results showed that of 53 sectors in the city of Bandung, the communication service sector is the sector with the highest backward linkages. Meanwhile, the trade sector is the sector with the largest forward linkage. Multiplier effects are divided into type I and II. The sector which has the highest multiplier output type I is the communication sector (sector 42), whereas the highest multiplier output type II is the public education sector (sector 47). For the income multiplier, the sector with the highest multiplier type I and type II is the wooden industry (Sector 18) and sector which has the biggest employment multiplier is the financial sector. The investment value for the BIUTR project would generate the city’s economy through the impact of output, income and employment for its own sector, but has not given a significant impact on other sectors. In general, it can be concluded that the input-output method can give a wider economic benefits of an investment project of the highway

    Delapan Domain Kesehatan Menurut “International Classification Of Functioning, Disability & Health” pada Penduduk Usia ≥ 15 Tahun dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas Tahun 2007)

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    Background: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the basic concept developed by World Health Organization (WHO) to describe public health condition. The potrait was collected and measured through their own perception of their health status in the past one month prior to survey. The-eight-health-domain were consist of mobility, self care, pain and discomfort, cognitive, public relation, vision, sleep disorders and afection. Methods: This study used cross sectional design with people aged 15 years old above as the sample. Analysis was undertaken with logistic regression to observe the association between independent and dependent variables. Result: The results shown that 68 percent of respondents were in good health category and 32 percent respondents were vice versa. Central Sulawesi Province was the worst in health condition (55.3%) while South Sumatera Province had the highest level of good health (81.2%). Factors has associated with health status were age, sex, education, having job, classification of living area, economic status, physical activity, fiber consumption, smoking behaviour, boddy mass index, hypertension and arthritis. In final model of multivariate test, the old age group (≥ 45 years old) were 2.5 times more likely to have bad health condition. People with low BMI's were 1.4 times more likely had bad health condition. Then, ex-smoker or people who had already terminated smoking were 2.1 times more likely had bad health condition. Moreover, people with arthritis complaints were 2.3 times more likely to have bad health status than those who were not suffered of arthritis. In final model of multivariate test, the old group (> 45 years old) were 2.5 times more likely to have bad health condition. People with low BMI's were 1.4 times more likely had bad health condition. Then ex-smoker or people who already terminated smoking were 2.1 times more likely had bad health condition. Mreover, people with arthristis complaints were 2.3 times more likely have bad health status than who were not suffered of arthritis. In order to decrease the diseases related to smoke, it was necessary to improve smoking cessation promotion, so that people realized of cigarette hazard. The low enforcement of cigarette prohibited was crucial to be commenced too. While, it was critical to enhance formal and informal education about health promotion of healthy life style (diet, physical activity, fiber consumption) in earlier stage to increase the community health status

    Status Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    This study describes community health status in NAD Province after tsunami disaster and its relatedfactors. Health status was obtained from data of "Surkesda NAD 2006" which included questions ofphysical and mental health of respondents aged 15 years in the past month. Set of questions used wasadapted from general framework of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health(ICF) which include 8 domains, i.e., mobility, personal healthcare, pain and discomfort, cognitive,public relation, vision, sleep disorder and, affection. Statistical method used to analyse relation andcontribution of various study variables was logistic regression. The result showed that 74 percent ofrespondents reported generally in good health status at the time of interview. The percentages bydistrict varied, from the lowest for Gayo Lues (44 percent) to the highest for Banda Aceh (89 percent).When respondents referred to their health status in the past month, based on question for each domain,only 62 percent of them reported in good health status. Poor health status was mostly found forrespondents aged 45 years (64 percent), female (42 percent), low education (48 percent), low income(41 percent), living in rural area (40 percent), living in medium conflict-experienced area (42 percent),had medium impact of tsunami (41 percent), low physical activity (38 percent), low fiber consumption(39 percent), had used to be a smoker (62 percent), low BMI (48 percent), had hypertension (51percent) and rheumatic disease (67 percent). From logistic regression model had shown that female hadprobability 1,4 times to have poor health status compared to male while low education had probability1.3 times, used to be a smoker had 1.8 times, low BMI had 1,7 times, hypertension suffer had 1,3 timesand rheumatic suffer had 4,5 times. Respondents aged 45 years and above with low physical activityhad probability 3.3 times to have poor health status compared to those with adequate physical activity.While those aged below 45 years with insufficient physical activity had probability 1.6 times to havepoor health status compared to those with sufficient physical activity. To improve health status of thepopulation, particularly for districts below the average, government should promote on health risks ofsmoking, insufficient physical activity, and inadequate fiber consumption. The government should alsopay attention on hypertension and rheumatism which were prevalent among elderly


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    The use of palm kernel cake (PKC) and palm oil mill effluent (POME), substances from palm oil factory wastes, for monogastric is limited by their high cellulose and mannan contents. Hydrolytic enzymes have been supplemented to increase the nutrient digestibility. The maximal digestibility was obtained in the synergistic action of all enzyme components including B-D-endoglucanase (CMCase), B-D-glucosidase, B-D-mannanase, p-D-mannosidase, and oc-D-galactosidase. Two kinds of enzymes produced by Eupenicillium javanicum  and Aspergillus niger NRRL 337 on the submerged culture containing 3% coconut meal were selected to hydrolyze PKC or dry POME. Enzyme from E. javanicum contained higher CMCase, B-D-mannanase, and a-D-galactosidase activities, while that from  A. niger  NRRL 337 contained more p-D-glucosidase and p-D-mannosidase activities. Saccharification (hydrolytic) activities of enzyme mixtures on PKC and POME were determined at pH 5.0, the optimal pH for p-D-mannanase from  E. javanicum,  and at 5.4 the optimal pH for a-D-galactosidase from  E. javanicum  and P-D-glucosidase from  A. niger NRRL 337. The enzyme proportions of E. javanicum and A. niger NRRL 337 were 100 : 0, 80 : 20, 60 : 40, 40 : 60, and 0 : 100%. The highest Saccharification activity on both substrates was observed on the mixture of 80% A. niger NRRL 337. The pH levels did not significantly affect Saccharification activity. Fiber components in PKC were more digestable than in POME. Further analysis on the reducing sugar components using thin layer chromatography showed that more monomers were produced in the 60 or 80% of A. niger NRRL 337. The glycosidases of A. niger NRRL 337 played more important role in the Saccharification activity. Keywords:        Synergistic activity/ palm kernel cake/palm oil mill effluent/ Eupenicillium javanicum/ Aspergillus niger NRRL 33