21 research outputs found

    Examining Factors of Acceptance and Use of Technology in Digital Services in the Context of Ecuador

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    Today, users of digital services demand sophisticated quality attributes to decide for their adoption. Thus, knowing which factors influence the acceptance and use of technologies for the adoption of digital services is most relevant for planning and designing such services. Despite the existence of a variety of research on techniques and models of acceptance and use, little research exists for understanding the behavior of these factors by economic activity, and users’ demographic attributes, like gender, age, educational level, and location, in the context of digital services in Ecuador. Aiming at filling this research gap, this article presents; 1) a selective state-of-the-art review on the proposed topic: 2) based on case study methodology complemented with survey research method, an analysis of the results obtained from the behavior of the factors of acceptance and use of digital services by the units of analysis in Ecuador; and 3) a characterization of the variable behavior of the factors of acceptance and use of digital services in general and by unit of analysis. The main contribution of our research is that the obtained results provide insights and knowledge about factors required for users to accept, use and adopt digital services in Ecuador.La plat

    La taxonomía de los factores de aceptación y uso de las tecnologías para interfaz hombre computadora de servicios digitales

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    Emerging technologies, e.g., cloud computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and information technologies, facilitate digital transformation and promote digital services. Significant research exists on the acceptance and use of technologies and specific digital transformation (DT) practices. However, more research is needed to better understand user’s acceptance and how they use technology to better de-sign digital services. Thus, this paper: 1) proposes a Systematic Literature Re-view (SLR) of the models of acceptance and use of technologies, as well as of certain DT practices applied to the human-computer interaction (HCI) of digital services; 2) provides an analysis of the results of the behavior of the factors and practices; and 3) proposes a taxonomy of the acceptance and use factors applied to HCI of digital services by economic activity. The main contribution of this work is the proposed taxonomy in a vacancy area relevant to digital transformation efforts applied to digital services pursued globally, both in the private and public sectors

    La formación del Psicólogo Clínico en Cuenca-Ecuador

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    El presente Trabajo Final de Titulación tiene como objetivo describir la formación del Psicólogo Clínico en Cuenca, desde una perspectiva histórica y contextual. El enfoque fue cualitativo con alcance exploratorio-descriptivo, las técnicas primaron en el análisis documental y la entrevista semiestrucutrada; las unidades de estudio estuvieron circunscritas en documentos propios de cada universidad y para las entrevistas se seleccionó, por medio de la estrategia de bola de nieve, a sujetos expertos en la temática. Los resultados generados ponen de manifiesto que, debido a factores coyunturales, la psicología clínica local surge como una especialidad desarrollada en pregrado, cuyo inicio data en 1977 en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca que concibió a su primer graduado hacia el año de 1987; le siguen la Universidad del Azuay y la Universidad de Cuenca, iniciando en 1988 y 2009 respectivamente. La formación local del Psicólogo Clínico tiene un énfasis práxico, cuyos planes académicos fueron desarrollados desde el recorrido académico de sus actores, en detrimento de los modelos internacionalmente representativos. Tras el crecimiento de la especialización en la ciudad, existen posiciones a favor y en contra sobre posicionar la formación clínica a nivel de posgrado por influencia de los cambios políticos en cuestión de Educación Superior.This research aims to describe the formation of the Clinical Psychologist in Cuenca, from a historical and contextual perspective. The approach was qualitative with exploratory-descriptive scope, the techniques prevailed in the documental analysis and the semi-structured interview; the units of study were documents of each university and for the interviews were selected, through the strategy of snowball, people who are experts in the subject. The results show that local clinical psychology emerges as a specialty developed at the undergraduate level, which began in 1977 at the Catholic University of Cuenca, which conceived its first graduate in 1987; followed by the University of Azuay and the University of Cuenca, starting in 1988 and 2009 respectively. The local training of the Clinical Psychologist has a practical emphasis, whose academic plans were developed from the academic path of its actors, to the detriment of internationally representative models. After the growth of specialization in the city, there are positions for and against the positioning of clinical training at the postgraduate level due to the influence of political changes in Higher Education.Psicólogo ClínicoCuenc

    Bullying y cyberbullying escolar en niños y jóvenes adolescentes: un estudio de caso

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar la incidencia de bullying y cyberbullying en 983 estudiantes de 10 a 15 años de edad, del sexto al décimo año de EGB, pertenecientes a cinco instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Cuenca, para lo cual se cruzaron las variables de bullying y cyberbullying con la edad, el sexo y nivel educativo de los estudiantes encuestados, visualizando la implicación de los protagonistas, la tipología y sus manifestaciones. La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa, con alcance descriptivo relacional, haciendo uso de dos instrumentos de medición: la escala European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (EBIPQ) y la escala European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ), que permitieron identificar la incidencia y características del bullying y cyberbullying. Se evidenció un 28.3% de estudiantes víctimas de acoso escolar, de ellos un 20.7% eran víctimas de bullying, un 4.3% cibervíctimas y un 3.4% víctimas tanto de bullying como de ciberbullying. En el bullying la principal tipología presente era la verbal directa, en tanto que en el cyberbullying su principal manifestación fueron los insultos electrónicos y la exclusión. Se visualizó un mayor nivel de implicación de los varones como víctimas y agresores victimizados, en cuanto a la edad, los estudiantes de 12 a 15 años pertenecientes al octavo, noveno y décimo año presentaron un mayor grado de implicación como ciberagresores victimizados. En conclusión, se puede evidenciar que existe una mayor presencia del acoso escolar tradicional y una menor incidencia del cyberbullying, no obstante, parecería presentarse una relación directa entre las dos modalidades de acoso escolar.El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar la incidencia de bullying y cyberbullying en 983 estudiantes de 10 a 15 años de edad, del sexto al décimo año de EGB, pertenecientes a cinco instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Cuenca, para lo cual se cruzaron las variables de bullying y cyberbullying con la edad, el sexo y nivel educativo de los estudiantes encuestados, visualizando la implicación de los protagonistas, la tipología y sus manifestaciones. La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa, con alcance descriptivo relacional, haciendo uso de dos instrumentos de medición: la escala European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (EBIPQ) y la escala European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ), que permitieron identificar la incidencia y características del bullying y cyberbullying. Se evidenció un 28.3% de estudiantes víctimas de acoso escolar, de ellos un 20.7% eran víctimas de bullying, un 4.3% cibervíctimas y un 3.4% víctimas tanto de bullying como de ciberbullying. En el bullying la principal tipología presente era la verbal directa, en tanto que en el cyberbullying su principal manifestación fueron los insultos electrónicos y la exclusión. Se visualizó un mayor nivel de implicación de los varones como víctimas y agresores victimizados, en cuanto a la edad, los estudiantes de 12 a 15 años pertenecientes al octavo, noveno y décimo año presentaron un mayor grado de implicación como ciberagresores victimizados. En conclusión, se puede evidenciar que existe una mayor presencia del acoso escolar tradicional y una menor incidencia del cyberbullying, no obstante, parecería presentarse una relación directa entre las dos modalidades de acoso escolar

    Estrategias de afrontamiento y ansiedad ante los exámenes de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cuenca. Periodo junio – noviembre 2022

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    Las estrategias de afrontamiento y la ansiedad ante los exámenes de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cuenca es una problemática activa; por lo que, el objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la relación entre estas dos variables; durante el periodo junio – noviembre 2022.The coping strategies and the anxiety before the exams of the new students of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cuenca is an active problem; Therefore, the objective of this research was to establish the relationship between these two variables; during the period June – November 2022

    Coping strategies in child victims in situations of bullying and cyberbullying. A case study

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    Se caracteriza las estrategias de afrontamiento que presentan 278 estudiantes,de 10 a15 años, víctimas de acoso escolar y cyberbullying. La investigación es cuantitativa,con alcance descriptivo-relacional, haciendo uso dela escala Brief COPE. La data reportó que los estudiantes víctimas usaron pocas veces estrategias de primera dimensión,centradas en la resolución del problema y búsqueda de apoyo social.The coping strategies presented by 278 students, from 10 to 15 years old, victims of bullying and cyberbullying are characterized. The research is quantitative, with a descriptive-relational scope, using the Brief COPE scale. The data reported that the student victims rarely used first-dimensional strategies, focused on solving the problem and seeking social support

    Improving cognitive functions in older people: stroop task solution

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    Nowadays, technology is supporting professionals in all knowledge areas. Psychology is not the exception; in this context, a lot of tests are applied to patients as part of a psychologist’s professional exercise. Traditionally, those activities have been performed manually; however, with the creation of devices that assist people and allows connectivity, repetitive tasks, and bias have been solved. This paper presents the architecture and construction process of a Stroop solution. It includes several technological devices such as eye trackers and boards with visual signals that support health personnel in applying the Stroop task. Also, the functional evaluation of these tools has been performed to assess the correct functioning of this technological creation. A method that includes each stakeholder has been developed to provide all users the best characteristics and accessibility options for comfortable use and application of the Stroop task. The results of this device have motivated researchers to continue creating this kind of tool, due to its interdisciplinarity and applicability of the solutions. This kind of device supports health personnel and Psychologists; however, it needs to be included in every characteristic carefully discussed with the real users.Vancouve

    Estrategias de afrontamiento en niños víctimas frente a situaciones de acoso escolar y cyberbullying. Un estudio de caso: Coping Strategies and Bullying

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    The coping strategies presented by 278 students, from 10 to 15 years old, victims of bullying and cyberbullying are characterized. The research is quantitative, with a descriptive-relational scope, using the Brief COPE scale. The data reported that the student victims rarely used first-dimensional strategies, focused on solving the problem and seeking social support.  Se caracteriza las estrategias de afrontamiento que presentan 278 estudiantes, de 10 a 15 años, víctimas de acoso escolar y cyberbullying. La investigación es cuantitativa, con alcance descriptivo-relacional, haciendo uso de la escala Brief COPE. La data reportó que los estudiantes víctimas usaron pocas veces estrategias de primera dimensión, centradas en la resolución del problema y búsqueda de apoyo social

    A middleware for managing the heterogeneity of data provining from IoT devices in ambient assisted living environments

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing exponentially in the commercial market in recent years. It is also a fact that people hold one or more computing devices at home. Many of them have been developed to operate through internet connectivity with cloud computing technologies that result in the demand for fast, robust, and secure services. In most cases, the lack of these services makes difficult the transfer of data to fulfill the devices' purposes. Under these conditions, an intermediate layer or middleware is needed to process, filter, and send data through a more efficient alternative. This paper presents the adaptive solution of a middleware architecture as an intermediate layer between smart devices and cloud computing to enhance the management of the heterogeneity of data provining from IoT devices. The proposed middleware provides easy configuration, adaptability, and bearability for different environments. Finally, this solution has been implemented in the healthcare domain, in which IoT solutions are deployed into Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments.Quit

    A data as a service metamodel for managing information of healthcare and Internet of things applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT) applications nowadays generate a large amount of data, which are continually requiring adequate treatment and services on the Cloud to be available to stakeholders. Healthcare applications manage critical data from different sources as patient charts, Electronic Health Record (EHR), and devices which need security levels, data formatting, and quality of data due to their importance and sensitivity. Data as a Service (DaaS) is a data management framework provided though services on Cloud to bring data storage, integration, processing, analysis services, security, availability, elasticity, and quality characteristics to the data concerning the stakeholders. In this context, this paper proposes a data management solution deployed as DaaS for the healthcare domain presented through a metamodel focused on the federation pattern of data based on an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) model for data classification; and considering a brief analysis of the non-functional characteristics proper of the DaaS domain as the security, confidentiality, priority, and availability. The metamodel is validated through an instantiation process using the MOntreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) test as the entry. Finally, it is presented a discussion from four stakeholder perspectives (e.g., data engineer, IoT solution developer, data quality analyst, health professional) about the solution.Guayaqui