170 research outputs found

    Peta Taktil Interaktif Untuk Kegiatan Wayfinding Tunanetra

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    Tanpa pengelihatan yang berfungsi untuk menyatukan informasi spasial, tunanetra mengalami kesulitan untuk dapat melakukan wayfinding.Dampaknya adalah rasa takut, disorientasi dan mencegah tunanetra untuk bepergian ke tempat asing tanpa pendamping. Penelitian dilakukan untukmengeksplorasi peta taktil interaktif sebagai sarana untuk berbagi rute dan merencanakan perjalanan ke rute asing pada tunanetra. Artikel inimemaparkan proses desain sistem peta taktil yang dikembangkan beserta gagasan akan kemungkinan aplikasi teknologi pada produk.// /

    Identitas Kota Bandung pada Batik Komar Berdasarkan Teori Kevin Lynch

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    Identitas adalah suatu ciri atau ke khasan dari suatu tempat, yang membuat seseorang mengingat kembali dan mau berkunjung kembali ketempat yang dituju karena tepat tersebut mempunyai perbedaan dengan tempat lain karena memiliki karakter dan keunikan. Identitas adalah hal mendasar yang sangat penting. Hal ini dikarenakan identitas adalah sesuatu yang digunakan untuk mengenali, membedakan suatu tempat dengan tempat lainnya kevin lynch, good city form (1984;131). Menurut peraturan Mendagri RI No. 4 th. 1980, Kota adalah suatu wadah yang memiliki batasan administrasi wilayah seperti kotamadya dan kota administratif. Kota juga berarti suatu lingkungan kehidupan perkotaan yang mempunyai ciri non agraris, misalnya ibukota kabupaten, ibukota kecamatan yang berfungsi sebagai pusat pertumbuhan. Salah satu yang mempunyai ciri tersebut adalah Kota Bandung, Kota Bandung adalah salah satu tempat yang mempunyai keunikan dan karakter sendiri, baik itu dalam tempat pariwisata, kuliner makanan dan lainnya. Salah satu tempat yang banyak dikunjungi oleh turis lokal maupun Manca Negara dalam mencari cendera mata atau buah tangan adalah Batik. Salah satu tempat Batik yang terkenal di Bandung adalah Batik Komar, Batik Komar adalah salah satu tempat yang memproduksi Batik dengan motif Kota Bandung. Oleh karena itu penulis ingin mengkaji motif Kota Bandung yang dibuat oleh Batik Komar dengan teori Kevin Linch, agar sejarah dari Batik Kota Bandung tersebut bisa dipertahankan keberadaannya. Setelah menghasilkan analisis Batik Bandung maka dapat disimpulkan Batik Komar sebagai pembuat batik sudah cukup mencerminkan identitas Kota Bandung

    Glioblastoma In Pregnancy: A Case Report

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    Incidence of primary intracranial tumour in pregnancy is very rare. This rare association is becoming more common because women in developed societies defer childbearing to the third or fourth decade of life. We presented A case of a 33- year-old, gravida 2 para 1, Indonesian Acehnese women presented with pregnancy and recurrent Glioblastoma. Her chief complaint was headache that is worsening since 1 month ago. She is a patient of Neurosurgery Department since 7 months earlier with complaints of major headache, vomitting, seizure and weakness of the left part of her body when she was 12 weeks pregnant. Patients was diagnosed with brain tumor on right temporoparietal region. Her CT scan result are midline shift to the left of falx cerebri with obliterated right ventricle and hypodens mass on right region size 5,04x 5,17 cm x 5,79 cm. Craniotomy was performed with no regards of the pregnancy but the patient refuse to terminate the pregnancy. Post craniotomy patient was supposed to undergo series of radiotherapy but decided not to since it may complicate her pregnancy. After 5 month went untreated, patient then had another CT scan due to her recurring complaint and the result was there\u27s an area of hypo and hyperdens in fronto parietal dextra and sinistra with brain edema. The patient was treated for a week when her condition was worsening with loss of consciousness. We then perfomed joint operation with Neurosurgery dept consist of Cesarean section that was continued with craniotomy where we delivered a heathy 1900 gram baby boy. The patient was then treated for 2 days in the intensive care unit and another 4 days in the ward then discharged home in good condition. Every brain tumours in pregnancy bring dilemmas with no standard treatment in medicine. Its diagnosis is challenging because of the need to treat the mother and minimizing the effects of cancer treatment on the fetus. The treatment intention is to minimise mortality and morbidity for both maternal and fetal which can be achieved by prolonging pregnancy while alleviating complications from the brain tumour. The management have to be individualised from a multi-disciplinary team and the consideration of a multitude of factors, including nature and location of the tumour, associated signs and symptoms, fetal gestation and the patient\u27s wishes

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility dalam Perspektif Lingkungan terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2012-2013)

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    This study aims to examine the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in environmental perspective to earnings management. The purpose of this study is to provide empirically evidence about the effect of CSR in environmental perspective to earnings management. The independent variable of this study is CSR, the dependent variable is earnings management, and control variables are natural logarithm of firm size, leverage and profitability measured by return on asset (ROA). CSR measured by CSR disclosure with GRI G3.1, environmental disclosure as the indicator. Firm size measured by using natural logarithm of total assets. Leverage measured by comparing total debt with total assets. Profitability measured by using return on assets (ROA). ROA measured by comparing total net profit with total assets. Earnings management measured by discretionary accruals (DA). The population in this study are 298 manufacturing companies which listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period of 2012-2013. Sample were selected by purposive sampling method and finally obtained 146 manufacturing companies that fulfill the criteria. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis model.The result show that CSR significant positively influence earnings management. Based on the result, it conclude that earnings management decision is influenced by its attitude about CSR

    Towards improving emotion self-report collection using self-reflection

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    In an Experience Sampling Method (ESM) based emotion self-report collection study, engaging participants for a long period is challenging due to the repetitiveness of answering self-report probes. This often impacts the self-report collection as participants dropout in between or respond with arbitrary responses. Self-reflection (or commonly known as analyzing past activities to operate more efficiently in the future) has been effectively used to engage participants in logging physical, behavioral, or psychological data for Quantified Self (QS) studies. This motivates us to apply self-reflection to improve the emotion self-report collection procedure. We design, develop, and deploy a self-reflection interface and augment it with a smartphone keyboard-based emotion self-report collection application. The interface

    Analisis Risiko Kandungan Timah Hitam (Pb) pada Ikan Belanak di Sungai Tapak Kota Semarang

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    Tapak River is a river located in the industrial area Tugurejo suspected of contaminated heavy metals plumbum. Plumbum is a heavy metal that can accumulate in the bodies of animals and is toxic in the human body. The purpose of this study was to analyzed the risk of exposure to plumbuml (Pb) contained in Mugil cephalus consumed by the people in tapak river, Semarang. This study is observational method Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA). Population of the research is 43 men were consuming Mugil cephalus from the tapak river Mugil cephalus and domiciled area of Tugurejo. Results obtained the concentration plumbum in the river is 0.03 mg / L and the concentration of plumbum in the Mugil Cephalus was 0.189 mg / kg for meat and 0.663 mg / kg for fish gills. The results showed the average intake of 0.0004 mg / kg / day for real time, 0.0008 mg / kg / day for a life time of 30 years and 0.0013 for a life time of 50 yearswith an average rate of intake was 400 g / day with an average frequency of 144 days / year and the average duration of exposure of 11 years.The conclusion is the Mugil cephalus in the tapak river safely consumed in real time conditions and a life time of 30 years (RQ <1), whereas mullets unsafe for consumption on the conditions of life time of 50 years (RQ ≥ 1)
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