4 research outputs found


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    The principle objective of English learning in junior high school focuses on the understudies' capacity at practical level with the goal that the understudies will be familiar with English correspondence. The objective of this qualitative case study is to describe the implementation of BICS in in the classroom and Boarding School and the outputs of the implementation of BICS at SMP Unggulan Bilingual Boarding School (BBS) Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo. To reach such an aim, the researcher collected the data by direct observation, in-depth interviewing and document review. Furthermore, the researcher investigated the gathered information by utilizing three significant periods of the data analysis: data reduction, data display, then drawing conclusion and verification

    EFL Learning Via Smart TV in Junior High School

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    The main objective of English Foreign Language learning via Smart TV in junior high school gives molestone improvement on the student capacity at interactive level of learning with the ongoing advancements in TV have offered ascend to the intelligent shrewd board innovation which can enhance student to learn english through new cutting-edge technology learning situation. The objective of this qualitative case study is to describe the implementation of Smart TV used in English Foreign Language Learning process in the classroom and Boarding School and the outputs of the implementation of Smart TV at SMP Unggulan Bilingual Boarding School (BBS) Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo. The theory supporting utilization of TV as a general media apparatus in training is tangible incitement theory which has its essential reason that compelling learning happens when the senses are stimulated. TV assumes a huge job in preparing student for citizenship, encouraging the feeling of understanding, natural mindfulness and teaching of socio-political and social qualities. The eventual fate of TV in schools will rely upon whether there is adequate security to keep the device, stockpiling of these devices, wellsprings of electric supply, gracefully of internet facilities, streets to flexibly these devices in various schools and planning of teachers as an asset individual. To arrive at such a point, the researcher gathered the information by direct perception, in-depth interviewing and document review. Furthermore, the researcher examined the assembled data by using three huge periods of the data analysis: data reduction, data display, then drawing conclusion and verification

    Videotext Over Mall Elevate Reading Fluency for Remote Area’s Intensive Program University Student

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    Abstract: Objectives: this study aimed to perceive the impact of videotext on reading fluency over mall in remote area student. Nonetheless, the writing is moderately simulating the concurrences with the impacts of videotext, drained of any current methodology investigating the impacts of videotext as a part to small participants reading intercessions. Methods: this study used quasi-experimental, non-randomized pre-test and post-test design with 60 students over remote areas and interview case study plan as testimonial with six pseudonyms contributors. along with comparation of two intercession correspondences to one another. Well-separated of all participants scores mark. Findings: The results demonstrated moderate to effective impacts for the two intercessions across all members, with little distinction betwixt the two instruments. Conclusion: the established hypothesis has been accepted.Keywords: videotext, mobile-assisted language learning, reading fluency, remote area.Abstrak: Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari videoteks terhadap kelancaran membaca melalui mall pada siswa daerah terpencil. Namun, penelitian ini mensimulasikan keadaan dengan dampak videoteks, keterbatasan metodologi saat ini yang menyelidiki dampak videoteks sebagai bagian dari penggunaan teknik membaca. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi-experimental, non-randomized pre-test and post-test design dengan 60 siswa di daerah terpencil dan wawancara studi kasus sebagai testimonial dengan enam kontributor nama samaran. bersama dengan perbandingan dua korespondensi yang berbeda satu sama lain. Terpisah dengan baik dari semua tanda skor peserta. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dampak sedang hingga efektif untuk dua perbedaan di semua anggota, dengan sedikit perbedaan antara kedua instrumen. Kesimpulan: hipotesis yang ditetapkan dinyatakan diterima.Kata kunci: teks video, pembelajaran Bahasa berbantuan ponsel, kelancaran membaca, daerah terpencil. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.20222

    Scholar’s vocabulary-knowledge favored listening-reading tenets: Concurrences from Madura

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    The study objective was to seek the favored tenets betwixt mobile-assisted-language-learning (MALL) listening-reading appliances by video-conferencing-technology (VCT) and direct-listening-reading appliances to Madurese-scholar’s second-language (L2) vocabulary-knowledge (VK) listening-reading competencies. The analysis of variance (ANOVA), which produced concurrences, contained 41 scholars in two distinct emplacements amidst a Madurese-scholars preponderance and the different amounts in groups. Several significant conclusions emerged from the current ANOVA analysis. First, the comprehensive implication betwixt MALL listening-reading-appliance and direct-listening-reading-appliance to scholar’s L2-VK listening-reading competencies was not substantiated because it was more than level significant (0.440>0.05). Second, we convened cognizance by direct perception, inside and outside deliberation, and documented it. Third, the cross-examination eventualities of perception-documentation were coded, and research eventualities established the Madurese-scholar higher education framework to pervade case study evidence vacuity that aims to scrutinize: i) the Madurese-scholar teaching-learning peculiarities performance of MALL-VCT-Zoom and Smart-TV multimedia edification; ii) Madurese-scholar interminable concurrences in MALL-VCT-Zoom and Smart-TV; and iii) impediments obtain by MALL-VCT-Zoom and Smart-TV during participation in edification. Irrevocably, concurrence betwixt MALL-VCT-Zoom and smart-TV to scholars’ L2-VK listening-reading competencies were interrelated impacts as Madurese-scholars can learn conveniently with their necessity and concurrently utilize smart-TV or Zoom despite their impediments