644 research outputs found

    Assessment of the recreational linefishery in selected Eastern Cape estuaries: trends in catches and effort

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    Boat-based creel surveys were used to collect catch and effort data on the shore- and boat-based linefisheries of the Kromme, Gamtoos, Swartkops, Sundays, Bushmans, Kariega, Kowie and Great Fish estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, from January 1996 to April 1997. The surveys, which were performed primarily during routine fisheries law enforcement patrols by a regional conservation agency, recorded the catch and effort of 2 468 individual angler outings (12 840 angling hours) during 337 angler-count patrols. Although 26 species were recorded, a large proportion of the catch (85%) comprised only four species. Spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii (43%) was most commonly caught, followed by Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi (16%), dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus (14%) and white seacatfish Galeichthys feliceps (12%). In terms of mass, the overall catch was dominated by A. japonicus (50%) and P. commersonnii (33%). Overall catch per unit effort (cpue) by number was highest during summer and lowest during winter, and vice versa for cpue according to mass. Angler counts showed the Sundays Estuary had the highest mean angling effort for both weekdays and weekends (10.1 and 22.9 anglers count-1 respectively). The Gamtoos Estuary had the lowest count for weekdays (5.5 anglers count-1) and the Kariega Estuary the lowest for weekends (9.8 anglers count-1). Shore-based was more popular than boat-based angling (59% compared to 41%), and all estuaries had substantially higher angling effort on weekends than on weekdays. Angling with bait (93.3%) was more popular than lure- or fly-angling (6.7% combined). Considerations for management of A. japonicus in the Eastern Cape estuarine linefishery are presented.Keywords: catches, Eastern Cape, effort, estuaries, recreational linefisheryAfrican Journal of Marine Science 2002, 24: 87–10

    Identification of signaling components required for the prediction of cytokine release in RAW 264.7 macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Release of immuno-regulatory cytokines and chemokines during inflammatory response is mediated by a complex signaling network. Multiple stimuli produce different signals that generate different cytokine responses. Current knowledge does not provide a complete picture of these signaling pathways. However, using specific markers of signaling pathways, such as signaling proteins, it is possible to develop a 'coarse-grained network' map that can help understand common regulatory modules for various cytokine responses and help differentiate between the causes of their release. RESULTS: Using a systematic profiling of signaling responses and cytokine release in RAW 264.7 macrophages made available by the Alliance for Cellular Signaling, an analysis strategy is presented that integrates principal component regression and exhaustive search-based model reduction to identify required signaling factors necessary and sufficient to predict the release of seven cytokines (G-CSF, IL-1α, IL-6, IL-10, MIP-1α, RANTES, and TNFα) in response to selected ligands. This study provides a model-based quantitative estimate of cytokine release and identifies ten signaling components involved in cytokine production. The models identified capture many of the known signaling pathways involved in cytokine release and predict potentially important novel signaling components, like p38 MAPK for G-CSF release, IFNγ- and IL-4-specific pathways for IL-1a release, and an M-CSF-specific pathway for TNFα release. CONCLUSION: Using an integrative approach, we have identified the pathways responsible for the differential regulation of cytokine release in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Our results demonstrate the power of using heterogeneous cellular data to qualitatively and quantitatively map intermediate cellular phenotypes

    Regulation of horizontal gene transfer of the catabolic island ICEclc

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    ICEclc is a mobile genetic element found in two copies on the chromosome of the bacterium Pseudomonas knackmussii B13. ICEclc harbors genes encoding metabolic pathways for the degradation of chlorocatechols (CLC) and 2-aminophenol (2AP). At low frequencies, ICEclc excises from the chromosome, closes into a circular DNA molecule which can transfer to another bacterium via conjugation. Once in the recipient cell, ICEclc can reintegrate into the chromosome by site-specific recombination. This thesis aimed at identifying the regulatory network underlying the decisions for ICEclc horizontal transfer (HGT). The first chapter is an introduction on integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) more in general, of which ICEclc is one example. In particular I emphasized the current knowledge of regulation and conjugation machineries of the different classes of ICE. In the second chapter, I describe a transcriptional analysis using microarrays and other experiments to understand expression of ICEclc in exponential and stationary phase. By overlaying transcriptomic profiles with Northern hybridizations and RT- PCR data, we established a transcription map for the entire core region of ICEclc, a region assumed to encode the ICE conjugation process. We also demonstrated how transcription of the ICEclc core is maximal in stationary phase, which correlates to expression of reporter genes fused to key ICEclc promoters. In the third chapter, I present a transcriptome analysis of ICEclc in a variety of different host species, in order to explore whether there are species-specific differences. In the fourth chapter, I focus on the role of a curious ICEclc-encoded TetR-type transcriptional repressor. We find that this gene, which we name mfsR, not only controls its own expression but that of a set of genes for a putative multi-drug efflux pump (mfsABC) as well. By using a combination of biochemical and molecular biology techniques, I could show that MfsR specifically binds to operator boxes in two ICEclc promoters (PmfsR and PmfsA), inhibiting the transcription of both the mfsR and mfsABC-orf38184 operons. Although we could not detect a clear phenotype of an mfsABC deletion, we discuss the implications of pump gene reorganizations in ICEclc and close relatives. In the fifth chapter, we find that mfsR not only controls its own expression and that of the mfsABC operon, but is also indirectly controlling ICEclc transfer. Using gene deletions, microarrays, transfer assays and microscopy-based reporter fusions, we demonstrate that mfsR actually controls a small operon of three regulatory genes. The last gene of this mfsR operon, orf17162, encodes a LysR-type activator that when deleted strongly impairs ICEclc transfer. Interestingly, deletion of mfsR leads to transfer competence in almost all cells, thereby overruling the bistability process in the wild-type. In the final sixth chapter, I discuss the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies

    Devises, armoiries et portraits d’Aymon de Montfalcon : un évêque en représentation

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    Aymon de Montfalcon, mécène, prince et évêque, a laissé dans la région lausannoise un héritage artistique très conséquent. Un des grands intérêts de ce patrimoine réside, comme le montrent les différentes contributions réunies ici, dans la diversité à la fois des œuvres conservées, mais aussi des supports qui ont accueilli ces commandes. Peintres, enlumineurs, écrivains, verriers, sculpteurs, menuisiers, tailleurs de pierre, architectes se sont mis au service de ce prélat hors du commun, créant ainsi un réseau artistique complexe entre le Bugey, la région de France voisine d’où est originaire la famille de l’évêque, la Bourgogne, la Loire et la capitale du pays de Vaud, Lausanne

    You have found the ideal formula

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    French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Une revue unique pour la famille africain

    Simulated shifts in trophic niche breadth modulate range loss of alpine butterflies under climate change

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    Species currently track suitable abiotic and biotic conditions under ongoing climate change. Adjustments of trophic interactions may provide a mechanism for population persistence, an option that is rarely included in model projections. Here, we model the future distribution, of butterflies in the western Alps of Switzerland under climate change, simulating potential diet expansion resulting from adaptive behavior or new host opportunities. We projected the distribution of 60 butterfly and 298 plant species with species distribution models (SDMs) under three climate change scenarios. From known host plants, we allowed a potential diet expansion based on phylogenetic constraints. We assessed whether diet expansion could reduce the rate of expected regional species extinction under climate change. We found that the risk of species extinctions decreased with a concave upward decreasing shape when expanding the host plant range. A diet expansion to even a few phylogenetically closely related host plants would significantly decrease extinction rates. Yet, even when considering expansion toward all plant species available in the study area, the overall regional extinction risk would remain high. Ecological or evolutionary shifts to new host plants may attenuate extinction risk, but the severe decline of suitable abiotic conditions is still expected to drive many species to local extinction

    Tentative outline of a periodical on family health for French - speaking tropical Africa

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    Meeting: Meeting of Educators and Public Health Administrators from Francophone Subsaharan Africa, Dec. 1973, Dakar, SNPaper on the information needs in the fields of family planning and health in French speaking Africa, and the establishment of a periodical on family health - discusses role of IDRC, subject scope (e.g. sex education, maternal child health, health education, etc.)

    RNA Enrichment Method for Quantitative Transcriptional Analysis of Pathogens In Vivo Applied to the Fungus Candida albicans.

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    UNLABELLED: In vivo transcriptional analyses of microbial pathogens are often hampered by low proportions of pathogen biomass in host organs, hindering the coverage of full pathogen transcriptome. We aimed to address the transcriptome profiles of Candida albicans, the most prevalent fungal pathogen in systemically infected immunocompromised patients, during systemic infection in different hosts. We developed a strategy for high-resolution quantitative analysis of the C. albicans transcriptome directly from early and late stages of systemic infection in two different host models, mouse and the insect Galleria mellonella. Our results show that transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) libraries were enriched for fungal transcripts up to 1,600-fold using biotinylated bait probes to capture C. albicans sequences. This enrichment biased the read counts of only ~3% of the genes, which can be identified and removed based on a priori criteria. This allowed an unprecedented resolution of C. albicans transcriptome in vivo, with detection of over 86% of its genes. The transcriptional response of the fungus was surprisingly similar during infection of the two hosts and at the two time points, although some host- and time point-specific genes could be identified. Genes that were highly induced during infection were involved, for instance, in stress response, adhesion, iron acquisition, and biofilm formation. Of the in vivo-regulated genes, 10% are still of unknown function, and their future study will be of great interest. The fungal RNA enrichment procedure used here will help a better characterization of the C. albicans response in infected hosts and may be applied to other microbial pathogens. IMPORTANCE: Understanding the mechanisms utilized by pathogens to infect and cause disease in their hosts is crucial for rational drug development. Transcriptomic studies may help investigations of these mechanisms by determining which genes are expressed specifically during infection. This task has been difficult so far, since the proportion of microbial biomass in infected tissues is often extremely low, thus limiting the depth of sequencing and comprehensive transcriptome analysis. Here, we adapted a technology to capture and enrich C. albicans RNA, which was next used for deep RNA sequencing directly from infected tissues from two different host organisms. The high-resolution transcriptome revealed a large number of genes that were so far unknown to participate in infection, which will likely constitute a focus of study in the future. More importantly, this method may be adapted to perform transcript profiling of any other microbes during host infection or colonization

    A comprehensive analysis of gene expression profiles in distal parts of the mouse renal tubule

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    The distal parts of the renal tubule play a critical role in maintaining homeostasis of extracellular fluids. In this review, we present an in-depth analysis of microarray-based gene expression profiles available for microdissected mouse distal nephron segments, i.e., the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and the connecting tubule (CNT), and for the cortical portion of the collecting duct (CCD; Zuber et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:16523-16528, 2009). Classification of expressed transcripts in 14 major functional gene categories demonstrated that all principal proteins involved in maintaining the salt and water balance are represented by highly abundant transcripts. However, a significant number of transcripts belonging, for instance, to categories of G-protein-coupled receptors or serine/threonine kinases exhibit high expression levels but remain unassigned to a specific renal function. We also established a list of genes differentially expressed between the DCT/CNT and the CCD. This list is enriched by genes related to segment-specific transport functions and by transcription factors directing the development of the distal nephron or collecting ducts. Collectively, this in silico analysis provides comprehensive information about relative abundance and tissue specificity of the DCT/CNT and the CCD expressed transcripts and identifies new candidate genes for renal homeostasi

    Modeling the effects of grassland management intensity on biodiversity

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    A growing food demand and advanced agricultural techniques increasingly affect farmland ecosystems, threatening invertebrate populations with cascading effects along the food chain upon insectivorous vertebrates. Supporting farmland biodiversity thus optimally requires the delineation of species hotspots at multiple trophic levels to prioritize conservation management. The goal of this study was to investigate the links between grassland management intensity and orthopteran density at the field scale and to upscale this information to the landscape in order to guide management action at landscape scale. More specifically, we investigated the relationships between grassland management intensity, floral indicator species, and orthopteran abundance in grasslands with different land use in the SW Swiss Alps. Field vegetation surveys of indicator plant species were used to generate a management intensity proxy, to which field assessments of orthopterans were related. Orthopteran abundance showed a hump-shaped response to management intensity, with low values in intensified, nutrient-rich grasslands and in nutrient-poor, xeric grasslands, while it peaked in middle-intensity grasslands. Combined with remote-sensed data about grassland gross primary productivity, the above proxy was used to build landscapewide, spatially explicit projections of the potential distribution of orthopteran-rich grasslands as possible foraging grounds for insectivorous vertebrates. This spatially explicit multitrophic approach enables the delineation of focal farmland areas in order to prioritize conservation action