354 research outputs found

    Pattern formation during de novo assembly of the Arabidopsis shoot meristem

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    Most multicellular organisms have a capacity to regenerate tissue after wounding. Few, however, have the ability to regenerate an entire new body from adult tissue. Induction of new shoot meristems from cultured root explants is a widely used, but poorly understood, process in which apical plant tissues are regenerated from adult somatic tissue through the de novo formation of shoot meristems. We characterize early patterning during de novo development of the Arabidopsis shoot meristem using fluorescent reporters of known gene and protein activities required for shoot meristem development and maintenance. We find that a small number of progenitor cells initiate development of new shoot meristems through stereotypical stages of reporter expression and activity of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 2 (CUC2), WUSCHEL (WUS), PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1), SHOOT-MERISTEMLESS (STM), FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL, also known as AFO), REVOLUTA (REV), ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA MERISTEM L1 LAYER (ATML1) and CLAVATA 3 (CLV3). Furthermore, we demonstrate a functional requirement for WUS activity during de novo shoot meristem initiation. We propose that de novo shoot meristem induction is an easily accessible system for the study of patterning and self-organization in the well-studied model organism Arabidopsis

    Multilevel SVM and AI based Transformer Fault Diagnosis using the DGA Data

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    The Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is utilized as a test for the detection of incipient prob-lems in transformers, and condition monitoring of transformers using software-based diagnosis tools has become crucial. This research uses dissolved gas analysis as an intel-ligent fault classification of a transformer. The Multilayer SVM technique is used to de-termine the classification of faults and the name of the gas. The learned classifier in the multilayer SVM is trained with the training samples and can classify the state as normal or fault state, which contains six fault categories. In this paper, polynomial and Gaussi-an functions are utilized to assess the effectiveness of SVM diagnosis. The results demonstrate that the combination ratios and graphical representation technique is more suitable as a gas signature, and that the SVM with the Gaussian function outperforms the other kernel functions in diagnosis accuracy


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    By doing thermal analysis on the engine fins, it is helpful to know the heat dissipation inside the cylinder. We know that, by increasing the surface area we can increase the heat dissipation rate, so designing such a large complex engine is very difficult. The main aim of the present paper is to analyze the thermal properties of a rectangular fin using Ansys. Transient thermal analysis determines temperatures and other thermal quantities that vary over time. The variation of temperature distribution over time is of interest in many applications such as in cooling. The accurate thermal simulation could permit critical design parameters to be identified for improved lif


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    The present disclosure relates to a system for BI cube refresh automation. In the present disclosure, initially the status of the I-server 107 is determined. Once the I-server is active, the cube refresh automation system 103 may back-up the old workflow logs and deletes the old workflow logs from one or more data cubes 101. Further, the cube refresh automation system may split the insertion of new workflow logs into clustered server and then merges the insertion results from the clustered servers. The merger insertion results are further monitored. Upon successful insertion, the insertion trigger is deleted. When the insertion is unsuccessful, the cube refresh automation system provides a successive trigger for insertion. Further, upon the successful insertion the trigger for the insertion is deleted. Finally, the cube refresh automation system 103 provides the information inserted in one more data cubes and cube health status to the user through notification


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    There is a lot of advancement in the internet based strategy in a well efficient fashion respectively. Here the advancement is related to the computation of the cloud in a well oriented approach respectively. There is a lot of demand for this particular aspect from the user based aspect in a well oriented fashion respectively. Many of the users are getting attracted to this particular strategy in a well efficient fashion respectively. Here there is a user friendly oriented access of the environment followed by the quite reliable fashion respectively. There is a major problem with respect to this particular oriented strategy is the security is the major problem due to the wireless based communication of the data in a well oriented fashion respectively. Here the service provider based on the outsourcing oriented data plays a major role in the system based aspect in which query based similarity measure followed by the data metric oriented outsourcing in a well oriented fashion respectively. Here there is a provision has to be maintained in the present design oriented technique is rather well efficient format in which depending on the requirement of the user the data is directly provided for the user based access but not for the mediator oriented strategy by the dealer. Here there is a huge analysis is made n the system that is the mutual agreement is made between the user followed by the well effective service provider based fashion in which there would be maintained with the privacy or not and also the agreement involves the terms and conditions oriented aspect followed by the terms of the use with respect to the cost and the bandwidth allocation and everything there is a proper trade off followed by the negotiation based phenomena. Experiments have been conducted on the present designed technique and it performance based strategy followed by the entire system outcome is displayed in a very efficient fashion respectively


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    Objective: This survey was conducted to estimate the number of cancer patients in the region of Guntur-based on sex, age and cancer groups. The data were obtained from the hospital-based registries from Bommidala Cancer Institute, NRI Hospital, Balaji Cancer Care Center, and Govt. General Hospital, which was scrutinized and analysed.Methods: The hospital registry entry was considered suitable for assessing the cancer cases in the region of Guntur. In addition, data of NCRP were utilised for comparing the obtained results.Results: The data comprehensively constitutes of 309 patients. Out of which men were 74 (23.95%), and women were 235 (76.05%) who had obtained treatment for various cancer conditions between March-May, 2016. In these hospitals, cancers pertaining to the cervix-83 (31.32%), breast-52 (19.62%), ovary–17 (6.41%), lymphoid-11 (4.15%), pharynx-10 (3.77%), endometrium-10 (3.77%), astrocytoma-08 (3.02%), colon-07 (2.64%), larynx-06 (2.26%), rectum–06 (2.26%), oesophagus–05 (1.88%), post cricoids-04 (1.50%), stomach–04 (1.50%), liver–03 (1.13%) were the leading sites in order. While among these cases, radiation therapy patients were 194 (62.78%), chemotherapy patients were 78 (25.24%), and surgery patients were 37 (11.97 %).Conclusion: Survey reports the highest incidence of cancer cases to be cervix cancer among the women while it was pharyngeal cancer which precedes lung cancer among the men. This hospital-based registry survey is a report that provided internal consistency, reliability and validity

    Glycerol-3-Phosphate Mediates Rhizobia-Induced Systemic Signaling in Soybean

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    Glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) is a well-known mobile regulator of systemic acquired resistance (SAR), which provides broad spectrum systemic immunity in response to localized foliar pathogenic infections. We show that G3P-derived foliar immunity is also activated in response to genetically-regulated incompatible interactions with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Using gene knock-down we show that G3P is essential for strain-specific exclusion of non-desirable root-nodulating bacteria and the associated foliar pathogen immunity in soybean. Grafting studies show that while recognition of rhizobium incompatibility is root driven, bacterial exclusion requires G3P biosynthesis in the shoot. Biochemical analyses support shoot-to-root transport of G3P during incompatible rhizobia interaction. We describe a root-shoot-root signaling mechanism which simultaneously enables the plant to exclude non-desirable nitrogen-fixing rhizobia in the root and pathogenic microbes in the shoot
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