Multilevel SVM and AI based Transformer Fault Diagnosis using the DGA Data


The Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is utilized as a test for the detection of incipient prob-lems in transformers, and condition monitoring of transformers using software-based diagnosis tools has become crucial. This research uses dissolved gas analysis as an intel-ligent fault classification of a transformer. The Multilayer SVM technique is used to de-termine the classification of faults and the name of the gas. The learned classifier in the multilayer SVM is trained with the training samples and can classify the state as normal or fault state, which contains six fault categories. In this paper, polynomial and Gaussi-an functions are utilized to assess the effectiveness of SVM diagnosis. The results demonstrate that the combination ratios and graphical representation technique is more suitable as a gas signature, and that the SVM with the Gaussian function outperforms the other kernel functions in diagnosis accuracy

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