200 research outputs found

    [{Fe<SUB>2</SUB>(CO)<SUB>6</SUB>(μ<SUB>3</SUB>-Se)(μ<SUB>3</SUB>-Te)}<SUB>2</SUB>Mo(CO)<SUB>2</SUB>]: a novel mixed-metal, mixed-chalcogenide cluster with an unusual structure

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    The room-temperature reaction of [Fe2(CO)6(μ-SeTe)] with two equiv. of [Mo(CO)5(thf)] yields the mixed-metal, mixed-chalcogenide cluster [Fe4Mo(CO)14(μ3)-Se2(μ3-Te)2], which has an unusual structure as established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction

    Spatial GIS Database for Adaptive Grassland Management in Dudhwa National Park, India

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    Ecologically important tall grasslands of Dudhwa National Park (DNP) in Northern India are being threatened by various natural and biotic factors including varying grassland burning regimes viz. cut and burn, harrowed and burn, or only burn adopted by management for their maintenance (De 2001). Uncertainty regarding resultant grassland composition and disturbance to grassland obligate species prompted the management and scientific communities concerned to develop an adaptive management strategy for long term conservation goals (Chadden et al. 2004). In view of this, the present study attempted to develop comprehensive GIS (Geographic Information System) spatial database and associated hard copy maps of park at the scale of 1:25,000, to support field practitioners for successful implementation of proposed Adaptive Grassland Management

    Synthesis and fluxional character of complexes of the type [Fe<SUB>3</SUB>H(CO)<SUB>10</SUB>(μ-CNR<SUB>2</SUB>)] and [Fe<SUB>3</SUB>H(CO)<SUB>9</SUB>(μ<SUB>3</SUB>-CH=NR)]

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    Sequential room-temperature carbonyl substitution of [N(PPh3)2][Fe3H(CO)11] with isonitriles CNR (R = Me, Et, or Pri) yields the substituted anions [N(PPh3)2][Fe3H(CO)11-x(CNR)x](x= 1 or 2), which on alkylation using R'3OBF4(R'= Me or Et) or acidification using CF3SO3H yield the complexes [Fe3H(CO)10(CNRR')](R = R'= Et; R = Pri, R'= Me or Et; R = Me, R'= Et; R = Me, R'= H) and [Fe3H(CO)9,(CNRR')(CNR)](R = R'= Et). At higher temperatures, an insertion of isonitrile into the M-H-M bond is observed to yield, after acidification, the complex [Fe3H(CO)9(CH=NPri)]. The fluxional properties of these molecules are discussed

    Synthesis and fluxional character of derivatives of the type [HFe<SUB>3</SUB>(CO)<SUB>10</SUB>(μ<SUB>2</SUB>-CNR<SUB>2</SUB>)] and [HFe<SUB>3</SUB>(CO)<SUB>9</SUB>(μ<SUB>3</SUB>-CH=NR)]

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    Isonitrile substitution at room temperature of [PPN][HFe3(CO)11][PPN =(Ph3P)2N+] to yield the substituted anion [PPN][HFe3(CO)10(CNR)], followed by protonation or alkylation, gives complexes of the type [HFe3(CO)10(μ2-CNR1R2)](R1= alkyl, R2= Et,H) which exhibit resricted rotation about the C-N bond; at higher temperatures, products resulting from isonirile nisertion into the M-H bond may be observed

    A perspective on Master of Public Health (MPH) Graduates in India: Current role and way head

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    The public health sector of any country deals on the forefront and utilizes the multidisciplinary approach. In India the Masters of Public Health graduates are trained in unstandardized manner and lack a regulatory body. The gap created in serving the unserved can easily be fulfilled by utilization of this workforce in systematic manner, The emerging competition in the field, undervalued sector in terms of monitory benefits, poor demand and limited training institutions for MPH graduates along with the contribution of MPH during COVID 19 pandemic has been emphasized in the article. The perception of those working in the field has been highlighted with the way ahead of MPH program in India

    Kinetic investigations of the mechanism of dihydrogen driven catalytic reduction of methylene blue, safranine O, methyl viologen and ferricyanide using platinum carbonyl cluster anions (Chini-clusters) as catalyst

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    [Bu4N]2[Pt12(CO)24] (1) catalyses the selective reduction of electron acceptors (S), methylene blue (MB+), safranine O (Saf+), methyl viologen (MV2+) and ferricyanide by dihydrogen. Macroscopic rate investigations for the cationic substrates in DMF, and for ferricyanide in DMSO have been carried out. In all cases, kobs is given by k1 [S] + k2, indicating that there are two catalytic cycles. In one of them, the formation of a complex between S and [Pt12(CO)24]2- in the rate determining step (rate constant k1) is followed by electron transfer and/or other fast steps. In the other catalytic cycle, the rate determining step (rate constant k2) involves formation of the solvated cluster anion [Pt12(CO)24]2-. The solvated cluster then undergoes fast reduction by dihydrogen and other reactions. The relative contributions of these two cycles depend on the substrate, and for MB+, Saf+, MV2+ and [Fe(CN)6]3- the contribution of the second cycle is about 99%, 55%, 77% and 97%, respectively. Both k1 and k2 of ferricyanide are about three orders of magnitude smaller than those of the cationic electron acceptors. The rates of reduction of MB+ and Saf+ have also been studied in the presence of added water. Rates increase as the presence of water provides an additional pathway for the reduction of [Pt12(CO)24]2- to [Pt9(CO)18]2-

    Hospital Wastewater Sludge: An Unaddressed Environmental Reservoir for Emerging and Rare Nosocomial Pathogens

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    Nosocomial infections cause significant mortality and financial losses each year. Most of these infections are caused by multidrug resistant (MDR) opportunistic pathogens and therefore are difficult to treat by standard therapies. Though hospitals are considered as ecological niches for nosocomial pathogens, environmental reservoirs for the same are still underexplored. The present study addressed this issue by systematically profiling the pathogenic diversity of hospital wastewater sludge hypothesized as an important reservoir for nosocomial pathogens within a hospital setting using Illumina Miseq Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) approach. The NGS data showed that i) nosocomial pathogens dominated the hospital sludge bacterial profile and majority of them fell in the category of either emerging or rare pathogens ii) Majority of the pathogens formed part of the low abundant microbiota represented by 3.56% of the reads iii) Nearly 14% of the reads were represented by the unculturable bacteria iv) Of the 580 species-level operational taxonomic units (OTUs) identified in this study, 166 matched with potential human pathogens v) Enterobacter cloacae (56.45%) was the most dominant species followed by&nbsp; Pseudomonas putida (6.07%), Fusobacterium ulcerans (3.08%) Acidaminococcus fermentans (2.03%) respectively. Aeromonas hydrophila, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pantoea agglomerans formed the less dominant species. This study points towards the catastrophic effect on public health and environment that may result from the co-treatment of hospital wastewater with domestic wastewater in municipal wastewater treatment plants and the use of resultant sludge in agriculture which is a common method of sludge disposal practiced in developing countries. Keywords: Hospital sludge, Next Generation Sequencing, Nosocomial Pathogens, Emerging Pathogens, Rare Pathogens &nbsp

    Tail-to-tail carbon-carbon bond coupling of acetylides on chalcogen-bridged Fe/W mixed-metal clusters

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    On thermolysis of a toluene solution containing [Fe3(CO)9(μ3-E)2] (E = S 1a, Se 16 or Te 1c) and [W(η5-C5Me5)2(CO)3(C≡CPh)]2 the new clusters [W2Fe3(η5-C5Me5)2(CO)6(μ3-E)2{μ4-CC(Ph)C(Ph)C}] (E = S 3, Se 4 or Te 5) were isolated. Compounds 3-5 were characterised by IR and 1H, 13C, 77Se and 125Te NMR spectroscopy. The crystal structure of 3 was elucidated by X-ray diffraction methods. It shows a novel tail-to-tail coupling of substituted acetylides on a sulfur-bridged mixed-metal Fe-W cluster

    Reversible single-crystal to single-crystal transformations in a Hg(II) derivative. 1D-polymeric chain ⇋ 2D-networking as a function of temperature

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    Reactions of HgX2 (X = Cl-, Br-, l-) with the ligand hep-H (hep-H = 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyridine) in methanol at 298 K result in 1D-polymeric chains of [(X)Hg(μ-X)2(hep-H)]∞, 1-3, respectively, where hep-H binds to the Hg(II) ions in a monodentate fashion exclusively with the pyridine nitrogen donor and the suitably ortho-positioned -(CH2)2OH group of hep-H remains pendant. The packing diagrams of 1-3 exhibit extensive intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions leading to hydrogen bonded 2D network arrangement in each case. Though the single crystal of either 2 (X = Br) or 3 (X = I) loses crystallinity upon heating, the single crystal of 1 selectively transforms to a 2D-polymeric network, 4 on heating at 383 K for 1.5 h. The polymeric 4 consists of central dimeric [Hg(μ3-Cl)(hep-H)Cl]2 units, which are covalently linked with the upper and lower layers of [-(μ-Cl)2-Hg-(μ-Cl)2-Hg(μ-Cl)2-]n. The packing diagram of 4 reveals the presence of O-H-Cl and C-H-Cl hydrogen bonding interactions which in effect yields hydrogen bonded 3D-network. Remarkably, the single crystals of 4 convert back to the single crystals of parent 1 on standing at 298 K for three days
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