13 research outputs found

    Implementasi Konsep Lean Manufacturing Guna Mengurangi Pemborosan di Lantai Produksi

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    CV Marga Jaya (Pabrik II) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan paving/conblock secara masal. CV Marga Jaya (Pabrik II) selalu berusaha mengurangi pemborosan yang terjadi selama proses produksi paving/conblock. Pemborosan yang terjadi antari lain, adanya produksi berlebih, transportasi, waktu menunggu, dan cacat yang berlebih. Lean Manufacaturing merupakan pendekatan yang bertujuan untuk merampingkan proses dengan mengurangi pemborosan yang terjadi selama proses produksi. Pendekatan konsep lean manufacturing dimulai dengan membuat big picture mapping, dilanjutkan dengan waste assessment model (WAM), diagram cause and effects, value stream analysis tools (VALSAT), usulan perbaikan waste yang terjadi, dan pembuatan descrete event simulation (DES). Hasil yang didapat bahwa waktu menunggu yang terjadi diperbaiki dengan menggunakan conveyor, produksi berlebih yang terjadi diperbaiki dengan melakukan perencanaan produksi, dan cacat berlebih yang terjadi diperbaiki dengan menggunakan 5W+1H dengan sebelumnya menggunakan konsep lean six sigma dan didapat nilai sigma sebesar 4,31 sigma. Simulasi proses menunjukkan dengan mengurangi pemborosan, kemampuan produksi naik 15,36% (penjemuran 30 hari) dan 147,20% (penjemuran 7 hari)

    Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Taman Margasatwa Mangkang Kota Semarang

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    The tourism industry is often seen as the answer to deal with economic problems. Economic hardship and unequal economic development will be considered resolved by the tourism industry. However, it should be realized that these activities also have a negative impact, one of which is environmental. Form the aspect of tourism activities and environmental sustainability is ecotourism. Wildlife Areas Mangkang Semarang City is a place that combines the concept of wildlife conservation education and the concept of tourism.This study used a qualitative descriptive method. The locus of this research in the area of Semarang Mangkang Wildlife Areas and Focus on Strategic Development of Ecotourism Wildlife Areas Semarang. The methods used to collect the data, namely: Documentation, Observation, Interview. Sources of data in this study using primary data and secondary data. Efforts to address the problem and the purpose of the study used the theory of strategic management using SWOT analysis tool, as well as the litmus test.Preformance of this research there were 5 observed phenomena, namely: Conditions Mangkang Wildlife Areas, Strategic Environmental, supporting factors and obstacles, Strategic Issues and Formulating Strategic Programs. The results of this study indicate that the Development Strategy of the Government of Semarang city is going well, but there are still some shortcomings such as Human Resources as a constraint, while the layout of the park is very strategic Wildlife Mangkang is one factor driving

    Mobilization of CD4+, CD8+, and B220+ on Broiler Chicken Spleen with Feed Contained Polyscias Obtusa Post Infection of Salmonella Typhimurium

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    Farmers in Indonesia used to provide feed with additional antibiotics to prevent the endemic disease in poultry such as New Castle Disease and Avian Influenza. This has a negative impact because the antibiotic residues will accumulate in meat and harmful to consumers. The aim of this research was to determine the role of simplicia Polyscias obtusa leaves as immunostimulants in broiler feed that had been infected with Salmonella typhimurium. Sixty of DOC (days old chicks) with initial weight 37 g were used in this experiment. The broilers were offered diets containing different levels of simplicia leaves of as follows; 0% with no infection (A1), 0% (A2), 0,08% (A3), 0,16% (A4), and 0,26% (A5). At day 14th, the broiler orally infected with 108 CFU/ml Salmonella typhimurium, 500 µl for each broiler. Treatments were allocated in a completely randomized design. The variable observed were the relative number of lympohcyte cell CD4+, CD8+, and B220+ of spleen analyzed by flowcytometry. The results obtained showed that additional simplicia Polyscias obtusa leaves in feed can significantly affect the development (relative number) of lymphocytes cell, especially T cells CD8+. Treatment A4 (P. obtusa 2nd dose (0.16%) + S. typhimurium infection) had the best ability to increase the relative number of lymphocytes cell. These result strengthens Polyscias obtusa role as one of immunostimulatory agent, in terms of its active compounds (saponins and flavonoids)

    Detection of VipAlbumin® Effect in CD34 and SDF-1 Mobilization, in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetes Mellitus Mice

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    Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body loses its ability to provide tight regulation and maintain a dynamic interaction between the tissue sensitivity and insulin secretion by β cells. The impact of this dysfunctional mechanism is uncontrolled blood glucose levels that lead to hyperglycemia condition. Highly reactive free radicals have a strong involvement in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, where one of its forming process may be triggered by hyperglycemia condition. Patients with diabetes mellitus itself vulnerable to endothelial dysfunction, which is caused by a decrease in circulating endothelial progenitor cells, and also a decrease in chemokines which play a role in affecting the activities of these cells. Hyperglycemia condition and free radical activity is a major cause of these endothelial progenitor cells dysfunction.The purpose of this study was to determine the role of VipAlbumin®, a supplement derived from Channa striatus albumin extracts in inhibiting the action of free radicals that are formed due to hyperglycemia condition, which can affect the increase in endothelial progenitor cells relative amount. This study used BALB/C mice that induced to undergo diabetes mellitus through streptozotocin injection intraperitoneally at 5-day old. Mice who have reached 4 week old and positive to diabetes mellitus (blood glucose levels > 200 mg.dl-1) will be administered with VipAlbumin® orally for 14 days. VipAlbumin® dosage was divided into 4 groups: positive control (without VipAlbumin®); 1st dose (0.01664 mg.gr-1 BW); 2nd dose (0.416 mg.gr-1 BW); 3rd dose (10.4 mg.gr-1 BW). The last step was flow cytometric analysis to determine the development of endothelial progenitor cells relative amount, which isolated from bone marrow. The variables measured in this study were the relative amount of CD34+ and SDF-1. Based to flow cytometric analysis, mice with VipAlbumin® administration did not show any significant improvement in CD34 relative amount when compared to the positive control. Relative amount of Chemokine SDF-1 itself, although only occur at the 3rd dose of VipAlbumin® treatment, has increased and significantly different from the positive control

    Modulation of Granulocyte Cells Development by VipAlbumin® Administration in BALB/C Mice with Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is caused either by the decrease of insulin secretion frompancreatic β cells or the insensitivity of target cells against insulin. High glucose levels (hyperglycemia condition)can trigger the formation of free radicals, the main cause of diabetes micro and macrovascular complications. Theformation of free radicals and AGE (advanced glycation end-products) is assumed to became the key factor in thedecline of granulocyte cell production as well as the disruption of these cells functional activity. The purpose ofthis research was to determine the role of VipAlbumin® in inhibiting the adverse effects of increased blood glucoselevels, which highly influence the production of granulocyte. This study was divided into in vitro and in vivostage. BALB/C mice were used as experimental animals at in vivo stage and induced to undergo diabetes through100 mg/kg BW streptozotocin (STZ) injection at the age of 5 days. VipAlbumin® administered orally for 14 days,which began when mice reached the age of 14 weeks. The administration of VipAlbumin® divided into 3 dosesi.e. 0,01664 mg/gr BW (1st dose), 0,416 mg/gr BW (2nd dose), and 10,4 mg/gr BW (3rd dose). The further step wasa flowcytometric analysis to see the development of granulocyte cells relative amount, which were isolated fromthe bone marrow. The result of this analysis shows that VipAlbumin® administration, particularly at the 2nd and3rd dose, were able to modulate granulocyte cells development in the bone marrow

    Deteksi Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) Pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Yang Diinfeksi Secara Buatan [ Detection of Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Infected by Artificially Infection ]

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    Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) was formerly known as Cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) and carp nephritis interstitial and necrosis gill virus (CNGV) is a virus that infects common carp and koi (Cyprinus carpio and C. carpio koi) in farmed and wild population. KHV cause disease at a temperature of 18-25 °C with mortality rate of 80-90 % in fry and adult fish. Currently KHV also detected in tilapia from the results of monitoring in the field. The presence of KHV in tilapia can occur as a result of maintenance in cages adjacent to the infected carp. KHV diagnostic method currently based on case definition and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) detection. The basic concept of PCR is one DNA molecule is used to produce two copies, then four, then eight and so forth through multiplication by polymerase. PCR results sometimes indicated the presence of a faint band caused a low amount of virus, so it is necessary to investigate the presence of KHV DNA in tilapia using different doses of infection. This study aimed to determine the KHV infectivity in nile tilapia were infected by artificially infection and determine dose KHV infection that can infect nile tilapia. The study design used true experimental with with the presentation of descriptive data. Dose of viral infection are 1 ID50, 10 ID50, 100 ID50 and 1000 ID50. The results showed that no clinical symptoms of KHV infected in nile tilapia. The results of electrophoresis of PCR products showed that the mucus of nile tilapia were infected with a 1000 ID50 immersion dose showed thin bands. The same results are also shown in the gill of nile tilapia infected by gill spray at 1000 ID50 dose. Fish were infected by injection, KHV was not detected in mucus, gill, kidney and liver. The results above show nile tilapia cannot be infected by KHV on various treatmen

    Potensi Kombinasi Sirih Merah dan Daun Srikaya sebagai Alternatif Alami Anti Kutu Rambut (Pediculus Humanus Capitis)

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    Pediculus humanus capitis atau yang dikenal dengan kutu rambut merupakan ektoparasit yang hidup pada kulit kepala manusia. Gejala klinis yang terjadi adalah rasa gatal oleh gigitan kutu rambut pada kulit kepala. Apabila sudah terserang maka efek yang ditimbulkan rasa gatal yang tidak tertahankan dan sangat menggangu sehingga akan terjadi garukan yang kuat dan dapat menyebabkan luka dan iritasi pada kulit kepala.Hal ini memudahkan masuknya bakteri sehingga terjadi infeksi. Cara penanggulangan bagi masyarakat biasanya dengan penggunaan bahan kimia seperti organochlorides (DDT dan lindane), pyrethrins alami dan sintetis (disinergikan dengan piperonyl butoxide) dan karbamat. Penggunaan terlalu banyak insektisida kimia dapat menyebabkan timbulnya iritasi pada kulit kepala dan residu yang ditinggalkan dapat juga meracuni manusia. Penanggulangan Pediculus humanus capitis pada insektisida alami dapat dilakukan dengan senyawa flavonoid yang terkandung dalam Sirih Merah dan Daun Srikaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi anak-anak yang menderita kutu rambut di daerah Balongbendo Sidoarjo dengan kriteria sampel kutu rambut (Pediculus humanus capitis) yang di reaksikan dengan rebusan sirih merah dan daun srikaya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sirih merah dan daun srikaya dapat melihat kematian kutu rambut (Pediculus humanus capitis) paling efektif konsentrasi 100% dengan kurun waktu 15 menit