7 research outputs found

    Analisis Biomotor dan Kinerja Dominan Terhadap Sistem Energi Pada Tinju Amatir

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisis biomotor dominan terhadap system energi pada tinju amatir, dan 2) menganalisis kinerja tinju dominan terhadap system energi pada tinju amatir. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analisis, sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 153 petinju yang bertanding pada PON XX di Papua dan terdapat 121 partai pertandingan. Pengambilan data melalui dokumentasi video pertandingan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan soffware kinovea. Instrument pada penelitian ini di uji validitas menggunakan Aiken’V dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian di uji menggunakan uji analisis jalur (path analisis). Hasil uji validitas mendapatkan nilai Aiken’V pada aspek biomotor tinju 0,856, aspek kinerja tinju 0,810 dan aspek system energi tinju 0,876. Hasil uji reliabilitas mendapatkan nilai Alpha Cronbach sebesar 0,799. Dari hasil pengamatan pertandingan diketahui biomotor dominan tinju amatir adalah kecepatan, kinerja dominan tinju amatir adalah pukulan lurus (jab/straight), dan sistem energi dominan tinju amatir adalah anaerobik alaktit. Uji analisi jalur (path analisis) adalah 1) semakin tinggi biomotor atlet maka semakin bagus system energi, begitu juga sebaliknya. Nilai r sebesar 0,462. Artinya, hubungan antara biomotor dengan system energi sangat kuat positif. 2) Semakin tinggi kinerja tinju maka semakin bagus system energi, begitu juga sebaliknya. Nilai r sebesar 0,431. Artinya, hubungan antara kinerja tinju dengan system energi sangat kuat positif

    Validity of Sports Competition Anxiety Tests for Amateur Boxing Athletes

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    Anxiety is a normal symptom that arises in athletes before the game, one of the sports that affects anxiety is boxing. The purpose of the study was to develop a sports competition anxiety test for amateur boxing athletes. This research method uses a mixed method by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect valid and complete data. The participants of the study were 20 experts. The experts have a qualification of 3 expert lecturers in sports psychology, 7 national certified boxing coaches and have a master of sport science diploma, and 10 national certified boxing coaches. This validity test uses the Aiken' V formula with the delphi technique. In judging, experts are given assessment sheets as well as using scale values that include some specific values, the value of the scale is: value 1 = not appropriate, value 2 = less appropriate, value 3 = appropriate, value 4 = very appropriate. From these results, the sports competition anxiety test for boxing from the aspect of (1) the definition aspect of the sports competition anxiety test with instrument conformity has a coefisisen value of V of 0.950; (2) the material clarity aspect of anxiety with instrument conformity has a coefisisen value of V of 0.783; (3) the aspect of conformity of the statement to the conditions of the amateur boxing competition with the conformity of the instrument has a coefisisen value of 0.750; (4) the aspect of the suitability of the score with the anxiety category with the conformity of the instrument has a coefisisen value of V of 0.767; and (5) the procedure aspect of filling the test with instrument conformity has a coefisisen value of V of 0.900. Hence the anxiety test of sports competitions for amateur boxing is declared valid

    Weight Loss Method: Beginner Boxer's Perception

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    Boxing is a martial art that imposes strict rules on body weight. There are many methods that boxers lose weight. So that it becomes a challenge for novice boxers who have never competed in boxing. The purpose of this study was to specifically investigate amateur boxing athletes at the beginner on how to lose weight. This research method is descriptive qualitative with interviews and questionnaires containing several questions via google form. The subjects in the study were 70 boxers and consisted of 2 categories, the first category was active boxers who competed at POPWIL (Regional Student Sports Week) as many as, 28 boxers and Pre PORPROV (Provincial Sports Week) as In theboxethe boxersecond category, boxers have never participated in an amateur boxing competition. Based on the results of the study, the most widely used weight loss method for beginner boxers is to limit carbon which are and Is carried out during the initial period of exercise. The majority of boxers use more than 1 method of weight loss. The effects felt by boxers are dehydration and lack of enthusiasm. Boxers feel these effects after a few days when starting to lose weight. In carrying out the method of weight loss, many boxers are doubtful about the danger to the body. So the need for special counseling is healthy and gradugraduallyual manner. In addition, coaches, doctors or nutritionists, colleagues, colleagues parents need to be involved to monitor and motivate boxers. It is hoped that this research will become the basis for future research to discuss ail a ball healthy methods and strategies for boxers to lose weight.Tinju adalah seni bela diri yang menerapkan aturan ketat pada berat badan. Ada banyak metode yang petinju menurunkan berat badan. Sehingga menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi petinju pemula yang belum pernah berlaga di tinju. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara khusus atlet tinju amatir pemula tentang cara menurunkan berat badan. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan wawancara dan kuesioner yang berisi beberapa pertanyaan melalui formulir ga oogle. Subyek dalam penelitian berjumlah 70 petinju dan terdiri dari 2 kategori, kategori pertama adalah petinju aktif yang berlaga di POPWIL (Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Daerah) sebanyak 28 petinju dan Pra PORPROV (Pekan Olahraga Provinsi) sebagai In the box kategori kedua petinju, petinju tidak pernah berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi tinju amatir. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, metode penurunan berat badan yang paling banyak digunakan petinju pemula adalah dengan membatasi carbo yang dilakukan pada saat awal latihan. Mayoritas petinju menggunakan lebih dari 1 metode penurunan berat badan. Efek yang dirasakan petinju adalah dehidrasi dan kurang semangat. Petinju merasakan efek ini setelah beberapa hari ketika mulai menurunkan berat badan. Dalam menjalankan metode penurunan berat badan, banyak petinju yang meragukan bahayanya bagi tubuh. Sehingga perlu adanya penyuluhan khusus secara sehat dan bertahap secara bertahap. Selain itu, pelatih, dokter atau ahli gizi, c,olleagucolleaguesen orang tua perlu dilibatkan untuk memantau dan memotivasi petinju. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar penelitian selanjutnya untuk membahas metode dan strategi sehat bagi petinju untuk menurunkan berat badan


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    Pencak silat rules have changed in terms of the competition system and in terms of scoring. The artistic category in pencak silat consists of single category, double category, team category and solo creative category, each of which has its own characteristics. 49 people participated in filling out the questionnaire from the preliminary research which was divided from 19 coaches and 30 artistic category athletes from the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java province. 83.7% of respondents agreed that the doubles category is the most difficult move to learn. As many as 87.8% of respondents have never encountered digital-based double-category training media. This research aims to produce a training media in the form of a web-based to facilitate the double-category training process that is valid, feasible, and effective to be used by coaches and athletes. This study uses the research and development method with the ADDIE model. Product quality results are tested from 3 aspects: validity, feasibility, and effectiveness. The web product developed is considered valid as it has an average score of 90.8% from material experts and 95% from media expert. The media developed are also considered feasible, with what was obtained in this research being web media with an average score percentage of 89°% from the athletes and an average score of 92% from the coaches. The media developed is declared effective using the paired sample t-test and both media obtain the results that show sig, (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05. So that the development of this training media can be used to practice easily by arts category pencak silat athletes. The hope is that the development of digital-based media can continue to be developed and studied repeatedly academically.  Article visualizations

    Analysis of Coaches Work Culture Behavior in DIY Province

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the coaches work cultural behavior in DIY province in the context of POPNAS 2023 (National Student Sports Week) Indonesia. The importance of this study is to evaluate the trainer's performance during the training periodization. This research uses survey method, its analysis uses quantitative descriptive. The sample of this research is 40 trainers consisting of 15 types of sports, these sports will be competed in the Indonesian POPNAS (National Student Sports Week). The research instrument was a questionnaire in the form of a Google form consisting of 24 statement items. The indicators of the coache work culture behavior are divided into attitudes toward work and behavior on time work. Test the validity of the instrument using Aiken's with a value of 0.898 and Cronbach's Alpha reliability test with a value of 0.791. The results of this study indicate that the cultural behavior of DIY provincial trainers shows the results of "very poor" 4 coaches (10%), "less" 7 coaches (17.5%), "enough" 21 coaches (52.5%), "Good" 6 coaches (15 %), “very good” 2 coaches (5%). Based on the results of research on work behavior, the work culture of DIY coaches is in the dominant category of "enough". Thus it can be an evaluation material for all levels of coaches and sports organizations about the importance of coach awareness and other support including sports institutions so that they pay more attention to coaches. Suggestions from this study so that research can be developed by adding samples or research variables. Because research that examines the work culture of coaches is still a little published


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the contribution of coordination, balance, flexibility, arm muscle strength to the kizami-gyaku zuki punch of female athletes. The background to this research is from observations of the qualifying round at the 2023 National Sports Week (PON), on average female athletes earn points from punches. This research is an analytical survey to test the contribution of the independent variables. The sample was 50 female athletes with characteristics namely age 19.8±1.2 years, training experience 8.3±0.6 years, weight 50±1.5 kg, height 160.4±1.5 cm. The tests carried out included coordination using the Hand-Wall Toss Test, balance using the Modified Bass Test of Dynamic Balance, flexibility using the sit and reach test, arm muscle strength using push up for 1 minute, kizami-gyaku zuki punches using a punching bag during 30 seconds. The results of this research show that coordination, flexibility, and arm muscle strength have an effect on kizami-gyaku zuki punches. However, balance has no effect on the kizami-gyaku zuki punches. Adjusted R Square results, the contribution from coordination (r = 0.341) or 34.1%, balance (r = 0.235) or 23.5%, flexibility (r = 0.490) or 49%, arm muscle strength (r = 0.465) or 46.5%, contribution overall against kizami-gyaku zuki punch (r = 0.674) or 67.4%. The conclusion is that it is important for trainers, athletes, and sports karate academics to focus on these four physical components so that the kumite abilities of female athletes can be improved. However, it is important to train in other physical components, such as endurance, technique and tactics and mental. Future research is expected to add variables or update the types of tests used in this research.  Article visualizations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa alat latihan yang dapat digunakan untuk berlatih dan melatih kecepatan serta reaksi untuk beladiri karate, kick boxing, muay thai tarung derajat, dan tinju. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development. Langkah-langkah penelitian ini mengadaptasi dari Langkah penelitian Sugiyono yang terdiri dari 13 langkah namun peneliti hanya mengadaptasi 10 langkah sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini. Uji coba kelompok kecil dilakukan di sasana tinju Jogja dan sasana Rambo Muay Thai terhadap 5 responden, muay thai dan kickboxing sebanyak 5 responden, sedangkan uji coba kelompok besar dilakukan di sasana tinju Jogja sebanyak 5 responden, sasana Rambo Muay Thai 5 responden, sasana Joglo Camp 15 responden, dojo samawi karate 10 responden, dan atlet tarung derajat 10 responden. Instrument yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah angket penilaian. Data hasil evaluasi berbentuk deskriptif, kuantitatif, dan kualitatif. Data yang bersifat kuantitatif berupa penilaian yang dihimpun melalui angket atau kuisioner uji coba produk. Data yang bersifat kualitatif diperoleh melalui kegiatan validasi ahli dan kegiatan uji coba yang berupa masukan, tanggapan serta kritik dan saran. Penilaian kelayakan model A.D standing punch ball dengan pengembangan yang dilakukan yakni menambahkan lengan untuk melatih kecepatan dan reaksi dilihat dari hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 100%(layak) dan ahli media sebesar 100%(layak). Hasil uji coba kelompok kecil didapatkan penilaian 82.90%(layak), sedangkan kelompok besar didapatkan penilaian 85.98%(layak). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat dinyatakan layak dan dapat digunakan untuk berlatih dan melatih kecepatan serta reaksi