8 research outputs found
Pengaruh Career, Knowledge Management dan Leadership terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Chevron Geothermal di Indonesia
. Career management is inadequate, the implementation of knowledgemanagement systems that are less disciplined in supporting work processes andleadership ability, a factor predictable problems that can hamper job satisfactionof employees of the company in the pursuit of the competence to be a globalworkforce of talented high. This study aims at examine and analyze the influenceof Career, Knowledge Management and Leadership on Employee Job Satisfactionof Chevron Geothermal in Indonesia. This research design used quantitativemethod. The population of this research, all staff and associcate staff employeesof Chevron Geothermal in Indonesia as many as 525 employees. The samplingtechnique use proportional random sampling. The number of sample is 84employees uses Slovin Method. The method of analysis used in the research ismultiple linear regression analysis method with SPSS version 22.0. The resultsshowed that Career, Knowledge Management and Leadership simultaneously arehaving influence to employee job satisfaction of Chevron Geothermal inIndonesia. Partially Career has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Aswell as Knowledge Management and Leadership have a positive effect onemployee job satisfaction. Career and Leadership are biggest variable ininfluencing the employee job satisfaction
Kajian Yuridis terhadap Peran Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai Positif Legislator Atas Putusan Nomor 21/PUU-XII/2014 Tentang Penambahan Objek Penetapan Status Tersangka dalam Praperadilan
Salah satu Kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi Adalah melakukan pengujian Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 atau yang biasa di sebut dengan judicial review Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam melalukan Pengujian Undang-Undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 hanya di perbolehkan menafsirkan isi Undang-Undang sesuai dengan original intent yang dibuat oleh lembaga yang berwenang menetapkan nya(Positif Legislator). Mahkamah Konstitusi hanya boleh menyatakan sebuah Undang-Undang bertentangan Dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan tidak diperbolehkan memasuki ranah legislatif(ikut mengatur)dengan cara apapun.pada umum nya pembatasan Tugas dan Wewenang yang demikian dikaitkan dengan pengertian bahwa Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan Pemerintah adalah Positif Legislator(pembuat norma) sedangkan Mahkamah Konstitusi merupakan lembaga Negatif Legislator(penghapus atau pembatal norma).hal ini di perkuat dengan Pasal 57 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 tahun 2011 tentang Mahkamah Konstitusi. Namun dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 21/PUU-XII/2014 Tentang penambahan penetapan status tersangka kedalam Objek Praperadilan. Hakim Mahkamah konstitusi telah memberikan penafsiran dengan menambahkan norma baru terhadap norma yang di ujikan. Hal ini banyak memberikan akibat Hukum serta permasalah Hukum baru dalam masyarakat. Karena ketetapan Mahkamah Konstitusi Bersifat Final dan mengikat sejak pertama kali di ucapkan dalam sidang pleno terbuka. Tanpa adanya upaya hukum lagi yang bisa di ambil terkait isi putusan tersebut
Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Intellectual Capital Disclosure Dan Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Disclosure Terhadap Market Capitalization
This research aims to analyze the influence of firm size, firm age, leverage, profitability, and independent commissioner on the intellectual capital disclosure and influence of intellectual capital disclosure on market capitalization.The population of this research are all real estate and property companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2010-2012. The samples were selected using purposive sampling method and obtained eighty four companies being sampled. This research analyzes the company's annual report using the method of content analysis. Data analysis used descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this study showed that firm size and profitability significantly influence to the intellectual capital disclosure. Meanwhile, leverage,firm age and independent commisioner , had no effect to the intellectual capital disclosure. And, Intellectual capital disclosure significantly influence to the market capitalization
Results Comparison for Hat-shaped, Double-notch and Punch Testing of Split Hopkinson Shear Bar Technique
The split Hopkinson shear bar (SHSB) test is a modification of the high rate-impact test using a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). The SHSB has been developed for a variety of techniques, for example, the hat-shaped (circular or flat), double-notch, and punch (with or without notch) techniques. The main purpose of this study was to compare these three techniques to determine the shear stress-shear strain of aluminum alloy 2024-T351. The study was conducted using the Abaqus/CAE® software. The circular hat-shaped and punch (with and without notch) techniques used a quarter-section solid 3D model. The flat hat-shaped and double-notch techniques used a half-section solid 3D model. This study successfully tested and compared the three SHSB techniques, with a number of considerations, i.e. the same parameter values for kinetic energy, shear area and shear angle. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of force equilibrium, flow stress fluctuation, constant strain rate, machine-ability, ease of experiment, etc. The optimum technique among the three is the hat-shaped technique
Pengendalian Hama Kelapa Larva Kumbang Badak (Oryctes Rhinoceros, L.) Instar III dengan Metarhizium Anisopliae, Metch. yang Ditumbuhkan pada Berbagai Macam Dedak Gandum
The research objectives were to observe the growth and spore production of Metarhizium anisopliae grown at wheat-pollard and wheat-brand and to test the M. anisopliae pathogenicity on instar III rhinoceros beetle larva of coconut pest (Oryctes rhinoceros, L.). The research were executed in 3 phases : (1) Regeneration phase of M. anisopliae, the experiment was arranged in single factor CRD with 3 kinds of wheat and 3 replications. The influences of the treatments on biomass, spore number and spore viability were observed then; (2) lethal dosage (LD50) determination phase; and (3) phatogenicity test of M. anisopliae, the experiment was arranged in 3 x 3 factorial CRD, where the first factor was the kinds of wheat (i.e. Pollard, Brand and Pollard Brand) and the second factor was the dosage of biopesticide (i.e. 0,5 LD50 LD50 and 2 LD50). The phatogenicity testing was conducted to evaluate the effects on toxicity, mortality speed, and effication percentage. The result indicated that the wheat-brand was the better medium for M. Anisopliae than the pollard and the pollard-brand ones. The average spore number (1021,67 x 1014 spora/ml), biomass (95,94 g) and the viability (127,00 x 108 spora/ml) were significantly higher than the others. The lethal dosage obtained was 6,70g to gave the mortality percentage (73,33 %) and the effication percentage (73,33 %) significantly higher than the other treatments