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    Latar Belakang : Menurut KPAI tahun 2013, di Indonesia diketahui sebanyak 32 % remaja usia 14 hingga 18 tahun di kota besar (Jakarta, Surabaya dan Bandung) pernah berhubungan seksual pranikah dan membuktikan 62,7 % remaja kehilangan keperawanannya saat masih duduk dibangku SMP, bahkan 21,2 % diantaranya pernah melakukan aborsi. Tingginya perilaku seks pranikah tersebut juga sejalan dengan meningkatnya kehamilan remaja Sehingga perlunya peningkatan pengetahuan sebagai upaya pencegahan seks pranikah dengan pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan metode yang tepat. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan metode ceramah dan diskusi kelompok terhadap tingkat pengetahuan seks pranikah remaja kelas X SMAN 2 Banguntapan. Metode Penelitian : Metode penelitian yang digunakan Quasi Experimental Design dengan Non Equivalent Control Group (pretest posttest contol group design). Teknik sampling proportional random sampling dengan sampel 56 yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan uji Wilcoxon serta Mann-Whitney. Hasil : Tingkat pengetahuan sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan metode ceramah kategori kurang (52,38), setelah diberikan kategori baik (85,71). Pada diskusi kelompok sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan kategori cukup (61,90) setelah diberikan kategori baik (92,86). Hasil terdapat perbedaan pengaruh oleh kedua kelompok dengan p-value 0,004. Simpulan dan Saran : Terdapat perbedaan antara pengaruh pendidikan metode pendidikan metode ceramah dan diskusi kelompok terhadap tingkat pengetahuan seks pranikah remaja. Diharapkan SMAN 2 Banguntapan dapat membentuk PIK-Remaja sehingga pemberian pendidikan kesehatan khususnya seks pranikah akan berkelanjutan dengan berbagai materi serta metode penyampaian yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Kata Kunci Kepustakaan : Pengetahuan

    Factors Associated with Six Months of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Employed Mothers After Returning to Work in Karanganyar Regency of Central Java, Indonesia

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    [[abstract]]Background: The short- and long-term benefits of breastfeeding for babies and mothers are widely recognized. Breastfeeding is associated with decreased incidence and severity of infectious diseases, such as diarrhea, respiratory tract infections and otitis media. In Indonesia, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding until six months was 42% in 2012, according to the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey. Over a three-year period the rate of exclusive breastfeeding increased dramatically, rising to 55.7% by 2015. In 2017, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the province of Central Java was close to the national average, but it rose by only 0.2% that year. This study will be done in Karanganyar Regency, which ranked 30th out of 35 regencies in Central Java, with about 23% of women breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of their infant’s life. This figure is far from the target rate of 80% set out by the national government. Indonesia’s government has recognized the importance of breastfeeding and breast milk, and has enacted policies aimed at improving breastfeeding rates. Indonesian Health Law No. 36 was enacted in 2009, calling for every baby to be breastfed for the first six months of life, unless impossible due to a medical condition. Though this law aims to increase breastfeeding, workplaces are not well regulated, and employersre not held accountable for providing support to new mothers who must breastfeed or pump breast milk at work. Purpose of the study: to explore factors related to exclusive breastfeeding among employed mothers returning to work, in particular, assessing whether breastfeeding-friendly workplace practices are actually succeeding.Methodology: A descriptive correlational design was used to collect data using written questionaire. The adapted questionnaire, which included the Multidimensional scale of perceived social support, Breastfeeding and employment study, Iowa infant feeding attitude scale, and demographic characteristics, was administered to 208 employed mothers who consented to participate in Karanganyar Regency from July to November 2019. A binary logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (AdjORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for exclusive breastfeeding practice. Results: The analysis used seven demographic variables, including age, education, monthly family income, parity, mode of delivery, and previous breastfeeding experience, along with different dimensions of social support for breastfeeding, which included family support, support from friends and significant others (husbands and health workers), and workplace organizational and management support. Only support from workplace support (BESt) (p-value = .002 ,odds ratio of 1.034) showed a significant association with successful exclusive breastfeeding among working women. Social support was not significantly associated with exclusive breastfeeding in this study. Conclusion: Lack of workplace support was the dominant factor that predicted failure to breastfeed exclusively among employed mothers. Breastfeeding-friendly workplace policies must be implemented and carried out with regular evaluations. Health workers should do outreach to companies to educate management and co-workers about the importance of breastfeeding and ways to integrate it with work