20 research outputs found

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    Цель работы – проектирование автоматизированной системы полива растений и проветривания помещения внутри теплицы. Благодаря этому создаются благоприятные условия для произрастания растений. Регулируется влажность и температура окружающей среды. В процессе исследования проводилось создание структурной схемы и проектирование системы автополива и проветривания. В результате исследования была спроектирована система капельного автополива. Для вентиляции выбрана гидравлическая система проветривания Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристики: влажность воздуха, влажность почвы, температура воздуха. Область применения: создание простой и удобной системы автополива и проветривания.The aim of this work is designing an automated system of irrigation and ventilation inside the greenhouse. This creates favorable conditions for the growth of plants. Adjustable humidity and temperature of the environment. In the process of investigation the creation of block diagrams and system design automatic irrigation and ventilation. The study was designed a system of drip-irrigation. For ventilation of the selected hydraulic system of ventilation The basic constructive, technological and technical-operational characteristics: humidity, soil moisture, air temperature. Scope: create a simple and convenient system of auto-irrigation and ventilation

    Assisted dying requests from people in detention: Psychiatric, ethical, and legal considerations–A literature review

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    The principle of equivalence of care states that prisoners must have access to the same standard of health care as the general population. If, as recent court decisions suggest, assisted dying is not limited to people with a terminal physical illness or irremediable suffering, it might also be requested by people with severe mental illness in detention. Some of the countries with legal regulations on assisted dying also have recommendations on how to handle requests from prisoners. However, detention itself can lead to psychological distress and suicidality, so we must consider whether and how people in such settings can make autonomous decisions. Ethical conflicts arise with regard to an individual's free will, right to life, and physical and personal integrity and to the right of a state to inflict punishment. Furthermore, people in prison often receive insufficient mental health care. In this review, we compare different practices for dealing with requests for assisted dying from people in prison and forensic psychiatric facilities and discuss the current ethical and psychiatric issues concerning assisted dying in such settings

    Migrants With Schizophrenia in Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals Benefit From High-Intensity Second Language Programs

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    Background: As a result of migration, an increasing number of patients in forensic psychiatric hospitals show poor skills in the national language, which can affect their treatment. Improving the second language (L2) of inpatients with schizophrenia may help to enable effective psychotherapy and thus reduce the risk of criminal recidivism and facilitate reintegration into society, for example because of a language-related higher degree of social functioning. For this purpose, a Hessian forensic psychiatric hospital established a ward specialized in L2 acquisition. The ward accommodates up to 21 patients with schizophrenia, who attend an L2 program consisting of 800-900 lessons within 1 year. Aims: The study aimed to evaluate whether patients on the specialized ward (experimental group) achieve at least Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level A2 in the L2 program. Additionally, it examined whether language acquisition is better among participants in the experimental group than among those on regular wards (control group). Methods: Achievements in the L2 were assessed by an L2 test 3 times: at the beginning of the program, after 6 months, and after 1 year. The impact of intelligence on achievements in L2 was evaluated using Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. Results: The experimental group showed significantly better improvement than the control group. Literacy was a significant predictor of improvement in the L2. The majority of the experimental group reached at least CEFR level A2 after 1 year. Conclusions: High-intensity L2 programs are an effective way to improve the L2 of inpatients with schizophrenia in forensic psychiatric hospitals

    Depressive Störungen und ihre Behandlung bei Epilepsiepatienten

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    Die Epilepsiepsychosen

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    Die Epilepsiepsychosen

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    Фінансова санація та банкрутство підприємств. Методичні рекомендації до організації самостійної роботи студентів заочної форми навчання спеціальності 7.030508 "Фінанси та кредит» спеціалізованих програм «Фінанси фінансово-кредитних установ», «Фінанси підприємств», «Державні фінанси»

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    Розроблено відповідно до навчального плану та програми дисципліни. Містять завдання та методичні рекомендації до самостійної роботи студентів, завдання для домашньої контрольної роботи, перелік питань до екзамену, критерії оцінки при поточному та підсумковому контролі знань студентів, список рекомендованої літератури. Орієнтовано на активізацію виконавчого етапу навчальної діяльності студентів