34 research outputs found
We describe a new genus for a jumping spider that was originally placed in the large genus Menemerus Simon 1868, from which the new genus is clearly different. They were later reclassified as Icius, then as Pseudicius, and still later as Salticus. These initial classifications were repeated by a number of authors. The distinctive features of the male, and somewhat ambiguous features of the female, do not fit any known genus; and this species is here assigned to the new genus Hakka
The use of RTN GNSS surveying technology (Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System) for direct measurements of building structures is extremely difficult, and often impossible. Therefore, the real-time technology is supported by indirect methods of measurements. One such solution is the method of line-line intersection. Having determined the position (the coordinates) of the so-called base points on the extension of the wall faces of a building, and having calculated the coordinates of intersection of the lines of relationships between the base points, the coordinates of corners of a building structure are obtained, which are relatively unreliable. In order to increase the reliability of these coordinates, the author proposes to add an innovative solution called vector translation to the classical method of line-line intersection. This paper proves the thesis on the increased reliability of determining the coordinates of corners of buildings by conducting an appropriate mathematical analysis of these formulas, using the algorithm developed by the author. The performed analysis shows that this innovative solution results in a smaller difference between the adjusted coordinates relative to the theoretical ones, than the difference captured from the “raw” measurement results with respect to the theoretical values
Badanie związków między niezawodnością wewnętrzną i zewnętrzną a uwarunkowaniem układu w modelach Gaussa-Markova z nieskorelowanymi obserwacjami
The relationship between internal response-based reliability and conditionality is investigated for Gauss-Markov (GM) models with uncorrelated observations. The models with design matrices of full rank and of incomplete rank are taken into consideration. The formulas based on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the design matrix are derived which clearly indicate that the investigated concepts are independent of each other. The methods are presented of constructing for a given design matrix the matrices equivalent with respect to internal response-based reliability as well as the matrices equivalent with respect to conditionality. To analyze conditionality of GM models, in general being inconsistent systems, a substitute for condition number commonly used in numerical linear algebra is developed, called a pseudo-condition^number. Also on the basis of the SVD a formula for external reliability is proposed, being the 2-norm of a vector of parameter distortions induced by minimal detectable error in a particular observation. For systems with equal nonzero singular values of the design matrix, the formula can be expressed in terms of the index of internal response-based reliability and the pseudo-condition^number. With these measures appearing in explicit form, the formula shows, although only for the above specific systems, the character of the impact of internal response-based reliability and conditionality of the model upon its external reliability. Proofs for complementary properties concerning the pseudo-condition^number and the 2-norm of parameter distortions in systems with minimal constraints are given in the Appendices. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the theory.Badany jest związek między niezawodnością wewnętrzną bazującą na odpowiedziach modelu a uwarunkowaniem układu dla modeli Gaussa-Markova z obserwacjami nieskorelowanymi. Rozpatrywane są przy tym modele z macierzami projektu pełnego i niepełnego rzędu. Wzory wyprowadzone przy użyciu rozkładu macierzy ze względu na wartości szczególne (SVD) wskazują wyraźnie, że te dwa badane pojęcia są wzajemnie niezależne. Przedstawione są metody konstruowania dla danej macierzy projektu macierzy równoważnych pod względem niezawodności wewnętrznej oraz macierzy równoważnych pod względem uwarunkowania. Aby umożliwić analizę uwarunkowania modeli GM stanowiących w ogólności układy sprzeczne, wyprowadzono pseudo-wskaźnik zastępujący wskaźnik uwarunkowania układu powszechnie stosowany w numerycznej algebrze liniowej. Także na podstawie rozkładu SVD zaproponowano wzór określający niezawodność zewnętrzną bazujący na 2-giej normie wektora zniekształceń parametrów indukowanych przez minimalny wykrywalny błąd w danej obserwacji. Dla układów z jednakowymi niezerowymi wartościami szczególnymi wzór ten może być wyrażony poprzez wskaźnik niezawodności wewnętrznej oraz pseudo-wskaźnik uwarunkowania. Z tymi miarami występującymi w postaci jawnej, wzór ukazuje, chociaż jedynie dla powyższych specyficznych układów, charakter wpływu niezawodności wewnętrznej i uwarunkowania modelu na jego niezawodność zewnętrzną. Dowody uzupełniających własności dotyczących pseudo-wskaźnika uwarunkowania oraz 2-giej normy wektora zniekształceń parametrów w układach z minimalnymi ograniczeniami, zamieszczone są w Dodatkach. Teoria ilustrowana jest na przykładach numerycznych
An example of reliability analysis for stochastic network connection
It is an introductory study which may serve as a basis for future development of a more general approach to reliability analysis of stochastic network connection. Since the coordinates of connection points are generally correlated variables, a method of reliability analysis should be that for systems with correlated observations. An approach proposed earlier by the author of the present paper, destined for the stage of network design, is used for this purpose. A notion of contact elements is introduced, i.e. the elements being geometrical quantities (e.g. distances, angles) defined on connection points. In addition to the use of given covariance matrices, a method of creating special covariance matrices for testing the connection structure is presented, the matrices being built for assumed accuracies of the contact elements. A numerical example is provided showing the reliability analysis for connecting a new levelling network to existing benchmarks of given elevations and their covariance matrix. The effects on reliability indices of using different covariance matrices are studied