11 research outputs found

    ¿Cómo descolonizar el saber? El problema del concepto de interculturalidad

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    La palabra interculturalidad se usa en contextos de contacto entre dos o más sociedades cuyos valores/creencias/conocimientos se consideran diferentes. Sin embargo, desde un punto de vista crítico, también se comprende como una expresión diplomática de intervención en el mundo indígena que no responde o soluciona la vulneración de derechos. Por esta y otras razones, se requiere superar las limitantes de una categoría que genera ilusión en tanto validación. Con la recuperación de relatos orales expresados por personas mapuche –en su propia lengua–, se puede obtener una variedad de ideas que hacen referencia al diálogo, respeto y aprendizaje de dos o más lenguas y culturas, por ejemplo: azümngepeyüm ta epu rume zungun / cuando se pueden comprender dos lenguas y conocimientos. Este artículo tiene por objetivo proponer conocimientos Mapuche que aluden a estos encuentros y desencuentros con la sociedad dominante, promoviéndose así una nivelación en la balanza que históricamente ha estado cargada hacia las concepciones occidentales.The word “interculturality” is used in contexts of contact between two or more cultures whose values/beliefs/knowledges are considered to be different. Nevertheless, from a critical point of view, it is also considered as a diplomatic expression of intervention in the indigenous world, wich does not answer or solves the violation of right’s. For this and other reasons, it is required to overcome the bounderies of a category that generates an illusion as being validational. With the recovery of oral narrations by mapuche people –in their own language– a variety of ideas referred to the dialogue, respect and the learning between two or more cultures-languages can be obtained, e.g.:azümngepeyüm ta epu rume zungun / when to languages and knowledge can understand each other. The purpose of this article is to propound the mapuche knowledge which refer to this encounters and missunderstandings with the dominant society, promoting thus a levelling in the balance that throughout history has been tipped in favor of the occidental conceptions.A palavra interculturalidade é usada em contextos de contato entre duas ou mais sociedades cujos valores/crenças/conhecimentos são considerados diferentes. No entanto, a partir de um ponto de vista crítico, é também entendida como uma expressão diplomática de intervenção no mundo indígena que não responde ou corrige a violação de direitos. Por esta e outras razões, é necessário ultrapassar as limitações de uma categoria que gera entusiasmo como validação. Com a recuperação de narrativas orais expressas pelo povo Mapuche em sua própria língua, pode-se obter uma variedade de ideias que se referem ao diálogo, respeito e aprendizado de duas ou mais línguas e culturas, por exemplo: azümngepeyüm ta epu rume zungun / quando se podem entender duas línguas e conhecimentos. Este artigo tem como objetivo propor conhecimentos Mapuche que aludem a esses encontros e conflitos com a sociedade dominante, promovendo assim um nivelamento no equilíbrio que historicamente tem estado inclinado para concepções ocidentais

    Infância mapuche encarcerada: internos de escolas-missões na araucânia, chile (1900-1935)

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    Este artículo estudia el funcionamiento de internados de niños y niñas en el territorio de la Araucanía administrado por misioneros capuchinos, entre 1900 y 1935, periodo en el cual se consolidó la política reduccional del pueblo mapuche ejercida desde el Estado de Chile. El método fue cualitativo-descriptivo con un diseño historiográfico, el cual a partir de la triangulación metodológica permitió encontrar las siguientes categorías: choque cultural chilenización/evangelización/mundo mapuche en el internado, infancia mapuche encerrada según género, infancia mapuche reglamentada: formalización de rutinas, visitas controladas internados por parte de familias, justificación ideológica/presencia del internado; pérdida del mapuzungun y, agentes de la vigilancia y el control. Los resultados pueden contribuir a promover el interés por estudiar un campo inexplorado por la investigación educativa en América Latina: rol pedagógico de los internados en contextos de relaciones interétnicas.This article studies the operation of boarding schools for children in the territory of Araucanía, administered by Capuchin missionaries, between 1900 and 1935, during which the reduction policy of the Mapuche people was consolidated in Chile. The method was qualitative-descriptive with a historiographic design, from which, the following categories were found by a methodological triangulation: cultural shock Chileanization/evangelization/Mapuche world in the boarding school, Mapuche childhood separated according to gender, regulated Mapuche childhood: formalization of routines , controlled visits to the internees by their families, ideological justification/presence of the boarding school; Loss of the mapuzungun (Mapuche Language), agents of surveillance and control. The results can contribute to promote interest in studying an unexplored field of educational research in Latin America: the pedagogical role of internees in contexts of interethnic relations.Este artigo examina o funcionamento de internatos para crianças no território de Araucânia, Chile, administrados por missionários capuchinhos entre 1900 e 1935, período no qual se consolidou a política reducional do povo Mapuche exercida pelo Estado do Chile. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi a qualitativa descritiva, com delineamento historiográfico, que a partir da triangulação metodológica permitiu encontrar as seguintes categorias: choque de culturas chinelização/evangelização/mundo Mapuche em internato; crianças Mapuche separadas por gênero; infância Mapuche regulamentada com a formalização de rotinas e visitas controladas aos internatos para as famílias; a justificação ideológica/presença do internato; perda do mapudungun, idioma Mapuche; e agentes de vigilância e controle. Os resultados podem ajudar a promover o interesse em estudar um campo inexplorado de pesquisa educacional na América Latina: o papel pedagógico das escolas em sistema de internato em contextos de relações interétnicas

    Regina y Juan Salva: primeras grabaciones de cantos mapuches en soporte cilindros de fonógrafo (1905 y 1907). (incluye audio)

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    Two Mapuche persons Regina and Juan Salva were captured during the so called “Campaña del Desierto” (the Desert Campaign)(1878-1885) in Argentina. They were taken to La Plata city where the scholar Robert Lehmann-Nitsche recorded on wax cylinder some of their songs and dialogs.Two of these recordings are considered in this document. The texts in Mapudungun (the Mapuche language) were transcribed and then translated into Spanish. The purpose is to make widely known one of the most important sound archives of the history of the Mapuche people and mankind.Regina y Juan Salva fueron dos personas trasladadas a la ciudad de La Plata durante la denominada “Campaña del Desierto” (1878-1885). En ese contexto se registraron algunos cantos y diálogos en los antiguos cilindros de cera, responsabilidad del investigador Robert Lehmann -Nitsche. Hemos tomado dos de esas grabaciones, transcribimos sus contenidos en mapudungun y los tradujimos al castellano, con el objetivo de difundir uno de los archivos históricos más importantes para la memoria oral mapuche y de la humanidad

    Regina and Juan Salva: First Recordings of the Mapuche Songs on Phonograph Cylinders (1905 and 1907)

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    Two Mapuche persons - Regina and Juan Salva - were captured during the so called 'Campana del Desierto' (the Desert Campaign) (1878-1885) in Argentina. They were taken to La Plata city where the scholar Robert Lehmann-Nitsche recorded on wax cylinder some of their songs and dialogs. Two of these recordings are considered in this document. The texts in Mapudungun (the Mapuche language) were transcribed and then translated into Spanish. The purpose is to make widely known one of the most important sound archives of the history of the Mapuche people and mankind

    Regina y Juan Salva: primeras grabaciones de cantos mapuches en soporte cilindros de fonógrafo (1905 y 1907). (incluye audio)

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    Two Mapuche persons Regina and Juan Salva were captured during the so called “Campaña del Desierto” (the Desert Campaign)(1878-1885) in Argentina. They were taken to La Plata city where the scholar Robert Lehmann-Nitsche recorded on wax cylinder some of their songs and dialogs.Two of these recordings are considered in this document. The texts in Mapudungun (the Mapuche language) were transcribed and then translated into Spanish. The purpose is to make widely known one of the most important sound archives of the history of the Mapuche people and mankind.Regina y Juan Salva fueron dos personas trasladadas a la ciudad de La Plata durante la denominada “Campaña del Desierto” (1878-1885). En ese contexto se registraron algunos cantos y diálogos en los antiguos cilindros de cera, responsabilidad del investigador Robert Lehmann -Nitsche. Hemos tomado dos de esas grabaciones, transcribimos sus contenidos en mapudungun y los tradujimos al castellano, con el objetivo de difundir uno de los archivos históricos más importantes para la memoria oral mapuche y de la humanidad

    The historical inclusion of Mapuche children in the educational system: challenges and tensions in policy and practice

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    The study presented in this paper examines the historical experiences of school inclusion of the Mapuche people in the Chilean educational system. It focuses on the tensions between securing high-quality education for indigenous children while simultaneously providing culturally relevant education in ways that their cultural identities and ways of knowing are preserved and sustained over time. A narrative inquiry approach is adopted to document such experiences and to honour the oral tradition in the Mapuche culture. We do so by retrieving the oral memory of two Mapuches in two distinct and traditional communities located in La Araucania, Chile, the Mapuches' historical land. This oral memory is accompanied by a documental inquiry that sought to examine the historical experiences of schooling as captured in photographs preserved in Santa Magdalena Capuchin Archive located in Altotting, Germany. We use these stories to examine the current efforts of educational inclusion for Mapuche children in Chile and to discuss their limits and possibilities

    Memoria oral mapuche a través de cantos tradicionales ülkantun: recordando la época de ocupación (siglos XIX y XX)

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    This paper shows the findings of a research aimed at analyzing the Mapuche memory in times of occupation and territorial reduction (late 19th century to early 20th centuries), taking as a reference some oral traditions, mainly the ül or ülkantun chants, which are used to convey the memories of those days. From a methodological point of view, a documentary review of primary sources (phonograms, manuscript files, and books) was carried out as well as an ethnographic field work with Andean communities. The compiled contents express the feelings and the suffering of people who were deported to Buenos Aires, La Plata, Martín García island; the territorial spoils, the deaths and the re-settlement on distant lands. Thus –from a Mapuche perspective and through the ül–, we can understand the way by which the Chilean and Argentinean States started their genocidal and pillaging processes during the historical periods known as “Occupation of the Araucanía” and “Desert Campaign”

    Mapuche oral memory through ulkantun traditional chants: Remembering the times of the occupation (19th and 20th centuries)

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    This paper shows the findings of a research aimed at analyzing the Mapuche memory in times of occupation and territorial reduction (late 19th century to early 20th centuries), taking as a reference some oral traditions, mainly the ul or ulkantun chants, which are used to convey the memories of those days. From a methodological point of view, a documentary review of primary sources (phonograms, manuscript files, and books) was carried out as well as an ethnographic field work with Andean communities. The compiled contents express the feelings and the suffering of people who were deported to Buenos Aires, La Plata, Martin Garcia island; the territorial spoils, the deaths and the re-settlement on distant lands. Thus -from a Mapuche perspective and through the ul-, we can understand the way by which the Chilean and Argentinean States started their genocidal and pillaging processes during the historical periods known as 'Occupation of the Araucania' and 'Desert Campaign'