1,007 research outputs found

    The Poverty Tours

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    McClellan Shoots His Dogs

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    A critical evaluation of the implementation process of a person-centred model of care in a new dementia specific care home

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    This thesis addresses the challenges associated with the implementation of models of person-centred care in newly operational care homes in an English context. This study critically evaluates a model of care produced in house, with academic support named in this thesis as EMBRACELIFE. The implementation of person-centred care in newly opened care settings is yet to be explored. Data collection took place between September and November 2015. An ethnographic approach was taken to fieldwork. Semi-structured interviews and/or unstructured observations were conducted with 20 care workers and 10 people with dementia. Document analysis was also undertaken on 6 personal care plans. A letter from the care provider completed the data set. A thematic approach to data collection was undertaken, informed by principles of discourse analysis. The finding revealed a culture of care organised around task. Overarching themes indicative of task-based practice were the care planning, activity, outdoor space, care worker perceptions, the mealtime experience, leadership and a lack of choice. The model of care was therefore not fully implemented. The research indicated the implementation process was hindered by organisational issues. These were inadequate staff training, unmet staff expectations, low staff satisfaction, a lack of a team ethos, a high agency staff presence, a lack of flexible care delivery. The newly operational status of the home had a uniquely mediating influence on these findings due to the challenge of assembling a new staff team, having a domino effect on the organisational issues described. This thesis concludes by suggesting care providers are in need of more support if they are to overcome organisational barriers, accentuated by the challenges of opening a new care home, to achieve person-centred cultures of care in such settings

    The Last Afternoon

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    The Subprime Remediation: Efforts in Reducing the Effects of Predatory Lending during the Great Recession

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    During the subprime mortgage crisis of the early 2000’s, predatory mortgage lending practices were the leading cause for the housing bubble burst. A surge in unequivocal risk in the favor of mortgage lenders stripped the consumer of their financial abilities as a result of de-regulated lending packages and the packaging of such loans in the secondary market. As the crisis unfolded, policymakers and financial regulators implemented measures to address the issues and prevent a similar catastrophe from occurring in the future. Bank bailouts and other forms of reparations were dispersed over the span of nearly five years to recover from the global incident

    The State

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    The Resilience Cascade: Supporting Children, Families, Organizations and Communities

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    As we think about the most effective strategies to promote the overall well-being and happiness of children, we don’t always appreciate the need to focus on our own well-being, the health of our colleagues and organizations, and even the strengths of our communities. There is, however, plenty of research that directs us to do just that - to focus on the child within the context of the child’s family, school and community. This presentation will introduce the concept of the resilience cascade: how strong communities that collaborate can influence the health of organizations and staff, and how healthy adults can support the resilience of children. By gaining a stronger understanding of these important connections, participants will gain an appreciation for looking outside the box for strategies to support children. Participants will feel validated that taking care of themselves is not “selfish” or “self-serving,” but directly connected to the well-being of those in their care. Participants will also feel empowered to take a holistic, “big picture” view of resilience, leaving them with a new perspective on how to best support children and families
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