1,038 research outputs found

    Cytoreductive nephrectomy in the current treatment algorithm

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    The two recent prospective randomized trials CARMENA and SURTIME have changed the therapy paradigm of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. The CARMENA trial was conducted to investigate whether cytoreductive nephrectomy (CN) is required in the targeted therapy area, whereas SURTIME studied whether deferred CN in combination with sunitinib can be used to identify patients with inherent targeted therapy resistance. In the current review, we provide a comprehensive discussion of two randomized studies and the current evidence with up-do-date algorithms for treating primary metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma in the era of targeted therapy and immune-checkpoint inhibition

    The adjuvant treatment of kidney cancer: a multidisciplinary outlook

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    Approximately 70% of cases of kidney cancer are localized or locally advanced at diagnosis. Among patients who undergo surgery for these cancers, 30–35% will eventually develop potentially fatal metachronous distant metastases. Effective adjuvant treatments are urgently needed to reduce the risk of recurrence of kidney cancer and of dying of metastatic disease. To date, almost all of the tested adjuvant agents have failed to demonstrate any benefit. Only two trials of an autologous renal tumour cell vaccine and of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib have shown positive results, but these have been criticized for methodological reasons and conflicting data, respectively. The results of two additional trials of targeted agents as adjuvant therapies have not yet been published. Novel immune checkpoint inhibitors are promising approaches to adjuvant therapy in kidney cancer, and a number of trials are now underway. An important component of the management of patients with kidney cancer, particularly those who undergo radical resection for localized renal cell carcinoma, is the preservation of kidney function to reduce morbidity and mortality. The optimal management of these patients therefore requires a multidisciplinary approach involving nephrologists, oncologists, urologists and pathologists

    Future possibilities in the prevention of breast cancer: Breast cancer prevention trials

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    The available results from breast cancer chemoprevention trials are reviewed. Four trials using tamoxifen have been performed, of which three have reported efficacy results. A fifth trial using raloxifene has also been reported. The largest tamoxifen trial showed approximately 50% reduction in breast cancer incidence in the short term, but the two smaller trials did not find any reduction. Greater agreement exists for side effects; incidences of thromboembolic disease and endometrial cancers are raised approximately threefold when tamoxifen is used for 5 years. The possible reasons for the discrepancy in breast cancer reduction are explored. A review of trial parameters does not clearly explain this difference, and a meta-analysis indicates that all results are compatible with a 40% reduction in short-term incidence. Several important questions remain regarding the clinical implications of this result, including the effect on mortality, the appropriate risk groups for chemoprevention and the long-term effects on incidence. Continued follow up of these trials is crucial for resolving these issues

    Cabozantinib versus everolimus, nivolumab, axitinib, sorafenib and best supportive care: A network meta-analysis of progression-free survival and overall survival in second line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma

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    Background Relative effect of therapies indicated for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC) after failure of first line treatment is currently not known. The objective of the present study is to evaluate progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of cabozantinib compared to everolimus, nivolumab, axitinib, sorafenib, and best supportive care (BSC) in aRCC patients who progressed after previous VEGFR tyrosine-kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment. Methodology & findings Systematic literature search identified 5 studies for inclusion in this analysis. The assessment of the proportional hazard (PH) assumption between the survival curves for different treatment arms in the identified studies showed that survival curves in two of the studies did not fulfil the PH assumption, making comparisons of constant hazard ratios (HRs) inappropriate. Consequently, a parametric survival network meta-analysis model was implemented with five families of functions being jointly fitted in a Bayesian framework to PFS, then OS, data on all treatments. The comparison relied on data digitized from the Kaplan-Meier curves of published studies, except for cabozantinib and its comparator everolimus where patient level data were available. This analysis applied a Bayesian fixed-effects network meta-analysis model to compare PFS and OS of cabozantinib versus its comparators. The log-normal fixed-effects model displayed the best fit of data for both PFS and OS, and showed that patients on cabozantinib had a higher probability of longer PFS and OS than patients exposed to comparators. The survival advantage of cabozantinib increased over time for OS. For PFS the survival advantage reached its maximum at the end of the first year’s treatment and then decreased over time to zero. Conclusion With all five families of distributions, cabozantinib was superior to all its comparators with a higher probability of longer PFS and OS during the analyzed 3 years, except with the Gompertz model, where nivolumab was preferred after 24 months

    Meta-analysis of clodronate and breast cancer survival

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    Clinical trials have reported conflicting results on whether oral clodronate therapy improves survival in breast cancer patients. This study was undertaken to evaluate further the effect of oral clodronate therapy on overall survival, bone metastasis-free survival and nonskeletal metastasis-free survival among breast cancer patients. An extensive literature search was undertaken for the period 1966 to July 2006 to identify clinical trials examining survival in breast cancer patients who received 2 or 3 years of oral clodronate therapy at 1600 mg day−1 compared with those without therapy. Meta-analyses were carried out separately for patients diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and early breast cancer. Our meta-analysis found no evidence of any statistically significant difference in overall survival, bone metastasis-free survival or nonskeletal metastasis-free survival in advanced breast cancer patients receiving clodronate therapy or early breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant clodronate treatment compared with those who did not receive any active treatment
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