27,346 research outputs found

    Investigation of high frequency oscillations in the OV102 elevon actuation subsystems using continuous system modeling program simulation

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    Two theories emerged as the cause of undesired oscillations at frequencies between 40 and 60 Hz in the Orbiter Vehicle inboard and outboard elevon actuation subsystems during hardware testing. Both the "hardover feedback" and "deadspace" theories were examined using continuous system modeling program simulation. Results did not support the "hardover feedback" theory but showed that deadspace in the torque feedback spring connections to the servospools must be considered to be a possible cause of the oscillations. Further investigation is recommended

    Program to produce horizontal stereographic print maps from Nimbus HRIR data

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    Computer program is written to display Nimbus high resolution infrared radiometer data in optimum form for experiment usage. Program produces three maps for Nimbus experimental data. Functions of program are to process data and prepare print maps from modified temperature measurements

    Hydraulic characteristics of flow through miniature slits

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    Hydraulic characteristics of micro-orifices arrayed in close proximity across the face of a liquid fuel injector are studied. Effects of geometry and flow variables on discharge coefficients and flow regimes are determined, as well as visible characteristics of the emerging liquid streams

    Injector has no backsplash

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    Passages of injector have been modified to eliminate backsplashing. All fluid is expelled in downstream spray fan. Result is that face of injector is completely free of liquid obstructions

    Statistical analysis of a planetary radar altimeter measuring unit

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    Statistical analysis of altitude measuring unit of lightweight continuous wave radar altimete

    Effect of aerodynamic and angle-of-attack uncertainties on the May 1979 entry flight control system of the Space Shuttle from Mach 8 to 1.5

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    A six degree of freedom simulation analysis was performed for the space shuttle orbiter during entry from Mach 8 to Mach 1.5 with realistic off nominal conditions by using the flight control systems defined by the shuttle contractor. The off nominal conditions included aerodynamic uncertainties in extrapolating from wind tunnel derived characteristics to full scale flight characteristics, uncertainties in the estimates of the reaction control system interaction with the orbiter aerodynamics, an error in deriving the angle of attack from onboard instrumentation, the failure of two of the four reaction control system thrusters on each side, and a lateral center of gravity offset coupled with vehicle and flow asymmetries. With combinations of these off nominal conditions, the flight control system performed satisfactorily. At low hypersonic speeds, a few cases exhibited unacceptable performances when errors in deriving the angle of attack from the onboard instrumentation were modeled. The orbiter was unable to maintain lateral trim for some cases between Mach 5 and Mach 2 and exhibited limit cycle tendencies or residual roll oscillations between Mach 3 and Mach 1. Piloting techniques and changes in some gains and switching times in the flight control system are suggested to help alleviate these problems

    Entry dynamics of space shuttle orbiter with longitudinal stability and control uncertainties at supersonic and hypersonic speeds

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    A six-degree-of-freedom simulation analysis was conducted to examine the effects of longitudinal static aerodynamic stability and control uncertainties on the performance of the space shuttle orbiter automatic (no manual inputs) entry guidance and control systems. To establish the acceptable boundaries, the static aerodynamic characteristics were varied either by applying a multiplier to the aerodynamic parameter or by adding an increment. With either of two previously identified control system modifications included, the acceptable longitudinal aerodynamic boundaries were determined