4,336 research outputs found

    Endogeneity in nonparametric and semiparametric regression models

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    This paper considers the nonparametric and semiparametric methods for estimating regression models with continuous endogenous regressors. We list a number of different generalizations of the linear structural equation model, and discuss how two common estimation approaches for linear equations-the "instrumental variables" and "control function" approaches-may be extended to nonparametric generalizations of the linear model and to their semiparametric variants. We consider the identification and estimation of the "Average Structural Function" and argue that this is a parameter of central interest in the analysis of semiparametric and nonparametric models with endogenous regressors. We consider a particular semiparametric model, the binary response model with linear index function and nonparametric error distribution, and describes in detail how estimation of the parameters of interest can be constructed using the "control function" approach. This estimator is applied to estimating the relation of labor force participation to nonlabor income, viewed as an endogenous regressor.

    Launch vehicle performance using metallized propellants

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    Metallized propellant propulsion systems are considered as replacements for the solid rocket boosters and liquid sustainer stages on the current launch vehicles: both the Space Transportation System (STS) and the Titan 4. Liquid rocket boosters for the STS were analyzed as replacements for current solid rocket boosters. These boosters can provide a liquid propulsion system within the volume constraints of a solid rocket booster. A replacement for the Space Shuttle Main Engines using metallized O2/H2/Al was studied. The liquid stages of the Titan 4 were also investigated; the Aerozine-50 (A-50) fuel was replaced with metallized storable A-50/Al. A metallized propellant is similar to a traditional liquid propellant. However, it has metal particles, such as aluminum, that are suspended in a gelled fuel, such as hydrogen, RP-1, A-50 or monomethyl hydrazine (MMH). The fuels then undergo combustion with liquid oxygen or nitrogen tetroxide (NTO). These propellants provide options for increasing the performance of existing launch vehicle chemical propulsion systems by increasing fuel density or specific impulse or both. These increases in density and specific impulse can significantly reduce the propulsion system liftoff weight and allow a liquid rocket booster to fit into the same volume as an existing solid rocket booster. Also, because gelled fuels are akin to liquid propellants, metallized systems can provide enhanced controllability over solid propulsion systems. Gelling of the propellant also reduces the sensitivity to impacts and consequently reduces the propellant explosion hazard

    Growth and characterization of materials for tunable lasers in the near infrared spectral region

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    During this reporting period, work proceeded in two directions. The first was the development of crystal growth procedures for rare earth doped LiYF4 crystals. The procedures for growth and pre-growth treatment of starting materials for undoped LiYF4 crystals were established and good optical quality materials were grown. A significant amount of time was spent trying to establish the optimum growth parameters for Yb(3+)-doped crystals. Unfortunately, it has proven difficult to obtain large size boules of high optical quality crystals of LiYF4 with doping concentrations of Yb(3+) of several percent. Because of these problems, this research is to be changed to attempt doping with other trivalent rare earth ions such as Ho, Er, and Tm. The second research area was investigating the potential of LiNbO3:Mg,Cr and LiNbO3:Mg,Cr,Yb as possible laser materials. The results are summarized

    Analysis of the staging maneuver and booster glideback guidance for a two-stage, winged, fully reusable launch vehicle

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    One of the promising launch concepts that could replace the current space shuttle launch system is a two-stage, winged, vertical-takeoff, fully reusable launch vehicle. During the boost phase of ascent, the booster provides propellant for the orbiter engines through a cross-feed system. When the vehicle reaches a Mach number of 3, the booster propellants are depleted and the booster is staged and glides unpowered to a horizontal landing at a launch site runway. Two major design issues for this class of vehicle are the staging maneuver and the booster glideback. For the staging maneuver analysis, a technique was developed that provides for a successful separation of the booster from the orbiter over a wide range of staging angles of attack. A longitudinal flight control system was developed for control of the booster during the staging maneuver. For the booster glide back analysis, a guidance algorithm was developed that successfully guides the booster from the completion of the staging maneuver to a launch site runway while encountering many off-nominal atmospheric, aerodynamic, and staging conditions


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    An elusive restriction maintained in earlier CET supply models with three or more products is shown to result in a potentially serious misspecification. Its impact on empirical estimates is found to be substantial, and an alternative formulation is presented which overcomes the problem while still maintaining the CET hypothesis.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,
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