26,113 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a spacecraft nitrogen generator

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    A method is discussed of generating nitrogen for cabin leakage makeup aboard space vehicles having longer duration missions. The nitrogen generation concept is based on using liquid hydrazine as the stored form of nitrogen to reduce the higher tankage and expendables weight associated with high pressure gaseous or cryogenic liquid nitrogen storage. The hydrazine is catalytically dissociated to yield a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen. The nitrogen/hydrogen mixture is then separated to yield the makeup nitrogen. The excess supply of hydrogen would be available for use in the reduction of metabolic carbon dioxide. A detailed comparison was completed of Palladium/Silver and Polymer Electrochemical-based Nitrogen Generation Systems. The palladium/silver-based system was judged better than the Polymer Electrochemical Nitrogen Generation System because of lower expendable weight and palladium/silver nitrogen/hydrogen separation represents 'off-the-shelf' technology

    Long-term Recovery from Acute Cold Shock in Caenorhabditis Elegans

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    Background Animals are exposed to a wide range of environmental stresses that can cause potentially fatal cellular damage. The ability to survive the period of stress as well as to repair any damage incurred is essential for fitness. Exposure to 2 °C for 24 h or longer is rapidly fatal to the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, but the process of recovery from a shorter, initially non-lethal, cold shock is poorly understood. Results We report that cold shock of less than 12-hour duration does not initially kill C. elegans, but these worms experience a progression of devastating phenotypes over the next 96 h that correlate with their eventual fate: successful recovery from the cold shock and survival, or failure to recover and death. Cold-shocked worms experience a marked loss of pigmentation, decrease in the size of their intestine and gonads, and disruption to the vulva. Those worms who will successfully recover from the cold shock regain their pigmentation and much of the integrity of their intestine and gonads. Those who will die do so with a distinct phenotype from worms dying during or immediately following cold shock, suggesting independent mechanisms. Worms lacking the G-protein coupled receptor FSHR-1 are resistant to acute death from longer cold shocks, and are more successful in their recovery from shorter sub-lethal cold shocks. Conclusions We have defined two distinct phases of death associated with cold shock and described a progression of phenotypes that accompanies the course of recovery from that cold shock. The G-protein coupled receptor FSHR-1 antagonizes these novel processes of damage and recovery

    Investigation of abort procedures for space shuttle-type vehicles

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    An investigation has been made of abort procedures for space shuttle-type vehicles using a point mass trajectory optimization program known as POST. This study determined the minimum time gap between immediate and once-around safe return to the launch site from a baseline due-East launch trajectory for an alternate space shuttle concept which experiences an instantaneous loss of 25 percent of the total main engine thrust

    Statistical analysis of a planetary radar altimeter measuring unit

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    Statistical analysis of altitude measuring unit of lightweight continuous wave radar altimete

    Space infrared telescope pointing control system. Automated star pattern recognition

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    The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) is a free flying spacecraft carrying a 1 meter class cryogenically cooled infrared telescope nearly three oders of magnitude most sensitive than the current generation of infrared telescopes. Three automatic target acquisition methods will be presented that are based on the use of an imaging star tracker. The methods are distinguished by the number of guidestars that are required per target, the amount of computational capability necessary, and the time required for the complete acquisition process. Each method is described in detail

    Iodine generator for disinfecting reclaimed water

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    System dispenses iodine into water tank automatically in quantities varying from 0.5 to 20 ppm. It stores 180-day supply of iodine crystals, sufficient to support six people consuming water at rate of 4.5 to 13.6 kg per person per day

    Iodine generator for reclaimed water purification

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    The system disclosed is for controlling the iodine level in a water supply in a spacecraft. It includes an iodine accumulator which stores crystalline iodine, an electrochemical valve to control the input of iodine to the drinking water and an iodine dispenser. A pump dispenses fluid through the iodine dispenser and an iodine sensor to a potable water tank storage. The iodine sensor electronically detects the iodine level in the water, and through electronic means, produces a correction current control. The correction current control operates the electro-chemical iodine valve to release iodine from the iodine accumulator into the iodine dispenser

    High precision cryogenic thermal conductivity standards

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    New apparatus allows accurate simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and thermopower for technically important materials, such as new or uncommon alloys. A list of materials investigated is presented. Sources for obtaining data on these materials, as well as the source giving a description of the apparatus, are cited

    One-man, self-contained CO2 concentrating system

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    A program to design, fabricate, and test a 1-man, self-contained, electrochemical CO2 concentrating system is described. The system was designed with electronic controls and instrumentation to regulate performance, to analyze and display performance trends, and to detect and isolate faults. Ground support accessories were included to provide power, fluids, and a Parametric Data Display allowing real time indication of operating status in engineering units