3 research outputs found

    Satellite Estimation of Chlorophyll-\u3ci\u3ea\u3c/i\u3e Concentration Using the Red and NIR Bands of MERIS—The Azov Sea Case Study

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    We present here the results of calibrating and validating a three-band model and, its special case, a two-band model, which use MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) reflectances in the red and near-infrared spectral regions for estimating chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration in inland, estuarine, and coastal turbid productive waters. During four data collection campaigns in 2008 and one campaign in 2009 in the Taganrog Bay and the Azov Sea, Russia, water samples were collected, and concentrations of chl-a and total suspended solids were measured in the laboratory. The data collected in 2008 were used for model calibration, and the data collected in 2009 were used for model validation. The models were applied to MERIS images acquired within two days from the date of in situ data collection. Two different atmospheric correction procedures were considered for processing the MERIS images. The results illustrate the high potential of the models to estimate chl-a concentration in turbid productive (Case II) waters in real time from satellite data, which will be of immense value to scientists, natural resource managers, and decision makers involved in managing the inland and coastal aquatic ecosystems

    Corrections to “Satellite Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration Using the Red and NIR Bands of MERIS—The Azov Sea Case Study”

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    We correct here some errors that appear in our paper: W.J. Moses, A.A. Gitelson, S. Berdnikov, and V. Povazhnyy, “Satellite estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration using the red and NIR bands of MERIS—The Azov Sea case study,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, volume 6, number 4, pp. 845–849, October 2009

    Glucose Enhances Salinity-Driven Sea Spray Aerosol Production in Eastern Arctic Waters

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    Sea spray aerosols (SSA) greatly affect the climate system by scattering solar radiation and acting as seeds for cloud droplet formation. The ecosystems in the Arctic Ocean are rapidly changing due to global warming, and the effects these changes have on the generation of SSA, and thereby clouds and fog formation in this region, are unknown. During the ship-based Arctic Century Expedition, we examined the dependency of forced SSA production on the biogeochemical characteristics of seawater using an on-board temperature-controlled aerosol generation chamber with a plunging jet system. Our results indicate that mainly seawater salinity and organic content influence the production and size distribution of SSA. However, we observed a 2-fold higher SSA production from waters with similar salinity collected north of 81°N compared to samples collected south of this latitude. This variability was not explained by phytoplankton and bacterial abundances or Chlorophyll-a concentration but by the presence of glucose in seawater. The synergic action of sea salt (essential component) and glucose or glucose-rich saccharides (enhancer) accounts for >80% of SSA predictability throughout the cruise. Our results suggest that besides wind speed and salinity, SSA production in Arctic waters is also affected by specific organics released by the microbiota