80 research outputs found


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    Pangasiids are economically important riverine catfishes generally residing in freshwater from the Indian subcontinent to the Indonesian Archipelago. The systematics of this family are still poorly known. Consequently, lack of such basic information impedes the understanding of the biology of the Pangasiids and the study of their aquaculture potential as well as improvement of seed production and growth performance. The objectives of the present study are to clarify phylogeny of this family based on a biometric analysis and molecular evidence using 12S ribosomal mtDNA on the total of 1070 specimens. The study revealed that 28 species are recognised as valid in Pangasiidae. Four genera are also recognized as Helicophagus Bleeker 1858, Pangasianodon Chevey 1930, Pteropangasius Fowler 1937, and Pangasius Valenciennes 1840 instead of two as reported by previous workers. The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the recognised genera, and genetic relationships among taxa. Overall, trees from the different analyses show similar topologies and confirm the hypothesis derived from geological history, palaeontology, and similar models in other taxa of fishes from the same area. The oldest genus may already have existed when the Asian mainland was still connected to the islands in the southern part about 20 million years ago

    Technical manual for artificial propagation of the indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal

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    The main constrain to cultivate wild species and optimize the production of cultured species is to due poorly documented of genetic resources. ln the current study, it presents the diversity of pangasiids catfishes from Kalimantan


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    The family Pangasiidae belongs to the suborder Siluroidei, order Siluriformes, and suborder Ostariophysi. Since the groups were established as Pangasiini Bleeker, 1858; its content and classification have been greatly changed. Judging from the literature, the main constraint to cultivate wild species and to optimize the production of cultured species is needed to the poorly documented systematics of this family. Therefore the objective of the present study is to provide the diagnostic characters and the keys for identification the genera of Pangasiidae. The results clearly demonstrate that biometrically four natural groups can be distinguished. They are the genus Helicophagus, Pangasianodon, Pteropangasius, and Pangasius. The diagnosis of the family, the identification key of the genera and the description are given

    Evidence of environmental effects on reproductive characteristics of Nile tilipia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations from man-made lakes of Ivory Coast

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    La comparaison des caractéristiques de reproduction des femelles #Oreochromis niloticus$ dans neuf petits barrages de Côte-d'Ivoire a révélé d'importantes différences entre les populations. Ces différences pouvaient être dues à une adaptation rapide des poissons à leur environnement ou à un processus évolutif plus long. Afin de le vérifier, des poissons de deux des populations présentant les paramètres de reproduction les plus différents ont été capturés vivants et placés dans un environnement commun en situation d'élevage. L'analyse génétique des poissons des deux populations, réalisée en utilisant quatre marqueurs microsatellites, a révélé qu'ils étaient issus d'une même souche ("souche Bouaké"), constituée à partir de géniteurs provenant des bassins du Nil et de la Volta. Après avoir partagé un environnement commun (étang ou aquarium) pendant 5 mois, la fécondité, le poids ovocytaire moyen et la fréquence de ponte des femelles des deux populations, qui étaient significativement différents dans leurs milieux respectifs, ne différaient plus. Ces résultats indiquent que les différences de reproduction observées en milieu naturel entre les deux populations sont principalement le fait de la plasticité phénotypique de l'espèce face à des conditions environnementales différentes. (Résumé d'auteur

    Perbedaan Morfologis Populasi Boh a Botia Macracantha Asal Sumatera Dan Kalimantan [Morphological Differences Among Botia Botia Macracantha Populations Originated From Sumatra and Kalimantan]

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    There are two distinct morphological characters of Botia macracantha (Clown loach) originated from Sumatera and Kalimantan. It is assumed that those two populations caused difficulties in breeding program when the populations mixed up. To know the differences of those two populations at least 100 sampels were collected from Sumatra or 50 sampels of each location. Another location was West Kalimantan. Morfometric characters are measured among those populations and statistical analysis is implemented to know the differences among populations observed. The result showed that populations from Sumatra is differ morphometrically from Kalimantan

    Identification Key Based On Morphological Characters Of The Southeast Asian Species Of The Genus Clarias (Pisces : Clarhdae) [Kunci Identifikasi Ikan Clarias (Pisces : Clariidae) Asia Tenggara Berdasarkan Ciri Morfologi]

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    Enam ratus empat puluh lima spesimen ikan Clarias terutama dikumpulkan dari Vietnam, Thailand dan Indonesia dipelajari ciri morfometriknya dengan cara pengukuran dan penghitungan mens:ik Terdapat 29 titik-titik pengukuran untuk setiap spesimen, 5 penghitungan meristik dan 5 pengamatan morfologi spesifik, Karakter-karakter tersebut (selain panjang standar) dipilih untuk diagnosanya. Data morfometrik diukur menggunakan kalifer dengan ketel itian sampai 0,5 mm. Data tersebut d i anal is is untuk membedakan antara spesies dan untuk menyusun kunci identifikasi


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    Tropical eels living in Indonesian waters are known to be composed of several species, but their real listing together with their distribution ranges need to be established. The main difficulties are the very high number of islands with perennial rivers where these species are living during the growth phase of their life cycle. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to determine the species using morphological characters, moreover on glass eels. In order to establish the geographic distribution of tropical eels of the genus Anguilla in Indonesian waters, a total 1,115 specimens were collected between 2008 and 2012. Sample collection was done in the growth habitats that are rivers and estuaries by commercial nets of different categories according to the fish size. All samples were identified genetically using the recently developed semimultiplex PCR method. We recognized four species and subspecies with wide distribution: Anguilla bicolor bicolor, Anguilla bicolor pacifica, Anguilla marmorata, and Anguilla interioris; two species with limited distribution, close to endemism: Anguilla celebesensis and Anguilla borneensis and one subspecies Anguilla nebulosa nebulosa that is only spread in river flowing into Indian Ocean