15 research outputs found

    Diet and cancer prevention: Dietary compounds, dietary MicroRNAs, and dietary exosomes

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    Cancer is one of main health public problems worldwide. Several factors are involved in beginning and development of cancer. Genetic and internal/external environmental factors can be as important agents that effect on emerging and development of several cancers. Diet and nutrition may be as one of important factors in prevention or treatment of various cancers. A large number studies indicated that suitable dietary patterns may help to cancer prevention or could inhibit development of tumor in cancer patients. Moreover, a large numbers studies indicated that a variety of dietary compounds such as curcumin, green tea, folat, selenium, and soy isoflavones show a wide range anti-cancer properties. It has been showed that these compounds via targeting a sequence of cellular and molecular pathways could be used as suitable options for cancer chemoprevention and cancer therapy. Recently, dietary microRNAs and exosomes have been emerged as attractive players in cancer prevention and cancer therapy. These molecules could change behavior of cancer cells via targeting various cellular and molecular pathways involved in cancer pathogenesis. Hence, the utilization of dietary compounds which are associated with powerful molecules such as microRNAs and exosomes and put them in dietary patterns could contribute to prevention or treatment of various cancers. Here, we summarized various studies that assessed effect of dietary patterns on cancer prevention shortly. Moreover, we highlighted the utilization of dietary compounds, dietary microRNAs, and dietary exosomes and their cellular and molecular pathways in cancer chemoprevention. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Effect of 12-week neck, core, and combined stabilization exercises on the pain and disability of elderly patients with chronic non-specific neck pain: A clinical trial

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    ا�دا� ا�� تح��� بررس� تأث�ر 12 ��ت� ت٠ر��ات ثبات� گرد�� ثبات ٠رکز� � ترک�ب� بر درد � �ات�ا�� ا�راد ٠بت�ا ب� گرد �درد ٠ز٠� غ�راختصاص� در ب�� سا�٠�دا� ش�ر ت�را� ب�د� است. ٠�اد � ر� ش�ا ا�� ٠طا�ع�� از ��ع کارآز٠ا�� با���� ا�پ� ��ب� 2 1��ت �ا� ب�د. 18 سا�٠�د ٠بت�ا ب� گرد �درد ٠ز٠� ب� ص�رت تصاد�� در س� گر�� ت٠ر��ات اختصاص� ثبات� گرد� ) 6 ��ر(� ت٠ر��ات اختصاص� ثبات ٠رکز� ) 6 ��ر( � ت٠ر��ات ترک�ب� ) 6 ��ر( �رار گر�ت�د. با است�اد� از شاخ ص�ا� ٠��اس آ�ا��گ بصر� � پرس ش�ا٠� شاخص �ات�ا�� گرد� � پرس ش�ا٠� ٠��اس درد � �ات�ا�� گرد� شدت درد � �ات�ا�� گرد� �ب� از شر�ع ت٠ر��ات� در پا�ا� ��ت� �شت٠� �ک ��ت� پس از پا�ا� اجرا� ت٠ر��ات ا�داز �گ�ر� شد�د. برا� بررس� اثر ز٠ا�� از آز٠�� آ�ا��ز �ار�ا�س ا�داز ��ا� تکرار� � برا� تح��� داد ��ا از �سخ� 21 �ر ٠ا�زار SPSS است�اد� شد. �ا�ت� �ا ٠�ا�گ�� �٠ر� درد �ب� � بعد از ٠داخ�� در٠ا�� در گر�� در٠ا� ثبات گرد�� با است�اد� از شاخص �ا� ٠��اس آ�ا��گ بصر�� پرسش �ا٠� شاخص �ات�ا�� گرد� � پرس ش�ا٠� ٠��اس درد � �ات�ا�� گرد� ب� ترت�ب 58 / 0± 08 / 6 � 52 / 0± 38 / 4� 86 / 2± 17 / 49 � 79 / 2± 17 / 39 � 11 / 2± 42 / 56 � 64 / 1± 03 / 50 ب� دست آ٠د ک� اخت�ا� �ر د� گر�� ٠ع�ادار ب�د� است ) 05 / P0 �ت�ج� گ�ر� �ا�ت ��ا� ا�� پ���ش �شا� داد 12 ج�س� ت٠ر��ات ثبات گرد��� ٠رکز� � ترک�ب� در �اح�� گرد� ٠�ت�ا�د در ب�ب�د تح٠� � درد سا�٠�دا� با گرد �درد ٠ز٠� غ�راختصاص� ٠ؤثر باشد. Objectives To investigate the effect of 12 weeks of neck stabilization, core stabilization, and combined stabilization exercises on pain and disability among elderly people in Tehran City, Iran. Methods & Materials This study was a 12 weeks open-label clinical trial. A total of 18 elderly patients with chronic neck pain were randomly assigned into three groups: neck stabilization training (6 people), core stabilization training (6 people), and combined stabilization training (6 people). The severity of neck pain and disability before the beginning of the training, 8 weeks after training and one week after the completion of the exercises were measured using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Neck Pain and Disability Scale (NPDI). To investigate the effect of time, repeated measure analysis of variance was used to analyze the data in SPSS version 21. Results The Mean±SD scores of pain before and after neck stabilization treatment were respectively 6.08±0.58, 4.83±0.52 for VAS and 49.17±2.86 and 39.17±2.79 for NDI; and 56.4±2.11 and 50.0±1.64 for NPDI; those differences between pairs were significant. The Mean±SD scores of pain before and after core stabilization treatment were respectively, 6.00±0.55, 4.92±0.20 for VAS; 49.67±1.86 and 39.17 ±1.94 for NDI; and 56.01±2.44, and 48.92±1.16 for NPDI; those differences between pairs were significant. Also, the Mean±SD scores of pain before and after combined stabilization treatment were respectively, 6.00±0.45, 4.00±0.32 for VAS; 49.83±2.23 and 37.17±2.86 for NDI; and 55.25±0.28 and 47.51±1.44 for NPDI; those differences between pairs were significant (P 0.05). Conclusion The findings of this study showed that 12 sessions of neck, core, and combined stabilization training in the neck region could improve the tolerance and pain of the elderly with nonspecific chronic neck pain. © Iranian Journal of Ageing. 2019

    Patient safety climate and its affecting factors among rehabilitation health care staff of hospitals and rehabilitation centers in Iran-Tehran

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    Objectives: Hospitals and clinical centers are concerned about patient safety. Safety climate is a perceived value of safety in an organization that could improve the safety of workers and patients. The present research was conducted to study the safety climate of patients in the hospitals and rehabilitation centers affiliated to the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 300 nurses and nurse's aides (healthcare staff) who were selected by stratified sampling method, from two hospitals and three clinics, in 2017. Data collection tools included Patient Safety Climate Scale presented by Kudo and a demographic data questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statics like frequencies and percentages. Furthermore, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to analyze the obtained data and compare the mean scores, respectively. Results: The Mean±SD age and work experience of study participants were 36.7±6.79 and 9.46±5.8 years, respectively. The patient safety climate sub-factors were significantly different between males and females (P 0.05). Patient safety climate was only different in nursing condition (P=0.013) among studied healthcare centers. Also, only fatigue reduction was different among various studied wards (P=0.035), where intensive care unit had the lowest score (2.12±2.0). Discussion: Overall, the poor condition of patient safety climate was found in the studied rehabilitation centers. Therefore, it is recommended to improve nurses' attitudes with the assistance of hospital managers, to enhance patient safety. © 2019 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

    Ergonomic assessment of posture risk factors among Iranian workers: An alternative to conventional methods

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    Objectives: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a global problem which evolves at different workplaces such as industries, administrative, and agriculture sectors. In various studies, such disorders were assessed through multiple methods. It is necessary to evaluate different tools to use them in diverse communities. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the new ergonomic evaluating method of Novel Ergonomic Postural Assessment (NERPA) method in Iran. Methods: The employees (n=455) of operational units of four companies (drug producers, printing and publishing houses, dairy, and drinks producers) were assessed in 2014. It was a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study. One of the researchers developed a questionnaire that was applied to collect demographic data. The NERPA, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) methods were utilized to analyze posture risk factors. Spearman correlation and Kappa agreement were used to analyze the collected data through SPSS V22. Results: Findings indicated that printing company had the best and pharmaceutical industries had the worst state regarding RULA's results. The risk levels between NERPA and REBA were not statistically significant (P > 0.05), however, that was significant with RULA's outcome. Also, the results of NERPA and other two methods were correlated significantly (P < 0.05). Pain in the lumbar area was implied to be the most prevalent problem (35.1). Discussion: Data of the present study suggest that NERPA method was a valid tool compared to RULA. The NERPA method could be used to evaluate standing tasks among industrial workers. However, the concurrent validity of NERPA method compared with results of REBA, as a widely used method, were not verified

    Ergonomic assessment of posture risk factors among Iranian workers: An alternative to conventional methods

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    Objectives: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a global problem which evolves at different workplaces such as industries, administrative, and agriculture sectors. In various studies, such disorders were assessed through multiple methods. It is necessary to evaluate different tools to use them in diverse communities. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the new ergonomic evaluating method of Novel Ergonomic Postural Assessment (NERPA) method in Iran. Methods: The employees (n=455) of operational units of four companies (drug producers, printing and publishing houses, dairy, and drinks producers) were assessed in 2014. It was a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study. One of the researchers developed a questionnaire that was applied to collect demographic data. The NERPA, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) methods were utilized to analyze posture risk factors. Spearman correlation and Kappa agreement were used to analyze the collected data through SPSS V22. Results: Findings indicated that printing company had the best and pharmaceutical industries had the worst state regarding RULA's results. The risk levels between NERPA and REBA were not statistically significant (P > 0.05), however, that was significant with RULA's outcome. Also, the results of NERPA and other two methods were correlated significantly (P < 0.05). Pain in the lumbar area was implied to be the most prevalent problem (35.1). Discussion: Data of the present study suggest that NERPA method was a valid tool compared to RULA. The NERPA method could be used to evaluate standing tasks among industrial workers. However, the concurrent validity of NERPA method compared with results of REBA, as a widely used method, were not verified

    Diet and cancer prevention: Dietary compounds, dietary MicroRNAs, and dietary exosomes

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    Cancer is one of main health public problems worldwide. Several factors are involved in beginning and development of cancer. Genetic and internal/external environmental factors can be as important agents that effect on emerging and development of several cancers. Diet and nutrition may be as one of important factors in prevention or treatment of various cancers. A large number studies indicated that suitable dietary patterns may help to cancer prevention or could inhibit development of tumor in cancer patients. Moreover, a large numbers studies indicated that a variety of dietary compounds such as curcumin, green tea, folat, selenium, and soy isoflavones show a wide range anti-cancer properties. It has been showed that these compounds via targeting a sequence of cellular and molecular pathways could be used as suitable options for cancer chemoprevention and cancer therapy. Recently, dietary microRNAs and exosomes have been emerged as attractive players in cancer prevention and cancer therapy. These molecules could change behavior of cancer cells via targeting various cellular and molecular pathways involved in cancer pathogenesis. Hence, the utilization of dietary compounds which are associated with powerful molecules such as microRNAs and exosomes and put them in dietary patterns could contribute to prevention or treatment of various cancers. Here, we summarized various studies that assessed effect of dietary patterns on cancer prevention shortly. Moreover, we highlighted the utilization of dietary compounds, dietary microRNAs, and dietary exosomes and their cellular and molecular pathways in cancer chemoprevention. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Investigation into effects of work-related quality of life and some related factors on cognitive failures among nurses

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    Objective. Cognitive failure is one of the factors which can be influenced by personal and professional characteristics. This research was carried out to study the effect of work-related quality of life (WRQoL) and some related factors on cognitive failures (CF) among nurses. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted among nurses working in intensive care units, critical care units and emergency units in 2014. Results. In total, 750 nurses participated in the study. The mean +/- SD for the total CF and WRQoL was 40.5 +/- 12.7 and 75.8 +/- 13.7 respectively. The results show that CF have a statistically significant difference among the age groups, experience groups and working units. Multiple regression tests show that age, income and WRQoL have a significant effect on CF. Based on the results, for a unit increase in WRQoL we expect a 0.26 unit decrease in CF. Analysis of variance results show that the emergency ward had changed the overall effect of WRQoL on CF, after the effect of WRQoL was controlled. Conclusions. Overall results from the present research indicated that, despite the high level of WRQoL among the studied nurses, the rate of CF was not at an appropriate level. Development of supportive and interventional strategies is highly recommended

    The effects of the manner of carrying the bags on musculoskeletal symptoms in school students in the city of Ilam, Iran

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    Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are a major public health problem. Recently, there has been an increase in musculoskeletal disorder complaints among school students. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the factors affecting students' physical stature and the manner of carrying bags by them in Ilam, Iran. Materials and Methods: A total of 244 students were randomly selected to participate in the study. A questionnaire was designed to collect required data. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was used to find out complaints related to back, neck, and shoulder disorders. The height was measured using a portable stadiometer. A digital scale was used to measure the weight of students and their bags. Results: About 50 of the primary students reported discomforts in shoulder. The weights of bags carried by 66.4 of students were lighter than 10 of their body weight. Most students with different physical problems had tarpaulin bags. There was a significant relationship between the manner of carrying bags and their design (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The manner of carrying bags is an important factor among primary school children because carrying of heavy bags is clearly the effective factor and may be ignored as a physical stressor for primary students

    Relationship between job stress and anxiety, depression and job satisfaction in nurses in Iran

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    Nurses constitute the largest professional group in the health care sector and they are subjected to high level of occupational stress. Work-related stress is likely have a profound effect on depression, anxiety and job satisfaction among nurses. By measuring the job stress among nurses and its adverse effects this research aims at providing an appropriate managerial solution to reduce this problem. This study is descriptive and analytical; it was temporarily performed in Iran. The participants were 250 persons whom were selected and investigated among nurses. This research was tested by four questionnaires. OSIPOW for stress, Ruth and Berry field's for job satisfaction, Beck Anxiety (BAI) and Depression Inventory (BDI) and was analyzed by SPSS 22 Statistical Software. The results showed that a significant proportion of nurses suffered from stress. The 68 of these nurses reported medium-to-high degrees of stress. As well as, 35.6 of nurses have stated their satisfaction with job as very low and only 7.2 of them have been completely satisfied with their job. The 18.8 of nurses were fairly depressed and 31.2 of them stated that medium to sever anxiety. The results indicate that work-related stress was negatively associated with depression, job satisfaction and anxiety. These findings suggest that there is a need to focus on knowledge and development of preventive strategies against stress as well as rehabilitation for nurses with psychological distress in the work place. © Medwell Journals, 2016

    The prevalence of occupational musculoskeletal disorders in Iran: A meta-analysis study

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    BACKGROUND: Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) is crucial as they jeopardize the well-being of the workforce in workplaces and are prevalent in developed and developing countries. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of WRMSDs among Iranian workers. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of WRMSDs in Iran was performed by searching relevant keywords in authentic databases and search engines such as SID, Google Scholar, Medlib and PubMed. Twenty-seven published articles in the field of WRMSDs from 2001 to 2010 were searched. Meta-analysis and random effects approach were used to analyze data. Heterogeneity investigation of articles was done using I-2 index. RESULTS: The total sample size was 6,090 workers with a mean of 225 samples per study. The upper and lower back had the highest prevalence rate of self-reported WRMSDs with 38.1 (95 CI: 29.9-46.4), and 50 (95 CI: 42.5-57.5), respectively. Also, knee had the highest prevalence among lower extremity disorders with 42.1 prevalence rate (95 CI: 35.1-49.1). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of WRMSDs in upper and lower limbs was reported in Iran. Trainings with regard to occupational ergonomics and industrial hygiene programs were recommended for minimizing the work-related risks of musculoskeletal disorders