3 research outputs found

    CRITERIA: a New Benchmarking Paradigm for Evaluating Trajectory Prediction Models for Autonomous Driving

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    Benchmarking is a common method for evaluating trajectory prediction models for autonomous driving. Existing benchmarks rely on datasets, which are biased towards more common scenarios, such as cruising, and distance-based metrics that are computed by averaging over all scenarios. Following such a regiment provides a little insight into the properties of the models both in terms of how well they can handle different scenarios and how admissible and diverse their outputs are. There exist a number of complementary metrics designed to measure the admissibility and diversity of trajectories, however, they suffer from biases, such as length of trajectories. In this paper, we propose a new benChmarking paRadIgm for evaluaTing trajEctoRy predIction Approaches (CRITERIA). Particularly, we propose 1) a method for extracting driving scenarios at varying levels of specificity according to the structure of the roads, models' performance, and data properties for fine-grained ranking of prediction models; 2) A set of new bias-free metrics for measuring diversity, by incorporating the characteristics of a given scenario, and admissibility, by considering the structure of roads and kinematic compliancy, motivated by real-world driving constraints. 3) Using the proposed benchmark, we conduct extensive experimentation on a representative set of the prediction models using the large scale Argoverse dataset. We show that the proposed benchmark can produce a more accurate ranking of the models and serve as a means of characterizing their behavior. We further present ablation studies to highlight contributions of different elements that are used to compute the proposed metrics

    Stacked Cross-modal Feature Consolidation Attention Networks for Image Captioning

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    Recently, the attention-enriched encoder-decoder framework has aroused great interest in image captioning due to its overwhelming progress. Many visual attention models directly leverage meaningful regions to generate image descriptions. However, seeking a direct transition from visual space to text is not enough to generate fine-grained captions. This paper exploits a feature-compounding approach to bring together high-level semantic concepts and visual information regarding the contextual environment fully end-to-end. Thus, we propose a stacked cross-modal feature consolidation (SCFC) attention network for image captioning in which we simultaneously consolidate cross-modal features through a novel compounding function in a multi-step reasoning fashion. Besides, we jointly employ spatial information and context-aware attributes (CAA) as the principal components in our proposed compounding function, where our CAA provides a concise context-sensitive semantic representation. To make better use of consolidated features potential, we further propose an SCFC-LSTM as the caption generator, which can leverage discriminative semantic information through the caption generation process. The experimental results indicate that our proposed SCFC can outperform various state-of-the-art image captioning benchmarks in terms of popular metrics on the MSCOCO and Flickr30K datasets

    Standard SPECT myocardial perfusion estimation from half-time acquisitions using deep convolutional residual neural networks

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    The purpose of this work was to assess the feasibility of acquisition time reduction in MPI-SPECT imaging using deep leering techniques through two main approaches, namely reduction of the acquisition time per projection and reduction of the number of angular projections