177 research outputs found

    Denoising and fast diffusion imaging with physically constrained sparse dictionary learning

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    International audienceDiffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) allows imaging the geometry of water diffusion in biological tissues. However, DW images are noisy at high b-values and acquisitions are slow when using a large number of measurements, such as in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI). This work aims to denoise DWI and reduce the number of required measurements, while maintaining data quality. To capture the structure of DWI data, we use sparse dictionary learning constrained by the physical properties of the signal: symmetry and positivity. The method learns a dictionary of diffusion profiles on all the DW images at the same time and then scales to full brain data. Its performance is investigated with simulations and two real DSI datasets. We obtain better signal estimates from noisy measurements than by applying mirror symmetry through the q-space origin, Gaussian denoising or state-of- the-art non-local means denoising. Using a high-resolution dictionary learnt on another subject, we show that we can reduce the number of images acquired while still generating high resolution DSI data. Using dictionary learning, one can denoise DW images effectively and perform faster acquisitions. Higher b-value acquisitions and DSI techniques are possible with approximately 40 measurements. This opens important perspectives for the connectomics community using DSI

    Combined Laplacian-equivolumic model for studying cortical lamination with ultra high field MRI (7 T)

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    International audienceThe fine spatial resolution and novel contrasts offered by high-field magnetic resonance allow in vivo detection of histological layers in the cerebral cortex. This opens the way to in vivo analysis of cortical lamination, but the comparison of lamination profiles has proved challenging because the layers’ geometry is strongly influenced by cortical curvature. This paper introduces a model of the micro-structural organization of the cortex, which can compensate for the effect of cortical curvature. Layers are modelled by an equivolumic principle, while the vertical structure of the cortex is represented with a Laplacian model. In this framework, lamination profiles can be represented in a way that preserves the original voxel sampling of the acquisition. This model is validated on a magnetic resonance image of a post-mortem human brain acquired on a human 7 T scanner at 0.35 mm resolution

    Imagerie de diffusion en temps-réel (correction du bruit et inférence de la connectivité cérébrale)

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    La plupart des constructeurs de systèmes d'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) proposent un large choix d'applications de post-traitement sur les données IRM reconstruites a posteriori, mais très peu de ces applications peuvent être exécutées en temps réel pendant l'examen. Mises à part certaines solutions dédiées à l'IRM fonctionnelle permettant des expériences relativement simples ainsi que d'autres solutions pour l'IRM interventionnelle produisant des scans anatomiques pendant un acte de chirurgie, aucun outil n'a été développé pour l'IRM pondérée en diffusion (IRMd). Cependant, comme les examens d'IRMd sont extrêmement sensibles à des perturbations du système hardware ou à des perturbations provoquées par le sujet et qui induisent des données corrompues, il peut être intéressant d'investiguer la possibilité de reconstruire les données d'IRMd directement lors de l'examen. Cette thèse est dédiée à ce projet innovant. La contribution majeure de cette thèse a consisté en des solutions de débruitage des données d'IRMd en temps réel. En effet, le signal pondéré en diffusion peut être corrompu par un niveau élevé de bruit qui n'est plus gaussien, mais ricien ou chi non centré. Après avoir réalisé un état de l'art détaillé de la littérature sur le bruit en IRM, nous avons étendu l'estimateur linéaire qui minimise l'erreur quadratique moyenne (LMMSE) et nous l'avons adapté à notre cadre de temps réel réalisé avec un filtre de Kalman. Nous avons comparé les performances de cette solution à celles d'un filtrage gaussien standard, difficile à implémenter car il nécessite une modification de la chaîne de reconstruction pour y être inséré immédiatement après la démodulation du signal acquis dans l'espace de Fourier. Nous avons aussi développé un filtre de Kalman parallèle qui permet d'appréhender toute distribution de bruit et nous avons montré que ses performances étaient comparables à celles de notre méthode précédente utilisant un filtre de Kalman non parallèle. Enfin, nous avons investigué la faisabilité de réaliser une tractographie en temps-réel pour déterminer la connectivité structurelle en direct, pendant l'examen. Nous espérons que ce panel de développements méthodologiques permettra d'améliorer et d'accélérer le diagnostic en cas d'urgence pour vérifier l'état des faisceaux de fibres de la substance blanche.Most magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system manufacturers propose a huge set of software applications to post-process the reconstructed MRI data a posteriori, but few of them can run in real-time during the ongoing scan. To our knowledge, apart from solutions dedicated to functional MRI allowing relatively simple experiments or for interventional MRI to perform anatomical scans during surgery, no tool has been developed in the field of diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI). However, because dMRI scans are extremely sensitive to lots of hardware or subject-based perturbations inducing corrupted data, it can be interesting to investigate the possibility of processing dMRI data directly during the ongoing scan and this thesis is dedicated to this challenging topic. The major contribution of this thesis aimed at providing solutions to denoise dMRI data in real-time. Indeed, the diffusion-weighted signal may be corrupted by a significant level of noise which is not Gaussian anymore, but Rician or noncentral chi. After making a detailed review of the literature, we extended the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimator and adapted it to our real-time framework with a Kalman filter. We compared its efficiency to the standard Gaussian filtering, difficult to implement, as it requires a modification of the reconstruction pipeline to insert the filter immediately after the demodulation of the acquired signal in the Fourier space. We also developed a parallel Kalman filter to deal with any noise distribution and we showed that its efficiency was quite comparable to the non parallel Kalman filter approach. Last, we addressed the feasibility of performing tractography in real-time in order to infer the structural connectivity online. We hope that this set of methodological developments will help improving and accelerating a diagnosis in case of emergency to check the integrity of white matter fiber bundles.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dense Fiber Modeling for 3D-Polarized Light Imaging Simulations

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    3D-Polarized Light Imaging (3D-PLI) is a neuroimaging technique used to study the structural connectivity of the human brain at the meso- and microscale. In 3D-PLI, the complex nerve fiber architecture of the brain is characterized by 3D orientation vector fields that are derived from birefringence measurements of unstained histological brain sections by means of an effective physical model. To optimize the physical model and to better understand the underlying microstructure, numerical simulations are essential tools to optimize the used physical model and to understand the underlying microstructure in detail. The simulations rely on predefined configurations of nerve fiber models (e.g. crossing, kissing, or complex intermingling), their physical properties, as well as the physical properties of the employed optical system to model the entire 3D-PLI measurement. By comparing the simulation and experimental results, possible misinterpretations in the fiber reconstruction process of 3D-PLI can be identified. Here, we focus on fiber modeling with a specific emphasize on the generation of dense fiber distributions as found in the human brain's white matter. A new algorithm will be introduced that allows to control possible intersections of computationally grown fiber structures

    Numerical simulation of diffusion MRI signals using an adaptive time-stepping method

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    International audienceThe effect on the MRI signal of water diffusion in biological tissues in the presence of applied magnetic field gradient pulses can be modelled by a multiple compartment Bloch-Torrey partial differential equation. We present a method for the numerical solution of this equation by coupling a standard Cartesian spatial discretization with an adaptive time discretization. The time discretization is done using the explicit Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev method, which is more efficient than the forward Euler time discretization for diffusive-type problems. We use this approach to simulate the diffusion MRI signal from the extra-cylindrical compartment in a tissue model of the brain gray matter consisting of cylindrical and spherical cells and illustrate the effect of cell membrane permeability

    Formal Models of the Network Co-occurrence Underlying Mental Operations

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    International audienceSystems neuroscience has identified a set of canonical large-scale networks in humans. These have predominantly been characterized by resting-state analyses of the task-uncon-strained, mind-wandering brain. Their explicit relationship to defined task performance is largely unknown and remains challenging. The present work contributes a multivariate statistical learning approach that can extract the major brain networks and quantify their configuration during various psychological tasks. The method is validated in two extensive datasets (n = 500 and n = 81) by model-based generation of synthetic activity maps from recombination of shared network topographies. To study a use case, we formally revisited the poorly understood difference between neural activity underlying idling versus goal-directed behavior. We demonstrate that task-specific neural activity patterns can be explained by plausible combinations of resting-state networks. The possibility of decomposing a mental task into the relative contributions of major brain networks, the "network co-occurrence architecture" of a given task, opens an alternative access to the neural substrates of human cognition

    Analytical and numerical study of the apparent diffusion coefficient in diffusion MRI at long diffusion times and low b-values

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging provides a measure of the average distance travelled by water molecules in a medium and can give useful information on cellular structure and structural change when the medium is biological tissue. In this paper, two approximate models for the apparent diffusion coefficient at low b-values and long diffusion times are formulated and validated. The first is a steady-state partial differential equation model that gives the steady-state (infinite time) effective diffusion tensor for general cellular geometries. For nearly isotropic diffusion where the intra-cellular compartment consists of non-elongated cells, a second approximate model is provided in the form of analytical formulae for the eigenvalue of the steady-state effective diffusion tensor. Both models are validated by numerical simulations on a variety of cells sizes and shapes

    Optimization of sample preparation for MRI of formaldehyde-fixed brains

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    International audienceMagnetic resonance imaging of post-mortem brains allows long acquisition times up to several days and can be used to obtain high-resolution images at high field (7 T) which can be readily correlated with histological examination of the tissue. However, death and formaldehyde fixation are known to modify severely the relaxivity and diffusion properties of brain tissue. In particular, formaldehyde is known to shorten T2, which drastically reduces SNR.In order to counteract this effect and recover better SNR, free fixative can be washed out by soaking the sample in isotonic saline solution. This has been demonstrated in small biopsy-sized tissue samples, but little data is available concerning whole brain specimens.This study was designed to describe the kinetics of the change of relaxivity and diffusion properties of whole brain specimen at 7 T, during fixation, and during soaking in saline solution, in order to determine optimal soaking times.In the ewe brain, the fixation was found to stabilize after approximately 8 weeks, and the optimal duration of saline soaking is found to be around 3 weeks. These durations can be expected to be longer for larger specimen, such as human brains, which require longer penetration times

    Parallel optimization of fiber bundle segmentation for massive tractography datasets

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    We present an optimized algorithm that performs automatic classification of white matter fibers based on a multi-subject bundle atlas. We implemented a parallel algorithm that improves upon its previous version in both execution time and memory usage. Our new version uses the local memory of each processor, which leads to a reduction in execution time. Hence, it allows the analysis of bigger subject and/or atlas datasets. As a result, the segmentation of a subject of 4,145,000 fibers is reduced from about 14 minutes in the previous version to about 6 minutes, yielding an acceleration of 2.34. In addition, the new algorithm reduces the memory consumption of the previous version by a factor of 0.79.Comment: This research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk{\l}odowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 690941, CONICYT PFCHA/ DOCTORADO NACIONAL/2016-21160342, CONICYT FONDECYT 1161427, CONICYT PIA/Anillo de Investigaci\'on en Ciencia y Tecnolog\'ia ACT172121, CONICYT BASAL FB0008 and from CONICYT Basal FB000