6 research outputs found

    Pseudo-events Of Ukrainian Maidan: possible interpretations

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    The article addresses ways in which the Ukrainian protests of late 2013 and early 2014 have been covered in mass media. The author focuses, in particular, on the analysis of media-related provocations by identifying and interpreting them in terms of the current concepts and theories such as Infotainment, Social Responsibility, and Pseudo-Events. The article examines ways in which orchestrated events – more often than not, visually catchy and captivating – are launched, i.e. introduced into information space. It also argues a proposition that, as a result of a media event thus staged, political attitudes and entire policies can be adjusted through a shift in public opinion both inside and outside a country

    Cross-border integration of universities as a possible research topic in border studies

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    The text deals with the cross-border co-operation of universities as a possible new research topic in border studies. We identified two important associations of universities operating in border areas in the EU core and two associations gathering universities from Czech, Polish and Slovak areas. Then we tried to identify the areas in which these universities co-operate. It turned out that the principal difference is in significantly higher level of functional cross-border integration of the universities in the EU core, which is evidenced mainly by higher number of joint study programmes. We believe that the topic is promising and deserves much higher attention, as it points at new and not really exploited cross-border integration potential for universities located in border areas of V4 countries


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    n/aВійна і пропаґанда, яка її супроводжує, актуалізували проблему патогенного тексту, яка розглядається в контексті теоретичних побудов (семіоцентризм, ноосфера).n/aThe war and the propaganda that accompanies it have highlighted the problem of the harmful or pathogenic text. With the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which is a major European war of global and historical significance, we again see that the pathotext, i.e. fictitious narratives on which Russian propaganda is based, can cause immense suffering to millions of people. In this article, we explain a distinction between the concepts of harmful and pathogenic text, placing them in the context of noocenosis and semiocentrism. These concepts form a framework that, in our view, can complement the methodology of media studies, in particular media education

    Cross-border integration of universities as a possible research topic in border studies

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    The text deals with the cross-border co-operation of universities as a possible new research topic in border studies. We identified two important associations of universities operating in border areas in the EU core and two associations gathering universities from Czech, Polish and Slovak areas. Then we tried to identify the areas in which these universities co-operate. It turned out that the principal difference is in significantly higher level of functional cross-border integration of the universities in the EU core, which is evidenced mainly by higher number of joint study programmes. We believe that the topic is promising and deserves much higher attention, as it points at new and not really exploited cross-border integration potential for universities located in border areas of V4 countries

    “The End of Propaganda” and Other Erroneous Stories

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    Уявлення про ґрунтовані на WWW постмодерні медіа як анігілятор пропаганди виявилися утопічними. Здобутки соціального інжинірингу, соціотехніки, зокрема у сфері комерційної реклами, дає змогу вести мову про суттєве підсилення маніпуляційних технік та ймовірний розквіт пропаганди в ХХІ столітті.Assumptions about the internet, the ultimate postmodern communications medium, as a reliable counterbalance to propaganda have proved illusory. Major developments in social and political engineering, especially within commercial advertising, have clearly led to more sophisticated manipulation technologies. As a result, the 21st century may witness increasingly potent propaganda

    The right to public information upon request in the Polish constitutional order. Legal basis and practice at the local level

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    W artykule dokonano analizy odpowiedzi na wniosek o udzielenie informacji publicznej wysłany drogą elektroniczną na przykładzie gmin województwa opolskiego. Badanie opiera się na monitoringu przeprowadzonym w 64 gminach regionu. Jak się okazuje, istnieje wciąż wysoki odsetek jednostek samorządowych, które nie dochowują tego obowiązku, mimo iż jest on zastrzeżony sankcją karną. Wyniki uzyskane przez autorów potwierdzają wcześniejsze badania prowadzone w Polsce. Ponadto autorzy próbowali zweryfikować, czy udzielenie odpowiedzi na wniosek zależy od wielkości gminy, jej statusu, poziomu wielokulturowości, wskaźnika jakości rządzenia.This article analyzes requests for access to public information responses sent by e-mail regarding Opolskie Province communes. The study monitors 64 requests for access regarding regional communes, finding that a high percentage of local governments fail to comply with this obligation, despite potentially facing criminal sanctions. Nevertheless, the study's results confirm previous Polish research. Moreover, analysis surrounds whether application response is dependent on the size of the commune, its status, ethnic diversity, and the local governance quality index