1,180 research outputs found

    Science with the Keck Interferometer ASTRA Program

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    The ASTrometric and phase-Referenced Astronomy (ASTRA) project will provide phase referencing and astrometric observations at the Keck Interferometer, leading to enhanced sensitivity and the ability to monitor orbits at an accuracy level of 30-100 microarcseconds. Here we discuss recent scientific results from ASTRA, and describe new scientific programs that will begin in 2010-2011. We begin with results from the "self phase referencing" (SPR) mode of ASTRA, which uses continuum light to correct atmospheric phase variations and produce a phase-stabilized channel for spectroscopy. We have observed a number of protoplanetary disks using SPR and a grism providing a spectral dispersion of ~2000. In our data we spatially resolve emission from dust as well as gas. Hydrogen line emission is spectrally resolved, allowing differential phase measurements across the emission line that constrain the relative centroids of different velocity components at the 10 microarcsecond level. In the upcoming year, we will begin dual-field phase referencing (DFPR) measurements of the Galactic Center and a number of exoplanet systems. These observations will, in part, serve as precursors to astrometric monitoring of stellar orbits in the Galactic Center and stellar wobbles of exoplanet host stars. We describe the design of several scientific investigations capitalizing on the upcoming phase-referencing and astrometric capabilities of ASTRA.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the SPIE 2010 conference on "Optical and Infrared Interferometry II

    Disentangling Confused Stars at the Galactic Center with Long Baseline Infrared Interferometry

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    We present simulations of Keck Interferometer ASTRA and VLTI GRAVITY observations of mock star fields in orbit within ~50 milliarcseconds of Sgr A*. Dual-field phase referencing techniques, as implemented on ASTRA and planned for GRAVITY, will provide the sensitivity to observe Sgr A* with infrared interferometers. Our results show an improvement in the confusion noise limit over current astrometric surveys, opening a window to study stellar sources in the region. Since the Keck Interferometer has only a single baseline, the improvement in the confusion limit depends on source position angles. The GRAVITY instrument will yield a more compact and symmetric PSF, providing an improvement in confusion noise which will not depend as strongly on position angle. Our Keck results show the ability to characterize the star field as containing zero, few, or many bright stellar sources. We are also able to detect and track a source down to mK~18 through the least confused regions of our field of view at a precision of ~200 microarcseconds along the baseline direction. This level of precision improves with source brightness. Our GRAVITY results show the potential to detect and track multiple sources in the field. GRAVITY will perform ~10 microarcsecond astrometry on a mK=16.3 source and ~200 microarcsecond astrometry on a mK=18.8 source in six hours of monitoring a crowded field. Monitoring the orbits of several stars will provide the ability to distinguish between multiple post-Newtonian orbital effects, including those due to an extended mass distribution around Sgr A* and to low-order General Relativistic effects. Early characterizations of the field by ASTRA including the possibility of a precise source detection, could provide valuable information for future GRAVITY implementation and observation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Interference of a first-order transition with the formation of a spin-Peierls state in alpha'-NaV2O5?

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    We present results of high-resolution thermal-expansion and specific-heat measurements on single crystalline alpha'-NaV2O5. We find clear evidence for two almost degenerate phase transitions associated with the formation of the dimerized state around 33K: A sharp first-order transition at T1=(33+-0.1)K slightly below the onset of a second-order transition at T2onset around (34+-0.1)K. The latter is accompanied by pronounced spontaneous strains. Our results are consistent with a structural transformation at T1 induced by the incipient spin-Peierls (SP) order parameter above T2=TSP.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Simultaneous Water Vapor and Dry Air Optical Path Length Measurements and Compensation with the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer

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    The Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer uses a near-infrared camera to measure the optical path length variations between the two AO-corrected apertures and provide high-angular resolution observations for all its science channels (1.5-13 μ\mum). There is however a wavelength dependent component to the atmospheric turbulence, which can introduce optical path length errors when observing at a wavelength different from that of the fringe sensing camera. Water vapor in particular is highly dispersive and its effect must be taken into account for high-precision infrared interferometric observations as described previously for VLTI/MIDI or the Keck Interferometer Nuller. In this paper, we describe the new sensing approach that has been developed at the LBT to measure and monitor the optical path length fluctuations due to dry air and water vapor separately. After reviewing the current performance of the system for dry air seeing compensation, we present simultaneous H-, K-, and N-band observations that illustrate the feasibility of our feedforward approach to stabilize the path length fluctuations seen by the LBTI nuller.Comment: SPIE conference proceeding

    Sobrevivência e crescimento inicial em campo de espécies florestais nativas do Brasil Central indicadas para sistemas silvipastoris.

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    Objetivou-se, neste estudo, avaliar o índice de sobrevivência e o crescimento inicial de 11 espécies arbóreas nativas do Brasil central, plantadas diretamente em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, em Campo Grande, MS. O solo foi classificado como Latossolo Vermelho, argiloso e distrófico, onde foi implantado um arboreto com 16 parcelas compostas, cada uma, por um indivíduo das 11 espécies selecionadas, em blocos casualizados (DBC) com quatro repetições. Os espaçamentos em campo foram de 10,0 x 4,0 m. Houve diferenças (P=0,05) entre as médias de sobrevivência das espécies estudadas, indicando influência do estágio sucessional da espécie. Os maiores índices foram de ocorrência nas seguintes espécies: ipê (Tabebuia impetiginosa), caroba (Jacaranda decurrens) e da aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva). As mais altas taxas de crescimento relativo nos 12 meses avaliados foram alcançadas por chico-magro (Guazuma ulmifolia), caroba (J. cuspidifolia) e canafístula (Peltophorum dubium). Houve diferença estatística (P=0,05) entre o crescimento das espécies de estágios sucessionais iniciais (pioneiras) e as de estádios tardios, e tais diferenças acentuaram-se com a idade e com a estação chuvosa. Três espécies que obtiveram as melhores combinações dos acréscimos em altura, diâmetro do colo e sobrevivência foram aptas para o cultivo em pastagens na região dos Cerrados: chicomagro (G. ulmifolia), caroba (J. cuspidifolias) e canafístula (P. dubium), sendo todas três de estágios sucessionais iniciais

    Composição corporal e exigências líquidas de proteína e energia de bovinos de quatro grupos genéticos terminados em confinamento.

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    Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a composição corporal e as exigências para crescimento de bovinos de quatro grupos genéticos em confinamento. Utilizou-se a metodologia de abate comparativo, com delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos: Nelore (NE), ½ Aberdeen Angus + ½ Nelore (AN), ½ Canchim + ½ Nelore (CN) e ½ Simental + ½ Nelore (SN). Quarenta e sete animais castrados, com média de 22 meses de idade e peso em jejum de 310 kg, foram confinados por 101 dias. A dieta experimental continha 13,34% de proteína bruta (PB) e 71,81% de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT). A composição do corte da 9a-10a-11a costelas foi utilizada para estimar a composição do corpo vazio. Bovinos AN (428 kg) e SN (410 kg) não diferiram quanto ao peso final de corpo vazio, que foi semelhante também entre os animais CN, NE e SN (389, 390 e 410 kg, respectivamente). Animais AN tiveram maior proporção de gordura no corte das costelas, porém menor proporção de músculo.A menor porcentagem de ossos no corte das costelas foi observada nos animais da raça Nelore. Os grupos AN e SN tiveram maior proporção de extrato etéreo (EE) e menor porcentagem de água no corpo vazio no momento do abate. Animais AN, NE e SN não diferiram quanto à taxa de deposição de energia (6,06, 5,20 e 5,80 Mcal/dia, respectivamente). O grupo AN não diferiu dos grupos CN e SN quanto à proporção de EE na composição do ganho de peso do corpo vazio. Bovinos SN apresentaram maior exigência de proteína (0,164 kg/kg de ganho de peso vazio - GPV) e os animais AN e CN, o menor valor (0,140 e 0,142 kg/kg de GPV, respectivamente). Animais AN tiveram a maior exigência líquida de energia para ganho (4,685 Mcal/kg de GPVz). Palavras-chave: bovinos de corte, composição corporal, cruzament