103 research outputs found

    Visualizing Mechanics: Improving Student Learning through Video Demonstrations

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    The Purdue Mechanics Freeform Classroom (PMFC) is a project that seeks to reform engineering mechanics education by integrating content and technology; enhancing communication between students, their peers, and instructors; accommodating a broader range of learning styles; and facilitating greater depths of understanding. In an attempt to increase the PMFC’s efficacy, a series of demonstration videos has been produced. As demonstrated by the popularity and pervasiveness of websites such as YouTube, short videos have the potential to captivate audiences. As such, these videos have incredible promise in educational contexts. In the PMFC series of videos, entitled Visualizing Mechanics, each imitates the length and format of a generic YouTube video, but is specifically designed to highlight and elucidate interesting phenomena in engineering mechanics. Various techniques are used in the course of video production, including student voiceovers, equation overlays, and advanced video enhancement techniques designed to improve student visualization. The result is videos capable of conveying key mechanics concepts that could not easily be recreated in a classroom setting. To date, the videos have been produced for only one class, ME 274: Basic Mechanics II at Purdue University, which provides an overview of particle and rigid body kinematics and kinetics, as well as an introduction to mechanical vibrations. Once this initial batch of videos is finalized, student surveys and YouTube Analytics tools will be used to assess their effectiveness. If the results of this assessment prove positive, the approach will be expanded to incorporate additional course content and allow for distribution to other colleges and universities outside the Purdue University College of Engineering

    NMR investigations of the interaction between the azo-dye sunset yellow and Fluorophenol

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    The interaction of small molecules with larger noncovalent assemblies is important across a wide range of disciplines. Here, we apply two complementary NMR spectroscopic methods to investigate the interaction of various fluorophenol isomers with sunset yellow. This latter molecule is known to form noncovalent aggregates in isotropic solution, and form liquid crystals at high concentrations. We utilize the unique fluorine-19 nucleus of the fluorophenol as a reporter of the interactions via changes in both the observed chemical shift and diffusion coefficients. The data are interpreted in terms of the indefinite self-association model and simple modifications for the incorporation of a second species into an assembly. A change in association mode is tentatively assigned whereby the fluorophenol binds end-on with the sunset yellow aggregates at low concentration and inserts into the stacks at higher concentrations

    Stage-Specific Expression Profiling of Drosophila Spermatogenesis Suggests that Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation Drives Genomic Relocation of Testis-Expressed Genes

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    In Drosophila, genes expressed in males tend to accumulate on autosomes and are underrepresented on the X chromosome. In particular, genes expressed in testis have been observed to frequently relocate from the X chromosome to the autosomes. The inactivation of X-linked genes during male meiosis (i.e., meiotic sex chromosome inactivation—MSCI) was first proposed to explain male sterility caused by X-autosomal translocation in Drosophila, and more recently it was suggested that MSCI might provide the conditions under which selection would favor the accumulation of testis-expressed genes on autosomes. In order to investigate the impact of MSCI on Drosophila testis-expressed genes, we performed a global gene expression analysis of the three major phases of D. melanogaster spermatogenesis: mitosis, meiosis, and post-meiosis. First, we found evidence supporting the existence of MSCI by comparing the expression levels of X- and autosome-linked genes, finding the former to be significantly reduced in meiosis. Second, we observed that the paucity of X-linked testis-expressed genes was restricted to those genes highly expressed in meiosis. Third, we found that autosomal genes relocated through retroposition from the X chromosome were more often highly expressed in meiosis in contrast to their X-linked parents. These results suggest MSCI as a general mechanism affecting the evolution of some testis-expressed genes

    Short Interspersed Element (SINE) Depletion and Long Interspersed Element (LINE) Abundance Are Not Features Universally Required for Imprinting

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    Genomic imprinting is a form of gene dosage regulation in which a gene is expressed from only one of the alleles, in a manner dependent on the parent of origin. The mechanisms governing imprinted gene expression have been investigated in detail and have greatly contributed to our understanding of genome regulation in general. Both DNA sequence features, such as CpG islands, and epigenetic features, such as DNA methylation and non-coding RNAs, play important roles in achieving imprinted expression. However, the relative importance of these factors varies depending on the locus in question. Defining the minimal features that are absolutely required for imprinting would help us to understand how imprinting has evolved mechanistically. Imprinted retrogenes are a subset of imprinted loci that are relatively simple in their genomic organisation, being distinct from large imprinting clusters, and have the potential to be used as tools to address this question. Here, we compare the repeat element content of imprinted retrogene loci with non-imprinted controls that have a similar locus organisation. We observe no significant differences that are conserved between mouse and human, suggesting that the paucity of SINEs and relative abundance of LINEs at imprinted loci reported by others is not a sequence feature universally required for imprinting

    Novel retrotransposed imprinted locus identified at human 6p25

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    Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are stable epigenetic features within or in proximity to imprinted genes. We used this feature to identify candidate human imprinted loci by quantitative DNA methylation analysis. We discovered a unique DMR at the 5′-end of FAM50B at 6p25.2. We determined that sense transcripts originating from the FAM50B locus are expressed from the paternal allele in all human tissues investigated except for ovary, in which expression is biallelic. Furthermore, an antisense transcript, FAM50B-AS, was identified to be monoallelically expressed from the paternal allele in a variety of tissues. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed that FAM50B orthologs are absent in chicken and platypus, but are present and biallelically expressed in opossum and mouse. These findings indicate that FAM50B originated in Therians after divergence from Prototherians via retrotransposition of a gene on the X chromosome. Moreover, our data are consistent with acquisition of imprinting during Eutherian evolution after divergence of Glires from the Euarchonta mammals. FAM50B expression is deregulated in testicular germ cell tumors, and loss of imprinting occurs frequently in testicular seminomas, suggesting an important role for FAM50B in spermatogenesis and tumorigenesis. These results also underscore the importance of accounting for parental origin in understanding the mechanism of 6p25-related diseases

    Rapid De Novo Evolution of X Chromosome Dosage Compensation in Silene latifolia, a Plant with Young Sex Chromosomes

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    Evidence for dosage compensation in Silene latifolia, a plant with 10-million-year-old sex chromosomes, reveals that dosage compensation can evolve rapidly in young XY systems and is not an animal-specific phenomenon