160 research outputs found

    Dispositional Beliefs

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    Dispositional beliefs are part of an account of belief-formation and of belief entertaining in view of possible action. Belief-formation and belief entertaining are activated from morphological content. So dispositional beliefs are activated from morphological content

    Phänomenologische Objektivität und Moraltheorie

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    The relation between moral phenomenology and moral theory is dealt with. The aims in the paper involve the following: clarifying the notion of moral phenomenology, especially the impact that it has on moral theory; interpreting the discussion between moral cognitivism and non-cognitivism in the light of moral phenomenology; presenting the most recent position of cognitive expressivism concerning this debate; pointing out the main shortcomings of this theory, especially in respect to the purported objectivity of moral judgements. Cognitive expressivism still leaves a gap between the immediate features of our internal moral psychology and their theoretical explanation, thereby losing much of its apparent phenomenological support. A proper understanding of the purported phenomenological objectivity is proposed along with its consequences for moral theory.U članku se razmatra veza između moralne fenomenologije i moralne teorije. Ciljevi rada uključuju: razjasniti pojam moralne fenomenologije, posebice utjecaj koji je imala na moralnu teoriju; dati tumačenje rasprave između moralnog kognitivizma i nekognitivizma u svjetlu moralne fenomenologije; predstaviti najrecentniju poziciju kognitivnog ekspresivizma u vezi ove rasprave; ukazati na glavne nedostatke ove teorije, posebno po pitanju navodne objektivnosti moralnih iskaza. No kognitivni ekspresivizam i dalje ostavlja jaz između neposrednih značajki naše unutarnje moralne psihologije i njihovih teorijskih objašnjenja, gubeći tako većinu moguće fenomenološke potpore. Konačno se predlaže odgovarajuće razumijevanje navodne fenomenološke objektivnosti zajedno s posljedicama za moralnu teoriju.Cette article considère la relation entre la morale phénoménologique et la morale théorique. Les objectifs de ce travail sont les suivants : éclaircir le concept de la morale phénoménologique, en particulier l’influence qu’elle a eu sur la morale théorique; interpréter les discussions entre le cognitivisme morale et le non-cognitivisme à la lumière de la phénoménologie morale ; présenter la position la plus récente de l’expressivisme cognitif en lien avec ce débat ; indiquer les principaux défauts de cette théorie, principalement en ce qui concerne la prétendue objectivité des jugements moraux. En effet, l’expressivisme cognitif creuse encore un fossé entre les caractéristiques immédiates de notre psychologie morale intérieure et ses explication théoriques, perdant ainsi la majeure partie du soutien phénoménologique apparent. Finalement, une compréhension adéquate de la prétendue objectivité phénoménologique est proposé avec la théorie morale.Es wird die Relation zwischen Moralphänomenologie und Moraltheorie behandelt. Die Ziele dieser Abhandlung beziehen Folgendes ein: Klarstellung des Begriffs der Moralphänomenologie, insbesondere des Einflusses, den sie auf die Moraltheorie ausübt; Interpretation der Diskussion zwischen dem moralischen Kognitivismus und Nichtkognitivismus im Lichte der Moralphänomenologie; Präsentation der jüngsten Position des kognitiven Expressivismus bezüglich dieser Debatte; Hindeuten auf die wichtigsten Unzulänglichkeiten dieser Theorie, vor allem in Bezug auf die vorgebliche Objektivität moralischer Urteile. Der kognitive Expressivismus hinterlässt jedoch eine Kluft zwischen den unmittelbaren Merkmalen unserer innerlichen Moralpsychologie und ihrer theoretischen Erklärung, wodurch ein Großteil seiner potenziellen phänomenologischen Unterstützung verloren geht. Vorgeschlagen wird ein angemessenes Verständnis der angeblichen phänomenologischen Objektivität zusammen mit deren Konsequenzen für die Moraltheorie

    Rectal Cancer Treatment and Survival – Comparison of Two 5 – Year Time Intervals

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    In last two decades there was a huge step forward concerning rectal cancer treatment. The aim of our study was comparison of two time intervals regarding the methods of treatment and results of radical rectal cancer surgery. 407 patients operated on for rectal cancer were included in study. Those were patients with elective radical resection of solitary rectal tumor who survived first month after the operation. Patients were divided in two groups regarding the time of operation. In group one were patients operated on between 1996 and 2000 and in group two patients operated on between 2001 and 2005. We compared our results in both intervals with special interest about type of operation considering localization of the tumor, local recurrence and cancer related survival. Significant differences were found between two groups. There were more sphincter saving operations in second group, less local recurrences and better survival than in first group. This study observed significant improvements at recurrence rates and total survival for patients operated on rectal cancer

    Review of low emission zones in Europe: Case of London and German cities

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    Over 72% of population in Europe lives in cities nowadays, using a variety of different transportation vehicles for their intercity mobility. A high density of transportation vehicles in cities is a substantial problem in urban areas, since these vehicles are almost exclusively powered by fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have an impact on human health and emit harmful emissions to the environment when burned. Nevertheless, modern lifestyle is highly dependent on fossil fuels and therefore also highly vulnerable in the case of supply shortfalls. Nowadays, environmental problems and the impact of concentrated transport on human health, especially in cities, gained importance and lead to the detection and greater implementation of alternative technologies and advanced sustainable solutions in the field of environmental protection in cities. Since the EU is heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels and has very small oil reserves and a high share of urban population affected by transport pollutants, it is particularly important for the EU to reduce their impact as efficiently as possible and to implement new solutions for a more sustainable future. One such solution is represented with Green zones - areas where we try to minimize harmful transport related environmental and social impacts such as emissions, noise, smog, particle matter, etc. Therefore, this paper consists of an identification and examination of green zones in the selected EU member states (including UK) with special emphasis on German cities and London and analysis of their pros and cons

    Review of low emission zones in Europe: Case of London and German cities

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    Over 72% of population in Europe lives in cities nowadays, using a variety of different transportation vehicles for their intercity mobility. A high density of transportation vehicles in cities is a substantial problem in urban areas, since these vehicles are almost exclusively powered by fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have an impact on human health and emit harmful emissions to the environment when burned. Nevertheless, modern lifestyle is highly dependent on fossil fuels and therefore also highly vulnerable in the case of supply shortfalls. Nowadays, environmental problems and the impact of concentrated transport on human health, especially in cities, gained importance and lead to the detection and greater implementation of alternative technologies and advanced sustainable solutions in the field of environmental protection in cities. Since the EU is heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels and has very small oil reserves and a high share of urban population affected by transport pollutants, it is particularly important for the EU to reduce their impact as efficiently as possible and to implement new solutions for a more sustainable future. One such solution is represented with Green zones - areas where we try to minimize harmful transport related environmental and social impacts such as emissions, noise, smog, particle matter, etc. Therefore, this paper consists of an identification and examination of green zones in the selected EU member states (including UK) with special emphasis on German cities and London and analysis of their pros and cons


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    Afin de pouvoir donner une appréciation adéquate de la contribution de Frege à la constitution de la logique moderne (Begriffsschrift, 1879), l'auteur remonte dans son analyse jusqu'à la lingua characteristica de Leibniz. Les parallèles entre les deux approches sont en effet évidents: suppression de l'ambiguïté dans le langage et, sur cette base, construction d'une langue univoque, ainsi que possibilité d'étendre la faculté cognitive au moyen du calcul. C'est se dernier point qui différencie la tradition de Leibniz de celle de Descartes. Le sol commun des deux théories, c'est le même conflit entre le discours scientifique et le langage alors que leur différence réside dans la manière dont le passage à 1'écrit réalise l'idéal du calculus ratiocinator. Les différentes manières de combiner les éléments de ce conflit peuvent fournir une base pour l'appréciation de la dimension sociale spécifique de deux façons d'aborder la question.Da bi ocenil Fregejev prispevek k utemeljitvi moderne logike (Pojmovni zapis, 1879) se je avtor v svojem prispevku vrnil v preteklost, do Leibnizove lingua characteristica. Vzporednic ni težko najti: odprava dvoumja v govorici in zgradba enoznačnega jezika na tej osnovi, možnost razrešitve spoznavne moči s kalkulom, kar ločuje leibnizoviko tradicijo od kartezijanske. Srž obeh teorij je en in isti boj znanstvenega govora z govorico, razlika pa je v načinu, kako prehod k zapisu udejani ideal calculus ratiocinator. Različni načini, kako so elementi tega boja med seboj povezani, lahko nudijo tudi osnove za premero specifike družbene razsežnosti obeh pristopov


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    Izhodišče analize, kot njeno vlogo dojema Bertrand Russell, še zlasti v obdobju, ko izdela teorijo opisov, je vselej nekaj enostavnega. Od sežete, zapletene strukture nas analiza kot znanstveni model vodi k njenim porizlikovanim, dobro pregledanim delom. Doseči enostavnost na takih osnovah pa pomeni prevzeti nekaj izhodišč: na ontološki predpostavki utemeljeni spoznavni model, razlikovanje med popolnim ter nepopolnimi simboli, itd. Vselej imamo razdelitev med ravnijo enostavnega ter med ravnijo izvedenega, in odločilni model je reprezentacionalističen. Takšen idilični pričetek pa kmalu zadane ob svojo mejo, ki ni nič drugega kot pripoznanje komunikacijske vloge govorice. Se več, paradoks analize bo moral najti svoj ključ v subjektovi izreki: v družbeni vezi

    Der Inhalt des Nullpunkts

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    Strategija je najprije predstaviti uobičajene pristupe sadržajne atomističke potpunosti, u njihovim okurentnim i dispozicijskim oblicima. Zatim, sažima se semantički tretman fokalne točke. Razlika se može objasniti radom kromatičke iluminacije iz izvanjske lokalne informacije, pozivajući strma okruženja u pozadini kognitivnog pejzaža, u dva smjera. Prvo, uzima se u obzir izvanjska informacija, čime se dolazi do potpunog kognitivnog stanja nedimenzionalne točke u srednjoj razini opisa kognitivnog sustava. Na gornjoj razini opisa, sadržaj totalnog kognitivnog stanja zaprima svoje iskustveno bogatstvo iz više karakteristika prisutnih u spomenutom lokalnom okruženju, te su u njemu prihvaćene, bez čega bi bile eksplicitno reprezentirane u svijesti epistemičkog agenta. Neuspjeh drugog koraka vodi do obveze na eksplicitnu predodžbu sadržaja. Usporedno, neuspjeh primjene kromatičke iluminacije na izvanjsku informaciju vodi do strategija eksternalističke semantičke fokalne točke.The strategy is to first present the usual content atomistic fullness approaches, in their occurrent and dispositional guises. Then, the focal point semantic treatments are summarized. This difference may be explained through workings of chromatic illumination from the local external information inviting incline surrounding at the background cognitive landscape, in two directions. First, the external information is appreciated, and thus becomes a total cognitive state non-dimensional point at the middle level of the cognitive system’s description. At the upper level of description, total cognitive state content obtains its experiential richness from the multiple characteristics present in the mentioned local environment, and appreciated in it, without which they would be explicitly represented in epistemic agent’s consciousness. Failure of this second step leads to the requirement of content’s explicit representation. In comparison, the failure to apply chromatic illumination to the external information leads to the externalist focal point semantic strategies.Notre stratégie consiste à présenter en premier lieu les approches habituelles de la complétude atomistique substantielle, sous leurs formes d’occurrences et de dispositions. En second lieu, nous résumons le traitement sémantique du point focal. La différence peut être expliquée par le biais du travail d’illumination chromatique à partir d’une information externe, faisant appel à un environnement rude en arrière plan du paysage cognitif qui s’engage dans deux directions. Premièrement, l’information externe, au travers laquelle nous parvenons à un état cognitif complet du point non dimensionnel au niveau intermédiaire de la description du système cognitif, est examinée. Au niveau supérieur de la description, l’état cognitif complet reçoit sa richesse d’expérience à partir de plusieurs caractéristiques présentes dans l’environnement local mentionné qui y sont acceptées, sans quoi elles seraient explicitement représentées dans la conscience de l’agent épistémique. L’échec de la deuxième étape conduit à une représentation explicite du contenu. En comparaison, l’échec de l’application de l’illumination chromatique sur l’information externe mène à des stratégies du point focal d’externalisme sémantique.Die Strategie besteht zunächst darin, die gebräuchlichen Ansätze der inhaltlichen atomistischen Vollkommenheit in ihren okkurenten und dispositionalen Formen darzustellen. Anschließend wird die semantische Behandlung des fokalen Punkts zusammengefasst. Der Unterschied lässt sich durch die Aktivität der chromatischen Illumination aus der externen lokalen Information, indem man steile Umgebungen im Hintergrund der kognitiven Landschaft anspricht, in zwei Richtungen erläutern. Zunächst wird die externe Information berücksichtigt, womit man zu einem vollkommenen kognitiven Zustand des nicht dimensionalen Punkts in der mittleren Ebene der Beschreibung des kognitiven Systems gelangt. Auf der oberen Ebene der Beschreibung erwirbt der Inhalt des totalen kognitiven Zustands seinen Erfahrungsreichtum aus mehreren Merkmalen, die in der erwähnten lokalen Umgebung vorhanden und in dieser akzeptiert sind, ohne die sie im Bewusstsein des epistemischen Agenten explizit repräsentiert würden. Das Scheitern des zweiten Schritts führt zu der Verpflichtung zu einer expliziten Darstellung des Inhalts. Parallel dazu führt der Fehlschlag, die chromatische Illumination auf die externe Information anzuwenden, zu den Strategien des externalistischen semantischen fokalen Punkts

    Detailed analysis of drum brake squeal using complex eigenvalue analysis

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    Nowadays one of the major topics in the brake development community is the NVH (noise, vibration and harshness) problem. Although reasonably well researched in the disc brake systems, the squeal prediction in the drum brakes is often neglected, manly due to its complexity. The newly developed methodology presented in this work gives the directions on how to develop a squeal free drum brake design using some novel approaches to closely correlate the numerical results with the experimental brake tests. The goal is to make a robust drum brake design that is stable under the different noise factors and under broad operational conditions. In order to predict if a brake system will generate the squeal noise during the operation, the finite element method was used to simulate the system. By solving the complex eigenvalues of the FEM (finite element method) matrices, the presence of unstable modes was predicted. A good correlation with the SAE J2521 noise matrix dynamometer test procedure was established